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C/C++ Programming Journal

Jan. 22, 2015

Went over syllabus and worked on the first assignment

discussed the start of our first program:

int main()
     fprintf(stdout, "Hello, World!\n");

Since the main function is returning the function of a type of int; This led us into the discussion of datatypes. Datatypes:

To run the program after it is written, one must compile it by: gcc -o “new filename” “filename”

Jan. 29, 2015

Feb. 5, 2015

relationship operators: = :set equal to == :check equality != :check inequality < :less than

:greater than

⇐ :less than or equal to

= :greater than or equal to

Logical operators: && :-and

Now, create a c program of the number guessing game.

srand - psuedorandom, changes depending on our beginning seed number

HPC0 Fundamentals

January 22th

I missed the first class because I actually hadn't picked up the class until speaking with matt after another class. I will only be able to attend the actual class on tuesday since i have class on thursday that conflicts so, i will be staying later on tuesdays and stay late on thursdays after my other classes. Matt and i went over what occurred in class and set up a PC with Debian Wheezy. Along with this we created a partition where we created a partition of 8gb and a 2gb swap partition.

January 27th

On this day we discussed LFS( linux from scratch) which will be a project that we will be working on for around the next 5 weeks. The LFS will be created on the partition which is in /dev. Remember the commands:cfdisk, fdisk, and mkfs. This will help when working with the partition. continue to work on beginning chapters of LFS.

February 5th

Continued working on LFS, i keep coming across many different problems when it comes to setting up my environment and matt says it has to do with settings in my sbin directory, just have to remember this.

February 23rd

Since continuing problems with my LFS and other people's in class, matt made a copy of tyler's LFS and we copied this onto our partitions, now that i have this everything is working smoothly and i glided through chapter 4 of LFS with ease. Casper also showed me tmux which is a useful tool for working on lfs when i can't be in the lair. tmux -s 'name' - creates tmux session with specified name tims -s 'name' attach - reattaches specified tmux session ctrl b d - detach from tmux session ctrl b c - create new window in tmux session ctrl b n - goes to next window in tmux session ctrl b p - goes to previous window in tmux session exit -will close and delete window in tmux session

March 3rd

Onto chapter 6 of LFS, remember that when entering the LFS environment i have to do /usr/sbin/chroot “$LFS”/tools since my settings are a little messed up. This revelation from matt has been crucial since i've been stuck on sections that continued to give me errors when trying to do simple commands.

March 10th

Continued work on LFS chapter 6, We went over getting personal subnets setup on the projects.lan network. i was assigned and had to update the files on projects.lan with this.

March 12th

Continued to work on LFS, also had to update our BIOS. Andrew had the newest bios version on a USB which i used to update mine. However, had a problem when my computer rebooted and had Matt check it out, seems to be the ongoing problem with my sbin but got it fixed and running.

March 26th

No longer working on LFS! Talked about virtual machines and getting virtualbox setup on our host system. Since i wasn't in class, becuase of my other class, i talked briefly with matt about it and luckily most of the information was on the board so i setup up virtualbox and created a virtualmachine with a 32bit version of debian with 8gb dynamic harddrives.

April 28th

I'm having problems with my virtual machine for whatever reason, at this point we start to talk about ssh keys

login as any user; * ls -l -h * id underscore - cd in .ssh and - cat the id_underhub - authorized «authorized_keys

April 30th

The problem was relatively simply, for whatever reason my virtualmachine was trying to connect to eth9 when i needed it to connect to eth0. Having this fixed i got nis downloaded and starting working on SSH keys for the cluster. With the help of matt we get everything connected and communicating with each other.

May 5th

Matt had a program written that summed up large numbers and he showed us a demo of how a cluster can work together to compute the numbers quicker. it was very cool how it worked and made the aspect of computer clusters very appealing. Note that although it was quicker with more computers, the more computers you add can eventually slow the time down since the extra computers will cause more communication between them and eventually start to slow. It's like there is a bell curve when it comes to speed, and one wants to hit a sweet spot of multiple computers for a job.

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