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A project for UNIX/Linux Fundamentals by Christopher M. Caccia during the Fall 2011 Semester.

This project was started on September 20th, 2011 and is has taken one week to complete.


The purpose of this project was to explore the filesystem of UNIX/Linux for a greater understanding of the hierarchal tree of UNIX. I will determine what file types are stored within each directory, and also what there purpose or value is to the hierarchal tree of UNIX. I hope to accomplish an increased level of knowledge in the operational process of UNIX.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:


The purpose of this project was to increase my understanding of how the hierarchal directory tree works in UNIX. Understanding the UNIX filesystem and how devices, files, and programs are stored and accessed is really important. Specifically with operating systems that are more command line based and executable commands need to be memorized. UNIX/Linux in my opinion is one of the easiest systems to understand operational procedure. Everything is a file, is small, and does one thing very well. This project explores the application of the UNIX philosophy.


To get a better understanding of the layout and structure of the UNIX filesystem, an exploration is in order. Using your observation skills and references, explore the various major directories on the system (starting with '/') and describing the intended purpose of each directory:

  1. what types of files does it contain (regular, directory, special)
  2. what is the organizational value of that directory (config files, basic tools, admin tools, etc.)

Some of the directories you will want to explore are:


State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.


The actual steps taken to accomplish the project. Include images, code snippets, command-line excerpts; whatever is useful for intuitively communicating important information for accomplishing the project.


In this project I looked at all major directories that impact any operations required for the UNIX/Linux operating system. I have a much better understanding of the hierarchal filesystem that is the “trunk” of UNIX. Everything has a place and purpose in UNIX, and the fact that all files and programs are organized in a manor that makes them work together very well.


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced:

Explained what the different types of files where in UNIX.
      "Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux" Chapter 23 pgs. 628-629.
      Mounting: "/mnt"
      Unix Command: /proc
      Overview of Unix/Linux commands
      Home Directory and /root Information
      Unix Directory Structure
      Filesystem Hierarchy Standard