Make sure to go through and select proper languages and region settings.
When prompted for the domain name type “student.lab”.
When prompted for download path/mirror select the option to manually enter the info.
For the class the mirror name is 'mirror'.
Then use default, and no proxy server.
For the partitioning select 'Guided - Use Entire Disc'
type “apt -get update” while in root access.
vmserver02:#apt -get update
Type “aptitude upgrade”
vmserver02:#aptitude upgrade
Type “aptitude install xen-tools”
vmserver02:#aptitude install xen-tools
Type “apt-get install ssh”
vmserver02:#apt-get install ssh
Tpye “aptitude install vim”
vmserver02:#aptitude install vim
Type “aptitude install xen–i686”
vmserver02:#aptitude install xen--i686
type the command “userdel a“ and “y”
Change Directory to “/etc/apt”
remove sources.list “rm sources.list”
vmserver02:/etc/apt# rm sources.list
get the sources.list from the server “wget web.lair.lan/student/files/sources.list”
vmserver02:/etc/apt# wget web.lair.lan/files/student/sources.list sources.list
Edit it and replace “debversion” with “lenny”