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HPC Fundamentals Journal

jan 22, 2015

so far i have only setup the workspace, have not even installed an os, but should have that done today.

jan 23, 2015

i have finished setting up the os for the workstation.

HPC Experience ][ Journal

jan 22, 2015

I have began work on organizing the backshelfs, it is more work then i was expecting, but on the bright side it will give me something to do well i obtain the funds to buy the water cooling kit for my pc. hopefully after that ill be able to start overclocking my cpu, and maybe if it keeps the temps down in the pc case i can overclock my gpu.

feb 10, 2015

I have mostly finished organizing the back shelves. Everything has been organized labeled and even the shelf has been labeled so hopefully everything will go back to where it belongs for as long as possible. One of the most time consuming parts was organizing the RAM. So much ram that is had the most boxes of any of the stuff i went through. I will be starting working on things for the other class. The plan is still to get a water cooler and install that on my system and then start on overclocking my cpu and maybe gpu. I probably won't do my gpu until i get my new ones. I am not sure what I will work on next for HPC, maybe I'll organize the bookshelf or something. I really haven't done much in any of the other class, but plan on getting some things done soon. Hopefully i can start working on the NES emulator. The main thing that is currently holding me back from doing so isn't as much of the problems as it is my bash programming skills. Its been awhile since i have done anything in bash since its been a year since unix/linux, and i believe i missed the first class that bash was taught. The LFS project has limited interest to me, but I will start working on it soon. I'm thinking about how i want to do it. I'm thinking of trying to make it as light as possible while still being able to browse the net and watch videos, anything that someone would do regularly. Finally, I will have to do something with frogger. I believe both kyle and I have pretty much let conner do the work so far, But I'll find something to do on it so at least i contributed in some way.

March 11, 2015

After learning that my pc case does not support a decent water cooler i decided to add more fans and a fan controller to my pc. I added 6 fans and replaced 3 fans because they were cheap fans that didn't do the job very well. I had 1 fan left over and decided to add that fan to my cpu cooler so i now have a push pull configuration. I have yet to overclock my cpu, but i did overclock the gpu and managed to get +100 in the clock speed, and +300 in the memory clock before it became unstable. I also dropped 50 from the clock speed to make sure it would be completely stable because it was fairly stable at +150. Now i am working on fixing up my laptop and installing the steamos on it. So far i have replaced the thermal paste on the cpu and gpu. The temperatures are high for what i personally like but apparently its normal for this laptop to have high temps. There are some interesting ways to help the heat problem and i may attempt one or 2 of them to try and lower the temperature. The steamos is a version of Debian so i should have some familiarity with how it operates, and it will be interesting to see how it performs. I have gotten a fair bit done in the ALU of the nes emulator. All of the basic logic has been completed, and i have completed left and right shifts. All that is left for me to complete is the bit rotating functions and all bit operations will have been completed. It shouldn't take to long to do rotating since its fairly similar to shifting. I have made it to chapter 5 in the lfs build. I have unpacked and installed the gcc compiler, and outside of a few commands not working properly and permissions not being setup right it has been decently smooth. I will have to finish up lfs soon. I also need to switch to projects.lan at some point. The new project for the game seems interesting, but its been confusing trying to figure out where everyone wants to start. Hopefully, it gets a decent amount of progress before the end of the semester.

March 26, 2015

With the assistance of Dan i have managed to install ubuntu on my laptop. Was very difficult due to my laptop having a dedicated graphics card. I learned a bit about using the GRUB interface and a few other tools that allow the formating of a flashdrive to be bootable. I have been putting in a lot of effort into trying to get a few things done for joe. I havent learned to much about what he is actually talking about, but what iv really learned about is setting up my own library and writing helper scripts to archive my functions. There is a lot that goes into just making a library. More then i would have expected. Also learning how to better use gcc for more advanced compiling. Such as compiling a .0 file using gcc with the -c option. Also linking against libraries and finding the include file. Today i am going to work on setting up the subnet on projects.lan.

HPC Systems and Networking Journal


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Systems Programming Journal

jan 23, 2015

we have begun work on frogger. we have setup a github repo and have been working on a bit of the SDL code. One thing that we are hoping to add is rumble support.