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HPC Experience ][ Journal

February 19, 2014

We got cracking on booting up a router, with more information on the portfolio page.

February 27, 2014

I am continuing work on my home server. I plan on using it to help out with sudoreboot stuff from my house since I can't make it to Corning frequently. I am installing debian onto it because crunchbang was giving me issues. More information on the project on the Home Server Configuration page.

March 10, 2014

I attended another CIST meeting up at the main campus and learned how to use Kali Linux and exploit other systems on the local network, which is nice. I also set up my router to port forward ssh to my server so I can access it from anywhere and continue working on it.

April 9, 2014

I'm starting back up on the VPN server at my house, which should be fun! I am going to use openVPN to start. All documentation can be found on the openVPN portfolio page!

HPC Systems and Networking Journal

February 19, 2014

We did some DNS config on the router we set up earlier in the day, I haven't updated the project page yet, but it will be updated very soon!

March 19, 2014

More progress toward taking a dump! I set up my vm to automatically connect to the backup02 vm without requiring a password, which is not what you want when taking a scheduled dump.

I created a public and private key to bypass a required password to take a dump on the vm backup02.

I also set up the dump and dumped to the backup02 vm

Important things:

cat » authorized_keys - appended my public key to the file that is on backup02 scp root@backup02:jawsh - sent my public key to backup02

dump -0uan -f - / |gzip -9| ssh root@backup02 “dd of=pancake.dump.gz”