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Project: Desktop Install


Well here goes round 2 after the spectacular failure which was my the laptop I found in the Lair. After installing Linux and returning to class the next week the entire hard disk was wiped clean. So now I turn my head towards my own personal computer which will also give me a lot more worth. I am setting up a dual boot between Linux and Windows. As I found out the hard way before Windows MUST be installed first. If not it will feel as if it is the alpha male and will not let you dual boot as on boot up there will be no other selection for a secondary boot. So my selection is Windows 7 and Ubuntu something? The site I got it from (a modded version with bells and whistles) appears to be down so I will look through the computer after it finalizes and reboots (almost there.)


I began by backing up my files which did me no good because I forgot to copy them to my external HDD. Compelte failure.. booting the windows 7 disc first. Deleted both partitions that were previously on there and created a fresh new one (prolly for the best as my old OS lagged horribly.) Let the windows 7 install using the full disk in NTFS format. Just the way windows likes it. Then upon booting I used IE for the ONLY thing it is useful for which is downloading Firefox so that I never have to use IE again. Oh the pleasure. Now the Linux disc is booting and unlike windows and its rudeness is very friendly about dual booting. UPon clicking install I was actually given a po-up windows (with pictures!!!!!!) asking if I wanna dual boot with windows 7 or use the entire disk. Then I give parameters on how much disk space each Os should have allocated to it (just split them in half.) Linux is using an EX3 filing system. After this the disc basically does the job itself.


Upon finalization and rebooting I am not given the option on boot-up of what OS I'd like to select. The nice thing is that if I have anything saved on my windows partition I can still view from my linux partition. This does not work the opposite though however because Windows is lame. this set up however gives me a machine with all the tools I could possibly need. Very pleased.