Table of Contents

Project: CIFS

A project for HPC I by John Kosty during Fall 2014.



In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:



* I begin by install it

  1. The IP is the IP of the file server the files are stored on, SERVER-FILES
  2. Multimedia and Downloads are the shares the file folders are in
  3. \040 is the way of representing a space in a address
  4. /mnt/abcd specifies the location the share will be mounted on the file system
  5. cifs specifies the mount type
  6. credentials are stored in a separate file /etc/cifspasswd .. really not needed but I like to
  7. file mode and directory mode decide the control over the mount .. 777 may not be the best for production but fine for testing


I am sure there are many more efficient ways to do what I have done. The most obvious is to not use windows at all. Unfortunately, this is not an option at the time. I do occasionally experience speed issues with this setup, but I have been unable to find the cause. It's probably a driver issue.


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced: