At the lair net install screen choose 32-bit (i386)

at the next screen choose Debian/i386 net boot then continue and choose install lenny/stable[text]

choose English or respective language continue to the next screen choose united states or respective country and choose American english.

at the host name screen continue if vmsever01 is recognized also choose continue on domain name (student.lab)

at the choose mirror screen hold back urge to choose untied states select enter info manually and enter mirror

continue through the next screen and choose your timezone, again let it do its thing now it will bring you to partitioning the disk.

choose first option guide whole disk enter through the next screen. choose ide than choose all files in one partition than finish choose yes.

let it do it's thing and create password (bob) than create user account (a) create password (a) than don't participate in survey

then there will be a software selection screen unchoose the first and last sections with spacebar so nothing is selected and push tab

next choose yes to install grub and cointue.

login as root (type root) enter passowrd (bob) now you should remove the user (a) (userdel -r a)

now cd into /etc/apt than ls and cat sources.list make sure to back it up with mv sources.list sourceslist.back

now wget http://web.offbyone.lan/files/student/sources.list than cat sources.list and it should be updated.

now we need to update our package database

now type apt-get update when that is finished apt-get upgrade.

now to install xen

type apttude search xen you will be shown a list type aptitude install xen-tools xen linux-system- xen-68 openssh-clent openssh-server

now we need to configure the boot loader (grub)

cd into /boot than cd into grub open menu.lst with vi and delete all stanzas (groups). that have a vmlinux-xen kernel (don't delete ones

with just boot/xen-3.2-1-i386.gz only and don't delete non xen kernels (kernels that dont say xen.)) now push escape than :wq

now we're going to configure the xen hipervizor

cd into /etc and then cd into xen now vi xend-coinfig.sxp

now look for vif-script by hitting forward slash type vif-script make sure it's not commented out (hass # before lines)

now do a forward slash and look for (nework-script network brigde) and uncommunt (remove#) then look below of forward slash serach for (network-script network dummy) and add a comment

now reboot to test,

login with root use password (bob). To test if it works we are going to talk to the xen hypervisor

type “xm list” if you dont see any errors success it worked.

now access a liar machine or log on to lab46 open terminal ssh to the vm server ssh root@vmserver01.student.lab

enter as root, once in cd into (/etc/xen-tools) open xen-tools.conf delete all and replace with:

dir = /xen 
install-method = debootstrap 
size   = 2Gb      # Disk image size. 
memory = 128Mb    # Memory size 
swap   = 128Mb    # Swap size 
fs     = ext3     # use the EXT3 filesystem for the disk image. 
dist   = lenny    # Default distribution to install. 
image  = full     # Specify sparse vs. full disk images. 
dhcp   = 1 
passwd = 1 
kernel = /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` 
initrd = /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` 
mirror = http://mirror/debian/ 
ext3_options   = noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 
ext2_options   = noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 
xfs_options    = defaults 
reiser_options = defaults 
serial_device = hvc0 #default 
disk_device = xvda #default 
output = /xen/conf 
extension = .cfg