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Project: WEB PAGES

A project for CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals by Corey Forman during the Fall 2011.

This project was begun on 12/15/11 and ended 12/15/11


To apply skills learned in UNIX to assist you in deploying your own personal web page in your Lab46 web space.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


I wanted to test my skills to make a web page but didn't have anything really to add to it so i trolled all over it. the Webpage will display pictures, colors, font styles, types of font, and tables.


Go out and learn some HTML. Nothing fancy, just the ability to make a few paragraphs, lists, maybe an image or two, some hyperlinks, and text markup such as bold, italics, and underlining.

Make a simple web page and deploy it in your ~/public_html/ directory, make sure it has a .html extension and that it is world readable.

To view it in a web browser, point it at:


State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.


<html> <body bgcolor="rgb 250,200,191">

        <title>HAHAHA Ima TROLL YOU</title>

<font face="Jokerman" font size="5" color="rgb 100,0,250"
        <p> Hey all this page is a total scam becuase i need to make it really quick else i would try and make it really cool. If you still reading this you should understatnd thta your soul is slowly being sucked out of your eyes and you will soon pass away into the nether. Have fun. <strong>IMA TROLL</strong> </p>
<img src="" align="center" width="300" height="300"><br>
        <p> now really if you are still reading this this is just me venting on random stuff because i need to fill this page with stuff thus proving i know the basics of html but not the basics of spelling as you may notice. Here is some data on me in italacized format <i> im 6ft tall, i used to play basketball, i am an avid league of legends player, i am almost lvl 30 which is the lvl cap and i like computers,,, not to mention i am a procrastinator which is why this page may look like crap but hey i need to make it</i> ok that much slanty words were bugging me. so how was your day. good good. um ya so here is a table of the classes i am taking.
        <table border="1" cellspacing="10" align="center"
        <font face="Matesse ITC">

                <th>The classes i am taking</th>

                <td>Object Oriented Problem Solving or oops

                <td>Calculus 1</td>

                <td>Unix/Linux fundementals</td>

                <td>English 1010 comp 1</td>

        <p> Ok so i think i griefed you enough and  we all had a good time but here is one last <strong> FAREWELL</strong> A lovly nom nom nom pic.

<img src="" align="center" width="300" height="300"><br>

unfortunately i could not get the pics to work but I have the url for the photo correct.


Making web pages are fun and easy but you need a purpose when doing so or else it is just a bunch of data that means nothing. knowing how to make a web page is nice because you can use it to create a virtual resume for jobs and such.


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced: