0x0 Universal Implications

Throughout the semester it became obvious that many of the data structures we covered often appear in our day to day lives. We began with the simple linked lists and progressed towards Stacks, queues and doubly linked trees. These structures give us the ability to manipulate lists with various function calls. Doubly linked list do not have a fixed size and allow elements to be inserted and removed easily.When we think of these abilities on a wide scale the possibility to accumulate more without running into issues with lack of space and resources.

The queue structure has an everyday occurrence in life and can often be a limitation in time. A first in first out effect works as a disadvantage to the last item to join. In society its is often the case that the last person to enter a group or organization needs to adapt and learn before moving on. The array structure covered last semester is a limited data type therefore little implementation can be achieved. Although in reality many lifelike situations are similar to an array’s ability. We are often faced with the problem of running out of space. Having a set size means limited room for expansion. A doubly linked implementation encourages communication and support between individuals working together. People can enter and exit a group when ever without problems. The need for constant expansion requires a doubly linked method. People want more and more and when a limit or shortage is reached problems occur. A good example of this would be finances.reduction or downsizing often occurs when we are faced with set capacity without knowing a limit.

0x2 Meaning

Before the course began I was sure data structures was going to be difficult and demand a lot of time and dedication. During the break before spring semester I spent some time revising basic C programming. The previous semester I took C and didn't receive the greatest grade. I didn’t work to full potential and was lazy with the projects set. This was stupid and if I could go back in time I would try a lot harder, but that's life. The new data structures explored this semester are different to the arrays and simple logic we worked with last semester. A common problem I seem to face is logic errors. Without referring to previous work or beginning with a foundation my programming skills are often limited. Having to apply myself to these new concepts and weekly project deadlines kept me on edge throughout the semester. I found I kept experiencing the feeling of being aggravated by errors and lack of progress .Once I got the hang of what was going on and a feeling a accomplishment the cycle would repeat itself because I would fall behind in the next project. slow learner problems maybe. The projects were difficult for me to finish on time. This has shown me the importance of time management and working on deadlines that actually involve intense engagement through coding and research. With other courses I have always felt capable of the projects set so this course has worked as an eye opener experience to real world stress involving difficult computing problems that need to be solved quick. Having a complete understanding of how loops and branching work is essential at this phase. As the projects progressed I have built up more confidence when using these different methods. The importance of well structured code by use of indentation became a quick habit to adapt. Sloppy coding made some unnecessary errors when the course began.

0x3 Reflection and Personal Assessment

This data structures course has given me the chance to catch up to where I need to be at this stage for a computer science degree. Not only has this course been different from others at CCC due to work being more intense and involved. The online course has been a unique experience of ups and downs itself. After working through all the projects and being introduced to new ideas that are difficult to implement. I have began to question my ability to commit to computer science BA.. However I am still transferring next fall and this summer will be a perfect chance for me to bring the enjoyment back into coding. Instead of the stress created through deadlines. This data structures experience and I’m sure further Computer science courses are the non textbook learning subjects. You cannot sit and read through notes memorize it and pass an exam. This seems like a thing of the past. This course shows exactly that and further education in this field will be more complex in that manner. Time management plays a huge role in success in this course. It has become obvious that improvement is needed. It was mentioned that procrastination and last minute work would be a downfall. It is clear to me now that projects needed full attention the day set. Waiting to the last minute ended up with work left incomplete because it was simply too much to get done. The amount of time spent fixing errors is unpredictable and not having the right logic does not help. The importance of staying motivated and committing to deadlines is the professional approach needed for success in this field. When i started at Corning I choose to go with computer information science to gather the skills to create diverse application and embrace the power of computing. Before starting my computer skills were limited. I was good with microsoft office and spent way too much time on music production software. Experiencing lessons in the LAIR opened me up to the real world of computing and it is no walk in the park. With regards to my personal performance in this course. The marks accumulated through projects will be poor. My logic caused endless segfaults but a lot of time was spent creating those errors. Throughout this semester data structures has been my main focus and by the looks of the projects submitted my overall seems like it could be the lowest grade. I would be grateful for a C.