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blog:fall2015:ahorton8:journal [2015/11/12 02:19] ahorton8blog:fall2015:ahorton8:journal [2015/12/07 17:07] (current) ahorton8
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 ====November 11th, 2015==== ====November 11th, 2015====
 After a few days of not getting any farther, I decided to just submit dll1 as it was earlier today. The only issues with it were, well, the majority of sort, and compare's difference thing didnt work. So instead, I updated to dll2. So far, I've gotten all of the quantity stuff working, I just need to add the extra display modes, which I dont thing will be //too// bad... After a few days of not getting any farther, I decided to just submit dll1 as it was earlier today. The only issues with it were, well, the majority of sort, and compare's difference thing didnt work. So instead, I updated to dll2. So far, I've gotten all of the quantity stuff working, I just need to add the extra display modes, which I dont thing will be //too// bad...
 +====November 15th, 2015====
 +I'd gotten the majority of dll2 working, and the majority of display (there were only like 19 tests failed I believe). However, after a particularly rough weekend and a need to work on other classes, I decided to submit dll2 as it was, so that I could begin on dls0, which hopefully wont be too difficult. 
 +====November 17th, 2015====
 +I've gotten mkstack done, along with isempty (was only 5 tests, obviously had to go after that). I started working on cpstack, and Ive got it working up to test 4.... but you know, thats 5 tests done! After that it kinda breaks, giving out the wrong codes, causing segfaults when displaying the list, ect. But eh, Ill get them fixed. Eventually...
 +====November 18th, 2015====
 +So Ive done a bit of jumping around with this project. I got rmstack working completely, so theres that, mkstack, and isempty working 100%. I did some work on peek, pop, and cpstack, but none of them work fully. Peek doesnt create a copy, but instead has the same node for each test (issue with cpnode maybe? I couldnt find one). Pop has a few various issues, most of them resulting from something not being checked/being checked in the right place. Though at one point the popped node isnt right, so not sure why thats that way. Cpstack works up to test 4, where it is returning the wrong error code. Then test 5 works, but test 6 stops working, apparently I have a NULL stack when I shouldnt, test 7 is saying DLS_CREATE_FAIL, so its apparently triggering that check. Test 8 (displaying it) just.. seg faults. Which makes sense if its not creating the list. The only one I havent touched upon is push.
 +====November 24th, 2015====
 +After a much needed break, I started working a bit more on dls0. Out of 92 tests, theres only 12 mismatches. Pop works completely now, push has two issues (some issue with my overflow check, its being triggered when it shouldnt be on the last test), and the same issues as before with peek and cpstack. But at least theres progress!
 +====November 30th, 2015====
 +Okay, so apparently its been a while since I updated my opus. I decided to skip the rest of stack, and submitted it as it was on I believe last Tuesday. I started working on dlq0, and got everything except for cpqueue working over break. I'm pretty sure the issue I had with cpqueue is the same issue I had with cpstack, I was forgetting to set (*newQueue) to NULL (at least, I think thats what it was) after making it. So because it wasnt NULL, the program wouldnt run. After changing that, it lit up and everything started working. Well okay, there was one issue, but I believe I was forgetting a check. But its done and submitted now, and I can safely say this is the first time all semester that I couldnt do data structures even if I wanted to.
 +====December 2nd, 2015====
 +I started working a little on the eoce, specifically 0x3. Well, I got 0x0 done too, but that was relatively easy. So far, I have both the journal and participation sections working. I had an issue trying to connect the data into the list, but I was able to get that fixed earlier today. I was reading the information correctly, as in I could read the data from the file and display it in a regular char, but I couldnt get it to work with nodes. However, its functioning now, so I just need to get the project portion working. Which I dont think will be too bad, just kind of a pain to work out how to do I guess. But Ill get there!
 +====December 7th, 2015====
 +I've done a little more work on the eoce. I havent gotten much more done with 0x3, but I have done a little with addnode (segfaults on test 5, when adding 9 to the tree), and I've created everything except for the unit tests in DoublyLinkedNode. Dont know if everything works or not, but the fact that it compiles is a good sign!
blog/fall2015/ahorton8/journal.1447294753.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/12 02:19 by ahorton8