Nick's Wiki Notes

10/23/2017 - programming paradigms

  1. structured, imperative, procedural (C)
  2. object-oriented (C++)
  3. functional (Prolog)
  4. logical (Haskell)

- g++ to compile C++ code in unix - Access Control - class

  1. public - accessible to all
  2. protected - accessible to derived classes
  3. private - accessible to only that class

10/18/2017 - fscanf(stdin, ā€œ%dā€, &input); the & makes be passed in by address not value - int fname(int *); prototype - int x, y; - y=fname(&x); call - void main() does not return anything

10/16/2017 - functions or procedures

To use a function:

1. declare/prototype
2. define
3. call

To use a variable:

1. declare
2. initalize
3. access

10/02/2017 - make help -

09/25/2017 - Test next week -

09/20/2017 -

09/18/2017 - wemux - to see instructors screen

09/06/2017 - Our first class in the month of September - Get ones place by dividing by 10 - dow0

  1. 2014
  2. 14
  3. (14 * .5) * .5 = 3.5
  4. drop the .5 = 3
  5. 14 + 3 = 17
  6. subtract the biggest multiple of 7
  7. 17 - 14 = 3
  8. 3 = wednesday
  9. cal 01 2014

- floor - largest integral value not greater than argument


- leap year for 21st century begins with 2000 and is every 4 years - ets. 2000, 2004, 2008ā€¦ -