Table of Contents

Virtual Machine Creation

Following your set up of a VM Server, log into the VM server as root using ssh and the root password you created at set-up.


VM Server check

Once you have access to the VM Server:

VM Resource management

Now go to a separate web-browser window to choose your virtual machine hostname.


Returning to the terminal window, which is logged into the VM Serrver you're going to use.

Booting your Virtual Machine

If your Virtual Machine was created successfully you can now 'boot' it. When you are ready to boot your virtual machine use the following command:

root@vmserver##:~# xm create -c /xen/conf/vm##.cfg
root@vmserver##:~# xm create /xen/conf/vm##.cfg

Accessing Your Virtual Machine

You can now access your virtual machine from lab46 using SSH without having to connect to the VM server first.

Managing your virtual machine can be done utilizing the XM tool on the VMServer you created the virtual machine on.
