Table of Contents

    Procedure - the actual steps taken to accomplish the project.

Auto Draw with XPaint!

—Brian Ewanyk


The objective of this project is to:



Begin with a PC or terminal with a unix/linux operating system, xpaint, xwit, and xte packets installed.


Take the time to read the man pages for xte and xwit. Also take the time to look at and investigate teh URLs in the Reference section.


In this project you will use xautomation commands and shell scrips to work your way towards producing a program which will create a picture independent of outside influence after execution. You will begin with familiarization with some of the commands involved, and build on what you learn till you can produce a scene of your own. Ideally this scene will adapt itself to the available display regardless of which system it is run on. the other applications of this concept could allow you to produce presentations which you could run on displays remotely, without even needing a keyboard or mouse connected to the system it's displaying on. It would also allow you to manipulate displays, windows, and their contents remotely.


Getting started

Open a terminal session and begin by reading and experimenting with xte and xwit commands. Once you are familliar with some of the possibilities provided by xte and xwit open a terminal window and begin editing a file for construction of your auto draw project.

Command familliarization

Begin by looking over the xwit and xte commands. Then begin with mouse movement using xwit. The location of the mouse destination is read from a 0, 0 origin located at the top left corner of the screen. To move the mouse pointer to that 0, 0 point use the command:

:~$xwit -warp 0 0 -root

This will jump the mouse to the top left corner of the screen on your root display.

Performing mouse clicks is easily accomplished using xte commands. The mouse buttons are numbered starting with one on the left, two for the middle button, and three as a right click. Therefore to issue a left mouse button mouse-click you would use the command:

:~$xte 'mouseclick 1'

To click and hold, as if for a click and drag function use the mousedown # command to press the button and the mouseup # command to release it.

:~$xte 'mousedown 1'
:~$xte 'mousemove 100 100'
:~$xte 'mouseup 1'

Use xwit and xte to develop a script to move the mouse around the screen and perform actions without touching the computer itself.

For example:

echo "Move mouse pointer to top left corner (0,0)..."
xwit -warp 0 0 -root
echo -n "Pause 5 seconds."
xte 'sleep 5'
echo "Move mouse pointer to bottom right corner (1280,1024)..."
xwit -warp 1280 1024 -root
echo "pause 3 seconds..."
xte 'sleep 3'
echo "Move mouse pointer to middle of screen (640, 512)..."
xwit -warp 640 512 -root
xte 'mousemove 320 768'
echo "open a lab46 window."
xte 'mouseclick 3'
xte 'key Down'
xte 'key Return'

Dynamic System Interaction

Now use wininfo to make the script more dynamic.

The wininfo command will display information on the display you're using. By examining the output from this command you can then use grep and sed commands to extract only the size of the display in use.

xTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Width|sed 's/^.*: //'`
yTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Height|sed 's/^.*: //'`

These derived numbers can then be utilized with the xwit -resize option to gage the size of windows on the display. Making any scripts you produce using them more dynamic and impressive.

Combining xwininfo xte and xwit

Using these commands and normal commmand execution you can soon begin to draw things in X-Paint. use xwit -warp commands to find buttons on the canvas and pallet for xpaint. Set variables to send you directly to those locations, and eventually your script will evolve into something like this…

There can be squares inside squares with a script like this:

let lat=hei=0
xwit -warp 0 0 -root
tot=`xwit -all -print|grep Untitled|wc -l`
if [ tot > 0 ]; then
for ((count; count <= tot; count++)); do
winID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|head -1|sed 's/:.*$//'`
if [ -z $winID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $winID -name Rnd$count
xTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Width|sed 's/^.*: //'`
yTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Height|sed 's/^.*: //'`
#echo $xTot
#echo $yTot
xpaint -nowarn &
xte 'sleep 5'
palt=`xwit -all -print|grep XPaint|sed 's/:.*$//'`
xwit -id $palt -move 0 0
let latP=`xwit -id $palt -print|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let canX=$xTot-$latP
let canY=$yTot
menuP="xwit -warp 18 36 -root"
menuDwnP="xwit -rwarp 0 20 -root"
OrigP="xwit -warp 25 76 -root"
btnDwnP="xwit -rwarp 0 40 -root"
btnUpP="xwit -rwarp 0 -40 -root"
btnRtP="xwit -rwarp 40 0 -root"
btnLtP="xwit -rwarp -40 0 -root"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 2'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canX"
xte 'key Tab'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canY"
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'sleep 3'
canID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|sed 's/:.*$//'`
#echo $canID
if [ -z $canID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $canID -name Pic
let latC=`xwit -id $canID -print|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let heiC=`xwit -id $canID -print|sed 's/^.*h=//'|sed 's/ d=.*$//'`
xwit -id $canID -move $latP 0
editB="xwit -warp 175 36 -root"
origN="xwit -warp $(($latP+8)) $(($heiC+13)) -root"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xwit -rwarp 200 -200 -root
xte 'mousedown 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'mousermove 200 -200'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xwit -warp 265 56 -root
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xwit -rwarp 250 -250 -root
xte 'mousedown 1'
xte 'mousermove 100 -100'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
echo "Dun."

Eventually with work it will progress till you can create multiple constructions. Squares, Circles, Fill actions and more!

let lat=hei=0
xwit -warp 0 0 -root
tot=`xwit -all -print|grep Untitled|wc -l`
if [ tot > 0 ]; then
for ((count; count <= tot; count++)); do
winID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|head -1|sed 's/:.*$//'`
if [ -z $winID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $winID -name Rnd$count
xTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Width|sed 's/^.*: //'`
yTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Height|sed 's/^.*: //'`
#echo $xTot
#echo $yTot
xpaint -nowarn &
xte 'sleep 5'
palt=`xwit -all -print|grep XPaint|sed 's/:.*$//'`
xwit -id $palt -move 0 0
let latP=`xwit -id $palt -print|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let canX=$xTot-$latP
let canY=$yTot
menuP="xwit -warp 18 36 -root"
menuDwn="xwit -rwarp 0 20 -root"
origP="xwit -warp 25 76 -root"
btnDwnP="xwit -rwarp 0 38 -root"
btnUpP="xwit -rwarp 0 -38 -root"
btnRtP="xwit -rwarp 38 0 -root"
btnLtP="xwit -rwarp -38 0 -root"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 2'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canX"
xte 'key Tab'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canY"
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'sleep 3'
canID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|sed 's/:.*$//'`
#echo $canID
if [ -z $canID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $canID -name Pic
let latC=`xwit -id $canID -print|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let heiC=`xwit -id $canID -print|sed 's/^.*h=//'|sed 's/ d=.*$//'`
xwit -id $canID -move $latP 0
editB="xwit -warp 175 36 -root"
origN="xwit -warp $(($latP+8)) $(($heiC+13)) -root"
#get filled square
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xwit -rwarp 200 -200 -root
xte 'mousedown 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'mousermove 200 -200'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xwit -warp 265 56 -root
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xwit -rwarp 250 -250 -root
xte 'mousedown 1'
xte 'mousermove 100 -100'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'mousermove 100 -100'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'sleep 20'
#clear canvas
xte 'mouseclick 1'
for ((count=0; count<11; count++)); do
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
let xCntr=$xTot/2
let yCntr=$yTot/2
xwit -warp 232 60 -root
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
#get empty circle
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xwit -warp $(($xCntr-250)) $(($yCntr+250)) -root
xte 'mousedown 1'
xte 'mousermove 500 -500'
xte 'mouseup 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
for ((count=0; count<9; count++)); do
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
#set green
xwit -warp 352 58 -root
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xwit -warp $xCntr $yCntr -root
xte 'mouseclick 1'

Bringing it ALL Together

With work and experimentation, eventually you can utilize the -rwarp option in xwit and the mousermove in xte to do relative moves. These move the mouse cursor relative to it's current location. this way you can extrapolate complicated constructions without having to know exactly where the mouse pointer has to be on the screen. Instead you can shift the mouse from a known point, or even from it's current location to make the shapes you're looking for.

With some experimentation and application of general math, trigonometry, and some algebra you will be able to produce more and more intricate scenes with these commands. Your efforts will soon culminate in a script which may look something like this:

let lat=hei=0
xwit -warp 0 0 -root
tot=`xwit -all -print|grep Untitled|wc -l`
if [ $tot > 0 ]; then
for ((count; count <= tot; count++)); do
winID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|head -1|sed 's/:.*$//'`
if [ -z $winID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $winID -name Rnd$count
xTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Width|sed 's/^.*: //'`
yTot=`xwininfo -root|grep Height|sed 's/^.*: //'`
let xCntr=$xTot/2
let yCntr=$yTot/2
xpaint -nowarn &
xte 'sleep 7'
menuP="xwit -warp 18 36 -root"
menuDwn="xwit -rwarp 0 20 -root"
origP="xwit -warp 25 76 -root"
btnDwnP="xwit -rwarp 0 37 -root"
btnUpP="xwit -rwarp 0 -37 -root"
btnRtP="xwit -rwarp 38 0 -root"
btnLtP="xwit -rwarp -38 0 -root"
palt=`xwit -print -all|grep XPaint|sed 's/:.*$//'`
xwit -id $palt -move 0 0
let latP=`xwit -print -id $palt|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let canX=$xTot-$latP
let canY=$yTot
#open canvas to screen - pallette.
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canX"
xte 'key Tab'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte 'key BackSpace'
xte "str $canY"
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'key Return'
xte 'sleep 3'
canID=`xwit -all -print|grep 'Untitled'|sed 's/:.*$//'`
if [ -z $canID ]; then
echo -n
xwit -id $canID -name Scene
let latC=`xwit -print -id $canID|sed 's/^.*w=//'|sed 's/ h=.*$//'`
let heiC=`xwit -print -id $canID|sed 's/^.*h=//'|sed 's/ d=.*$//'`
xwit -id $canID -move $(($latP+3)) 0
editB="xwit -warp 178 36 -root"
origN="xwit -warp $(($latP+7)) $(($heiC)) -root"
lineB="xwit -warp 217 36 -root"
red="xwit -warp 271 56 -root"
black="xwit -warp 238 60 -root"
green="xwit -warp 358 58 -root"
blue="xwit -warp 421 60 -root"
ltBlu="xwit -warp 420 69 -root"
yellow="xwit -warp 348 70 -root"
white="xwit -warp 178 70 -root"
orange="xwit -warp 491 70 -root"
grey="xwit -warp 200 60 -root"
line="xwit -warp 217 36 -root"
if [ $canX > $canY ]; then
        let SEG=$canY/30
else let SEG=$canX/40
xte 'mouseclick 1'
for ((count=0; count < 7; count++)); do
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xwit -rwarp 20 -20 -root
xwit -rwarp $(($SEG*9)) 0 -root
#outside frame.
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xwit -rwarp 20 -20 -root
xwit -rwarp $(($SEG*9)) 0 -root
#outer front edge
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*-12))"
xte 'sleep 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'sleep 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*18)) 0"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
#individual cubes.
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-3)) $(($SEG*10))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-3)) $(($SEG*-1))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-3)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*-4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*3)) $(($SEG*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*3)) $(($SEG*-2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*-4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
#change color to begin fill
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
#set fill tool.
for ((count=0; count<9; count++)); do
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
#fill blocks.
xwit -rwarp 20 20 -root
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*1)) $(($SEG*-8))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*6)) 0"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*6)) $(($SEG*-1))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-9)) $(($SEG*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*5)) $(($SEG*-7))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xwit -rwarp 20 20 -root
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*4)) $(($SEG*-10))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*6)) $(($SEG*3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*3)) $(($SEG*2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-4)) $(($SEG*-9))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*3)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xwit -rwarp 20 20 -root
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*3)) $(($SEG*-18))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*1))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-5)) $(($SEG*5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*9)) $(($SEG*4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xwit -rwarp 20 20 -root
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*4)) $(($SEG*-6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*-3)) $(($SEG*-10))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*8)) $(($SEG*-2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*7)) $(($SEG*2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xwit -rwarp 20 20 -root
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*1)) $(($SEG*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*6)) $(($SEG*8))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*6)) $(($SEG*-11))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG*2)) $(($SEG*-4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
if [ $canX > $canY ]; then
        let SEG2=$canY/130
else let SEG2=$canX/250
origN2="xwit -warp $(($latP+$canX/2+60)) $(($heiC-$SEG2*30)) -root"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
for (( count=0; count < 7; count++)); do
xte 'sleep 3'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'sleep 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*40)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*-38))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*27))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*-27))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*19))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*-19))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*24)) $(($SEG2*3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*10)) $(($SEG2*-7))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*2)) $(($SEG2*-22))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-12)) $(($SEG2*-9))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-10)) $(($SEG2*6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*-24))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*10)) $(($SEG2*18))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-10)) $(($SEG2*-18))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*24))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-12)) $(($SEG2*-22))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*40)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-20)) $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*-12))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*20)) $(($SEG2*5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*-26))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-21)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-17)) $(($SEG2*-4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*12)) $(($SEG2*15))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-12)) $(($SEG2*-15))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*17)) $(($SEG2*4))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*-29))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-17)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*17)) $(($SEG2*3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-3)) $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*3)) $(($SEG2*5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*21)) $(($SEG2*3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*28))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-8)) $(($SEG2*-11))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*9))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*-9))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*13)) $(($SEG2*2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-13)) $(($SEG2*-21))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-9)) $(($SEG2*-21))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*19)) $(($SEG2*1))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*12)) $(($SEG2*-2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-19)) $(($SEG2*-1))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*40)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*29)) $(($SEG2*-3))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*1)) $(($SEG2*-21))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-30)) $(($SEG2*5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*30)) $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-9)) $(($SEG2*-9))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-8)) $(($SEG2*6))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 2'
for (( count=0; count<9; count++ )); do
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*35)) $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*3)) $(($SEG2*-25))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*5)) $(($SEG2*-2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*10)) $(($SEG2*-15))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*10)) $(($SEG2*-20))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove 0 $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-5)) $(($SEG2*-5))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-20)) 0"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-12)) $(($SEG2*2))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-3)) $(($SEG2*10))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*-10)) $(($SEG2*23))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*50)) $(($SEG2*-8))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte "mousermove $(($SEG2*10)) $(($SEG2*-25))"
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'
xte 'mouseclick 1'

With enough time, effort, and critical thinking, there is really no picture you could not recreate!


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