
My name is Mohsin Malik. I am currently 17 years old and still technically in high school, but I decided to skip my senior year (who needs that, right?) and come to CCC. Currently, I am pursuing computer science as my major, considering I have a very keen interest in computers, and have retained this interest for a very long time. I also consider myself as a semi experienced developer. I have been working with Java for over two years now, mainly writing plugins for a video game called Minecraft. I have developed for certain Minecraft servers in the past and have also ran my own servers. It's fun, enjoyable, and is what I do best at the moment.

Eventually, I plan to move away from that field and go towards more software development.

Now, I have some major interests. One of which is obviously working with computers, running servers, stuff like that. Another one, is soccer. I enjoy watching and playing soccer, and I also own a PS4 with FIFA 15, which I play very often. I don't really support any team, considering most of the good teams are based in Europe, so it would be difficult to choose a favorite team.