Table of Contents

Dominic Spaccio's Spring 2014 Opus

Oiccaps Rage


As of 02FEB14

I AM… a loving father of two, a husband, a US Air Force (USAF) veteran, an ice fisherman, a gamer, an angry SOB, a student forced to start over, passionately rooted in principle, addicted to nicotine/caffeine, involved with my children's school, a former Air Traffic Control Specialist for the USAF as well as LaGuardia approach/departure control, inappropriate at times, unable to sleep, a home beer brewer, irritated by inside jokes, appalled by text speak anywhere other than text messages and twitter, a Pokeman Wrangler, never doing another ASCII art assignment, saddened by the forced air system pumping out cold air during the winter, frustrated by the lack of direction, trying to enjoy this, tired of teaching myself, regretting coming back to CCC, appalled by lazy instructors, slowly rapidly losing my patience.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

JANUARY 21, 2014

What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? I have never kept a journal before. I'm not comfortable keeping my thoughts and feelings anywhere other than deep down inside. What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? I started reading the mage compendium and felt as if I was being lead to a nipple. I am hungry but I haven't breastfed in 30 years. Why was this significant? I'm three chapters into the book and finally the arch mage had an assignment worth paying attention to. What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? This will be the only book I read for this class. Any other info I need I'll google it.


JANUARY 23, 2014

Oh SHIT I forgot about beer day. I gotta get my home brew into the refrigerator. Beer will be ready for SUPERBOWL Sunday!


JANUARY 27, 2014

Feeling healthy enough to add another comment to the RAGE. I'll start with things that don't make sense. Like this opus what's this got to do with UNIX Fundamentals? This is my significant discovery. Today I realised even though I'm not drawing a new network topology map redundancy is required. I feel challenged by my personality's makeup. To elaborate, every fiber of my being is unhappy with all this.

In conclusion though I spout off like child I WILL complete the work required but I'll not do it with a smile.


JANUARY 28, 2014

TIME to RAGE. Makes no sense = ASCII art. OOOOOOOHHHHHHH this is significant ASCII art blows goats for quarters man. Moving right along, so I found the nipple the Archmage had me searching for and her name is CHMOD. Memories are flooding back. Wait… yeah I do remember this. The more I write of this opus the more I think I'm supposed to be answering the questions from the weekly reading/assignment? And yeah thats a question for damn sure. I leave you all with my feeble attempt at ASCII art feel free to laugh.


JANUARY 29, 2014

TIME to RAGE. Today I made a deal with the devil. Satan helped me view some of the files from the archives project in my web browser. After some breastfeeding I realised I needed to CHMOD the “other's” ability to read the file in order to view it through my web browser. From here I appropriately renamed the files smallest to biggest and weeded out the useless/corrupted files. Now came time to archive the files into a single twice compressed file. This took less than three hours of reading and doing. Something that didn't make sense: SUBMIT is not working properly with this assignment yet. The more I accomplish in this class the more I remember from 12 years ago when I completed these courses the first time. Significance: Imagine my surprise when I discovered that technology constantly changes yet CCC's curriculum has not (well maybe a little) even though my old credits have expired. MAN pages still suck and there is no MAN page for the SUBMIT script /potshot. Challenges faced: My terminal was acting up on me so I had to /quit my screen and restart IRSSI again. Protip: once you have TAR'd your archive just GZIP it, if this isn't clear MAN GZIP

Anyone in need of help may email me or talk to me in class. I'm no expert but I do try to complete work as soon as I possibly can. Lastly if anyone cares my first home brew is delicious!


FEBRUARY 06, 2014

TIME to RAGE. Weekly reading complete, well sort of. The “Procedure” section left me scratching my dome. I created the two files .signature and .plan. I can safely assume .signature is for calling inside the vi editor (with :r .signature) to add my customized signature to a text file. The .plan file on the other hand is beyond my scope of reasoning at this time. I have no clue what this is for. I skimmed the reading a second time trying to find a clue. I then read the VIM Tutorial again (still can't shake the rot this has left in my brain) searching for a clue. I suppose this means I'm clueless. It's safe to say I learned that there are some people out there who do not like conformity and so they cling to the old as if it were gospel. Lastly, could you please explain the purpose of putting “(1)” after a command name in the weekly readings?

Puzzlebox Practice: After copying file.txt to my home directory I used FILE to gather info about it. It appears to be an ASCII text file. Having CAT'd the file I learned. “This is a simple text file. It contains ASCII text.” Now GZIP'd FILE says: “file.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was “file.txt”, from Unix, last modified: Thu Feb 6 16:44:58 2014”. Now GUNZIP'd then GZIP –fast FILE says: “file.txt.gz: gzip compressed data, was “file.txt”, from Unix, last modified: Thu Feb 6 16:44:58 2014, max speed”.


FEBRUARY 11, 2014

TIME to RAGE. I don't feel like doing this.


FEBRUARY 14, 2014

TIME to RAGE. I'm starting to lose my shit lately. Taking these courses over again is absolute horseshit! Between this and Deleone's Software class I'm completely unchallenged. Well that is not entirely true, I'm challenged by my patience. These two classes together are redundancy at it's finest. I'm here for the paper.

But, as far as class is concerned I just sent out chest slaps on all y'all, .signature amended. Redirection, Pipes, and Coffee Filters are so useful. I cant wait until I have an actual purpose for them.


FEBRUARY 20, 2014

TIME to RAGE. I have no clue what the last segment is asking me to do. Wildcards haven't changed, Piping/Redirection hasn't changed. The Quotes don't follow grammar but to be expected. Keeping things simple only applies when you feel like it. I can't recall anyone ever gesturing quotes with a single finger.


FEBRUARY 27, 2014

TIME to RAGE. After a refreshing six pack of bud light, I've brought myself back to this “oh you pussy”. So HTML is the latest greatest project I'm completely disinterested in. I just love being required to commit scripts to get a paper in IT and Networking. Before you say so, I know I could take some other elective.

I'm making my webpages into a photo driven text adventure. Photos acquired and a story outline in my head to boot. I suppose with my day off tomorrow I should finish this project.

Wildcards are my proverbial seven pounds of undigested meat in my colon. Thirteen years later I still completely understand them. Two weeks of UNIX vacation on the horizon. I suppose this is the perfect place for those memes I learned about. That's not gonna happen…ever -fullstop-

Oh yeah - cat 'Long File $PATH for Shell Lab.text'


MARCH 01, 2014

TIME to RAGE. Finding it challenging to motivate myself to do school work. I do not like green eggs and ham. I suppose I should try them. That said I'll now force my way through the content and will check back in later.

Webpage project not completed yet. completed. The rest of this is beyond my self instruction capacity. Done with this I have enough scripting to do for problem solving.


MARCH 11, 2014

TIME to RAGE. I have taken a break. I don't think I care anymore. Therefore, I'll make entries weekly, I'll not smile, I'll not enjoy it, and I'll get my paper.


MARCH 17, 2014

TIME to RAGE. We are well beyond the fundamentals of Unix. My IRC Bot is coming along I've installed it and edited the config file. Keep your eyes open for Corky will be making his debut soon.


MARCH 23, 2014

Satisfying the requirement. I can't believe I'm paying for this.

April 10, 2014

I'm still here.

April 15, 2014

So I did finish that project DataProc. No duplicates but I did grep cats sort there innards check for uniq things and then I cut them all apart. hahaha

April 29, 2014

Getting what I can done on the EOC today. Trying not to learn something new. When I get the chance I'll not be writing any extensive explanations. Tired and sick… fact and fact!

