first you must get two matching computers either 2 260s or 2 270s and 4 same size monitors.
internal hard wear needed are 2 matching graphics cards two hard drives any size.
then you need 4 video cords and two video signal multipliers.
on boot up make sure NIC is set to on/PXE and that hard drive primary is turned on and that the intergrated NIC first and HDD last.
once booted into archive selection go to i386 options for 32-bit
OS and DL debian squeeze.
when the prompted for location place computer is being used and map type select the one that suites you for us its United States.
hostname is one you will remember for this its onas
domain name is offbyone.lan.
then asks for download mirror choose one that your closest located to for this we will be entering it manually which is the first choice on the list the archive mirror is mirror.
debian archive mirror directory is /debian/
HTTP proxy leave blank and hit enter
you are asked to set up a root pass make one you can remember
then asked for user make one you can remember
then it asks for a user password make one to remember
ask you the time zone select the one your in
ask you about partitioning use entire disk and continue over write and right changes to disk
when coming to soft wear selection choose geographical enviorment ssh server and the last one on the list
then the next screen is a load screen at certain parts it will double check some info u gave it such as location timezone and date as well as if you want to particpate in a “popularty contest” for softwear requests do what ever you wish here
then it will ask you to install grub when asked this SAY YES
when fully installed sign in with ur pass word frist go under system to adminstrator and open shoping center
in search bar look for xdmx and DL both xdmx and xdmx-tools ON ONE MECHINE
in search bar look up Vim and DL that as well
when installed and DL's open a terminal and enter the command su root enter root password
once in root two things should be done frist on one mechine
we frist must locate Xdmx so enter the command whereis Xdmx it should be cd usr/bin
we then go to the directory and enter the folowing comand mv xdmx xdmx.old to make a copy of the origenal and rename it
once that is done go to on both computers enter the command cd /etc/X11/xinit then using vi enter teh command vi xserverrc and detelt line nolisten part ONLY leave all befor and after alone that is at least once space between
restart both mechines
log back in open a terminal and enter xhost +
once that is done you enter Xdmx :1 -ac -configfile -config -ignorebadfontpaths -noclxproxy +xinerama & sleep 4; export DISPLAY=localhost:1; “name of computer”