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Project: hacks


For this project I am going to learn how to hack into a computer haha, we need to hack into a computer to change the password so that we can use the computer as a workstation once again.


debian Live cd or bootable flash drive


Hacker (computer security) someone who accesses a computer system by circumventing its security system.

had no idea what to write for this haha


  1. insert debian live cd or flashdrive
  2. reboot or turn off computer
  3. upon restart hit f12 to go into boot menu
  4. select from cd if it is a live cd or usb device if flash drive
  5. then select windows based rescue environment
  6. you should now be in cli
  7. navigate to /dev directory and find the HD
  8. mount the HD by typing mount dev/sda1/mnt
  9. change root directory to mount
  10. run passwd command and change the password
  11. unmount drive and reboot


well I learned how to mount and unmount a harddrive, and to hack by doing that. pretty shocked its that easy haha!