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blog:fall2015:hhastin1:journal [2015/09/30 23:46] – [September 9th 2015] hhastin1blog:fall2015:hhastin1:journal [2015/10/29 00:46] (current) – [September 9th 2015] hhastin1
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 9-30-2015 project pbx0 9-30-2015 project pbx0
 Interesting puzzle. The practice part of this project dose alot to help with solving it. The file command seems to be a big help in working with files. It gives you a place to start when working with them. Such as you know for certian what you have in front of you and this gives you an idea of how to deal with the file and read it or archive it or unencode it if nessary. I learned to use this command if I come across some thing that I may not be sure of what it dose. Interesting puzzle. The practice part of this project dose alot to help with solving it. The file command seems to be a big help in working with files. It gives you a place to start when working with them. Such as you know for certian what you have in front of you and this gives you an idea of how to deal with the file and read it or archive it or unencode it if nessary. I learned to use this command if I come across some thing that I may not be sure of what it dose.
 +10-7-2015 second puzzle box.
 +Well what to say about this one. It was interesting the hiding of the first password took me by surprise but after I found it I was hooked and didn't want to stop working on the project. the use of the o and h variables to change the text from octal to hex was a challenge Im glad I wrote that down in class on Tuesday. The second password was a nightmare. even with the clue given in class it took me a while but it was figured out. I did not excpect it to be a space after the ! very sneaky. The pic portion was fun and I enjoyed that a lot. I learned from this one to read and pay attention to small details in the code and that the VIM editor can be used for great and powerful things!!
 +10-28-15 HTML story!!
 +The HTML well what is there to say other then alot of fun that one was.It was great to with the HTML format. I think I may look into doing more with it. The creating our own adventure was great. Its nice to be able to work outside the box and do our own thing instead of following a set instruction to get an end result. The commands were simple and easy to use with a little work and research. Over all it was a great porject. Like I siade Im going to look into doing more with it in the future and see what eles I can creat and do with it.
blog/fall2015/hhastin1/journal.1443656774.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/30 23:46 by hhastin1