Table of Contents

John Rine's Portfolio

My other pages are:

CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals (Spring 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my Linux Debian Install Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my VM Server Install Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Virtual Machine Install Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Video Wall Project Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Eight Machine HPC Cluster Project Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Apache Web Server Install Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my HPC 0 EoCE 0x0 Replication Page</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my HPC 0 EoCE 0x2 Preparation Page</html>

CSIT2048 HPC Experience II (Spring 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my One-Wire File System Solution for Monitoring Hydroponics</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Parallel Port CGI Solution for Monitoring Hydroponics</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my First HPC 2 EoCE 0x1 Project Preparation</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Second HPC 2 EoCE 0x1 Project Preparation</html>

CSCS2650 Computer Organization (Spring 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my OR API Documentation</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my XOR API Documentation</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my CPU Memory API Documentation</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my RS Flip-Flop Tutorial</html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my ALU API Documentation</html>
<html><a href=“”>API Template</a></html>

CSIT 2320 HPC Systems and Networking (Spring 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my ORCA Project Documentation Page</html>

CSCS 2320-Data Structures (Fall 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my Stack Library Project</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Linked List Library Project</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my String and Character Library Project</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Set Library Project</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Queue Library Project</a></html>

CSCS 2730-Systems Programming (Fall 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Systems Programming Course Requirements</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Directory Listing Project</a></html>

CSCS 2330-Discrete Structures (Fall 2011)

<html><a href=“”>Go to my Discrete Structures Page</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to my Set Library Page</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Go to String and Character Library Page</a></html>

CSCS 2700-Data Communications (Fall 2011)

CSIT 2044-HPC Experience I

<html><a href=“”>Setting up and Administering my Home Network</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Controlling Hardware Remotely via the Web (Ubuntu/Apache2/PHP5)</a></html>
<html><a href=“”>Controlling Hardware Remotely via the Web (Arduino Uno/Ethernet Module)</a></html>

Post Graduation Projects

<html><a href=“”>4-Bit Computer Simulator</a></html>

Project Template

<html><a href=“”>Project Template</a></html>