Raid 0 SSD; Raid 5 Example;
Secondary Storage Max Speed
Without a doubt Soild state Drives would be the best route to take in getting max potiential with a RAID(4) allowing Max speeds to write and read for the OS, currently when today's technology SATA is the path to take to support the speed, However current the only limitation to PATA is issues of when multiple bits are sent down adjacent IDEs. However and this is just a thought of creating a devices to transmit signal through fiber, to break this limit of having noise. This also bring up the idea of having a whole Motherboard created in fiber to reduce heat and remove noise as well as increase speeds. As the cost of gold and silver increase due to the current1) fiber maybe a better solution to reduce cost of material however because fiber is still rather new and difficult to make/repair therefore it is more costly. Also as a note important to make a computer repairable as much as possible. As devices become smaller and smaller the possibility of even a computer engineer to repair a computer without a complex machine are be coming rarer. This is simply an idea that maybe possible to create a more efficient. Already the SSD are efficient due to no moving parts however there is still a possibility for there improvement. Caution there is compatibly issues between the SATA to SATA2 and some drives do not work with SATA. Also new technology for the SSD are coming to play, along with old technology showing promise to these devices.
defragmentation for the linux OS Maybe useful however as stated the nessary need to defrag a storage devices is not required. Unlike windows operating systems where defragin' is a simple was to improve a system's speed the Linux/Unix system does not require it and may not even show improvements for doing so. However this does not imply that Linux/Unix does not defrag but the amount is so little that it is not noticeable. This concludes that Linux/Unix would be most efficient for storage organization.
Max Primary Storage Speed
leadin idea of limit on 32bit < 4gb of ram
Rainbow table was implied for testing 4gb usage if kernel is moded this system for testing would be greatly useful for decrypting password will input more research on password decrypting.
aluminum foil on ram Bad!!! idea don't do even if your using crappy machine lol.