LDAP Clinet Installation and Configuration.
Preparation of virtual machine.
~$ ssh root@vm31.student.lab
Warning: Permanently added 'vm31.student.lab,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@vm31.student.lab's password:Li0p13ur0d0n localhost vm31.student.lab vm31 vm36.student.lab vm36
#The following lines are desireable for IPv6 capable hosts
OpenLDAP Client Install.
Install the client packages needed using the command 'apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap nscd'
When prompted change the default entry to 'dc=student,dc=lab' and press <Enter>.
When prompted select “3” using the arrow keys and press <Enter>.
When prompted change the default entry to 'cn=manager,dc=student,dc=lab' and press <Enter>.
When prompted for a password press <Enter>.
When prompted press <Enter>.
When prompted select “<No>” using the arrow keys and press <Enter>.
When prompted select “<No>” using the arrow keys and press <Enter>.
Install the LDAP utilities package using the command 'apt-get install ldap-utils' and press <Enter>.
Reconfigure the debconf of libnns-ldap using the command 'dpkg-reconfigure libnss-ldap' and press <Enter>.
When prompted, confirm the entry reads “dc=student,dc=lab” and press <Enter>.
When prompted use the arrows to select “3” and press <Enter>.
When prompted use the arrows to select “<No>” and press <Enter>.
When prompted use the arrows to select “<No>” and press <Enter>.
When prompted use the arrows to select “<No>” and press <Enter>.
Press <Enter> to select “<Ok>”.
Use pico to edit the
“/etc/ldap/ldap.conf” file using the command 'pico /etc/ldap/ldap.conf' and change the BASE and
URI lines to match the following:
BASE dc=student,dc=lab
URI ldap://vm36.student.lab ldap://vm36.student.lab:665
passwd: ldap files
group: ldap files
shadow: ldap files
hosts: files dns
PAM Configuration
session required pam_mkhomedir.so
Verify Installation
~# id genUsr
uid=20000(genUsr) gid=20000 groups=20000