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Project: Encoding with OPTAR

A project for unix/linux by Derek Girardi during the fall 2011.

This project was begun on 11/18/11 and will take a 1-2 days.


The purpose of this project is to encode your own golay code OPTAR paper. Similar to the decoding project, except you make one for someone to decode. In this i have a selected audio of my own so there is a audio file in it.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


Optar stands for OPTical ARchiver. It's a codec for encoding data on paper or free software 2D barcode in other words. Optar fits 200kB on an A4 page, then you print it with a laser printer. If you want to read the recording, scan it with a scanner and feed into the decoder program. This can be used in many real life situations like in law, where you need to store data in a more compact way for accounting. or in media augmentation like putting data inside books, magazines and newspapers. It can also be used just for fun if you want to show it off for your friends. It does not have a man page but it can easily be downloaded and one can find help within its readme file. All you need to know for optical archiving is in there. This is similar background info from my decoding project because its the same thing just we are encoding now.


Find your own file to encode on a piece of paper. Find a way to cut it down to size, and run it through the necessary programs to encode it on a piece of paper.


State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.


There are many things that had to happen for this to happen:

./optar nyanit2.ogg nyanfinal


this project was interesting, it was difficult to cut down the audio because it was having issues but in the end, it was fun. :)


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced: