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C/C++ Programming Journal


I really like the new way to commit to bitbucket. It will make life a lot easier for everyone and it lets me mess around with lab 46 more


Yesterday I used lab46 to commit to bitbucket, it was so much easier and quicker than use torturousHG. Thank you for showing us the fast and easier way.


Today I think I finished my data types project. I'm not to sure if I did it all right I but this is my first program that i wrote in c mostly by myself. I'm still not sure of what ever thing does but I have a good idea now. With this project I found out that the number of bytes of each type is not the same on all computer and os. From my program i found that a signed and unsigned char both use 1 byte, all shorts us 4 bytes, and that longs use 8. This is what i got from my program but it could be wrong. All and all I am starting to get the hang of C i think.


Today is Joe's part of the class we talked about the * and what is does. At this point I still don't see a point to use the * when we can just set a variable. I'm sure it will come later but as of right now I'm kinda lost.


Its been awhile since the last time i posted but a lot of C is starting to come together from pointers to remembering to put the ; at the end of a line. All of this is getting easier to write, but it still isn't as easy as vbs to me. The main things that mess me up right now is moving the position with a pointer, but after todays class i think i got it and I can't wait to try what I learned today in class. I also learned that argc and argc can be changed!?!?!?! The way Joe was talking i though that they had to be that and if you changed them your program would not work.


Things not to forget: = is not the same as == thats all i got to say


When I started the multby11 project I thought it was going to be easy and for the most part it was. Until i got to the part when you dont us user input from the command line. It was not as simple as using scanf and printf, but as of right now im talking with joe again and with his help im starting to get it. I found out that I more than likely need to use the malloc function and this has given me nothing but issues. So when and if i get this it will become another post in my opus.


Ok so you don't need need a ; after a if statement and you don't need * before every pointer. On a happier note my multby11 code is almost done I just need to know what formatting string I need to put in.


I finally got the multby11 project done. I think that I have a good idea of how pointers work now. Now i just have to finish the other project that was due last week and I'm sure it will be easier now that I have an understanding of pointer and now to work them.


Made my first spite Mario!!!!!!!!


I don't know why but i was looking over some old code I wrote in VBS and now i want to write it in C so encrypter in c here i come!


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UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal


When we had class on Tuesday I found the question of how do we have one computer acting as 6 different computers very interesting and i was wondering the same thing. I had no idea that you could even do that and I feel that it really opened my mind to the fact that I really know very little about computers and how they work. I don't know why but when you went over lab 46 in class and how to navigate the website I found it really easy, but when I tried to do it by myself I found it more difficult, but I'm starting to get the hang of it now.


Having looked over lab 0x2 I'm glad that you went over the “user” “group” and “world” in class because if you didn't I would have been a bit lost they way you explained it in class made a lot of sense. I have never hear of an absolute and relative path, but i feel think I understand them now. I don't think that i had to many question in this lab mostly because you did a lot of it with us on Tuesday.


Since the last time I was on i completed the archive project and the puzzle box project. The archive project so much harder than I thought it would be. I'm still not 100% sure on how to use archives correctly in a Linux environment, but i plan to keep practicing and I hope i will get better and better. The reason why this project was so important is because compressing files save a lot of space and make things easier to send to other people. On the other hand the puzzle box project was fun even though I spent a lot of time on it when the answer was right in front of my face. When you had to change the file to a .zip it was simple, but when you had to decode them it took some time to figure out. ALL in all im starting to learn more things about Linux and the terminal.


In the last class we talked about the “kill” command and what it is used for. I'm not sure why their are so many ways to stop a program but if you really want to stop it you can use kill -9. Since last week I have taught myself HTML and it took very little time to do. With this I finished the webpage game and I think that this was one of my favorite projects yet other than the fact it took a very long time.


I was wondering is there any way to move things from my computer to the Linux server? Well I guess its time to go google so things.


On a happy note happy Pi day to all. We last talked about IRC bots and programing in c. Im not to sure about the whole IRC bot thing cause im not to sure what they are, but by the end of this project I hope that i can answer that question.


Last class we were talking about finding anything in a text file not just files. Their alot like wildcards but have a slight difference. We also talked more about the irc bot and scripts to kill them or to start them. That parts is not very hard to do. I just wish that I was a bit more interested in the whole idea of the irc bot thing.


Wow its been a while since I've been on my opus but since last class I've been moving thing into new folders and organizing my src and cprog folder it is alot easier to find things now.


Just finishing up the last lab of the year and I am about to start on the “Final” nothing sounded to hard but i like i will have the most issues on the one where i have to write two shell scripts. I think one of them will be in c but the other im not to sure on.


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