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UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

January 28, 2014

I started to read the mage book and tried to work on the examples in my putty session to lab46 while reading. This is all new to me and going to take some time to get use to. #Frustrated

Feb 2, 2014

In the assignment this week we focused on messing around with different files and directories. Some commands are similar to dos commands which i have some previous experience with. It went through copying files, moving files, and removing files. Also took you through examples of how to sift through the manual pages. I'm trying to keep up with the reading but I'm feeling like if i dont seek some outside help i will start to fall behind. This is just all so new to me and class being online is also new so its going to take a little extra work to stay current.

Feb 25, 2014

Fell behind a little because of a stupid mistake i was making and came to class early and got some help. I finished the puzzle box project but realized i didnt complete the archive handling. So i almost finished that before class. Now that i feel like i have a good foundation to build off i feel alot more comfortable handling the course work.

March 4, 2014

I finally finished the archive handling project. I was having a problem keeping the files organized. I ended up deleting the empty files and renaming the ones that had images in them before i viewed what was in the other files. I had to get help on how to view the contents of the files. With the .txt i knew that i could just cat image4.txt and it would show the output on the screen but with the other extensions i had no idea what to do so i sought out help from Dominique. We copied the images into the public_html folder then opened up a web browser and typed in the path in the address bar. The images were then shown on the screen and i had to rename the files in accordance with the size of the animal that they were. Im finally caught up.

March 18th

I basically died last Monday and was resurrected only 2 days ago. I had some kind of stomach bug that ruined my life and made me behind again in classes as soon as i was caught up. I hate playing catchup

March 24th

I finally finsihed the web pages but it was more time consuming once i figured out all of the proper syntax to use. I also spent alot of time touching everything up because i was learning as i went. Turned out pretty effin good if i do say so myself.

April 1st

I have to say even though this is my last semester i regret taking on as many classes as i did. Taking 19 credit hours has proved to be very difficult and time consuming. It wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have to work a full time job as well but i couldnt come back for just 1 or 2 classes. The struggle has been to have enough time to get all of my work done. I feel like i did a pretty good job at splitting the time up evenly but all that means is that every class suffered the same amount.

April 8th

Started working on the ircrobot this week. A little late i know but like i previously said. Lack of time is killing me. It doesnt help that i showed up for class today forgetting that it was cancelled. Made the best of the situation and worked on some homework.

April 15th

I didnt finish the ircrobot yet but i started working on the next project. I was having issues copying a file to my home directory. I even had several classmates try to run the command to copy it and they couldnt get it to work. But at soon as i said something in class guess what happend. It effin copied. I cant wait for this semester to be over and I can graduate already. I cant take it anymore!