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Project: Sending Data old school

A project for Data Communications by Derek Girardi during the Fall 2012.

This project was begun on October 15th and is anticipated to take 2 days.


The point of this project is to see if an alternate way (fun way) to send data is even possible.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


The idea behind this project is to see if we can send data through a unconventional method. We want to send data between 2 computers through 2 cups and a string. Legit a cup and two strings. The idea behind this was actually just a joke but then we found software that can amplify the sound of the data being processed and sent so we decided lets give this a try. we are just attempting different methods of intermediary devices and see what works and what doesn't! Nothing was taken outside of this project, this all came from within our class just as a fun thing to do and get our intellectual juices flowing.


Get some cups and string, make some files and possibly get some pictures to send, send the data over and see what happens!


This did not take a lot of time to do but heres what we did to accomplish what we wanted:

Step 1: First we had to find a soft modem program that would play the data and let us receive the data. So i went online and found linmodem (See figure 1) and extracted the files from its tgz archive. (just use the unzip tool to get the files you want)

Step 2: After we had gotten the modem software, we made our cups with string intermediary device (see figure 2). So we set up 2 computers with linmodem, made it so they both send and receive data at the same speeds and amplified the sounds through an external speaker.

Step 3: Play the data and see what you get! The data should now be traveling through the string, so to speak, and reaching its way to the receiving end.

Step 4: Did that not send data? maybe the medium is just not good enough to vibrate the sound of the 1 and 0 sounds going across, so with that we created a second device! (See figure 3)

Step 5: Repeat 2 and 3 and see if the results change at all. With the copper wire and tin can it seems that the data should be going through better, which it does but it bounces way too much to even get to where it needs. So the data is still going through, just bounces way too much.


Figure 1:

dataking@dataking-K53E:~/Downloads$ cd linmodem
dataking@dataking-K53E:~/Downloads/linmodem$ ls
atparser.c  dsp.h   lm.h           README       v22.c    v34gen.c     v90.c
CHANGES     dtmf.c  lmreal.c       README.arch  v22.h    v34.h        v90gen.c
COPYING     dtmf.h  lmsim.c        README.x11   v23.c    v34phase2.c  v90.h
display.c   fsk.c   lmsoundcard.c  serial.c     v23.h    v34priv.h    v90priv.h
display.h   fsk.h   lmstates.h     v21.c        v34.c    v8.c
dsp.c       lm.c    Makefile       v21.h        v34eq.c  v8.h

This is figure one, this is the softmodem software that you can use to run the data.

Figure 2:

Figure 3:


This project was simple but a lot of fun to do. I have learned how data sounds being processed and what not and i would like to continue to see if we can get this to work perfect every time.


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced: