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Project: Installing ncmpcpp and configuring it

This is a project for HPC2 and it demonstrates the uses of mpd and how you can change it into a fully featured music player.

This project was begun on 2/28/13 and is anticipated to take 24 HOURS. (Upon completion you can correct this with the actual length).


by installing ncmpcpp, mpc, ncmpc, and mpd; we are able to use mpd as a fully functional audio player


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


ncmpcpp allows a variety of content to be streamed to the user in various methods.


I started by writing this file to my home directory


music_directory				"/home/satan/Music/"
playlist_directory			"/home/satan/.mpd/playlists"
db_file					"/home/satan/.mpd/tag_cache"
log_file				"/home/satan/.mpd/mpd.log"
pid_file				"/home/satan/.mpd/pid"
state_file				"/home/satan/.mpd/state"

audio_output {
   type	     "alsa"
   name	     "My ALSA Device"
   device    "hw:0,0"
   mixer_device	     "default"
   mixer_control     "PCM"
   mixer_index	     "0"

#Character encoding #####

filesystem_charset      "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding		"UTF-8"

gapless_mp3_playback 	"yes"
metadata_to_use		"artist,album,title,track"
mixer_type		"software"

replacing satan with your username. then, I ran mpc update to update the database.

OOPS i forgot to add the databases.

touch these files within .mpd on your home directory

“/home/satan/.mpd/playlists” “/home/satan/.mpd/tag_cache” “/home/satan/.mpd/mpd.log” “/home/satan/.mpd/pid” “/home/satan/.mpd/state”

another mpc update and it works!

ncmpcpp works, by pressing 1, all the controls are listed.


Music is great