Table of Contents

Brian Fairchild Spring 2014

Introduction I am currently in the computer science program. My hobbies consist of goofing around on computers and playing video games. My goal is to become a game programmer. After CCC i will be looking for a job outside of game programmer just for the job experience.

Projects: C/C++: Projects: Unix: Resume:

C/C++ Programming Journal


The lab today showed me a bit more of what i will be dealing with when it comes to the class. The significance of this is that after taking Joe's lecture and then trying to work what he wanted with this mingw and c++ compiler stuff. I felt completely lost and unsure of what he even wanted to do with the class. Now after going to the lab i understand what is actually expected in the class and that i don't even have to deal with all that complicated stuff that Joe wanted and can just use lab46 for everything. Currently there isn't any challenges in the class and i believe the most challenging part of the whole class will be understanding Joe's lectures.


Another confusing lecture from Joe. Seems like i'm taking a course in folder and file management instead of a course on C,C++. In class we haven't even begun working on anything of importance, luckily the lab seems a bit more focused on programming. All this stuff Joe is putting people through makes me glad that i can use lab46 for all the work instead of the craziness Joe has come up with. Currently working on input/output and datatypes project. Both are somewhat coming together but no where's near done.


Turned in the datatypes project on sunday. Almost finished it just could not figure out how to assign an extra byte to an eight byte type. Had to change the coding to the qty line quite a bit so i could understand how it was doing what it was doing. Started working on the squares project the other day. have it all figured out just need to figure out how to separate the numbers into separate digits. Hopefully after i solve that problem everything will go well.


Have finished the day of week project and it was much easier then a lot of the previous projects. The equation and moding numbers worked a lot better then in my previous attempts at using it. Still havent finished the squares project tho. Almost done just need to get the equation to give me the correct numbers.


finished nikhilam was fairly easy after getting passed a few rough spots. Multiply by 11 is pretty simple except for this one if statement that doesnt want to work. It just isnt being run even when it is true. The hard part now is trying to do case 2 when they are inputing numbers to the command line. Very difficult getting argv to become an int. Im pretty sure after i do get it to be an int then i pretty much just copy and paste all the math from before and it should be done.


Didnt have time to work on the vert and cross multiplication problem over the weekend however i did do some thinking about it. Have to use a lot of for loops for this to be scale well. seems like getting the numbers from the command line will be easier since i wont have to convert them to a string. Still dont like pointers but have to use them for this project to work.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal


I read the first two chapters of the book Unix for the beginning mage. This is significant because it helps me understand some of the commands that Unix uses. This is also the first text book that was enjoyable to read. At first none of the concepts made sense because i wasn't sure exactly what was going on in the course and how to access the command line from home. After the Thursday C++ lab the concepts make a lot more sense and i was able to remember some of the commands like cd and ls. Currently there isn't any course challenges that i am facing. However, this is my first online class so that might hinder me a bit at first because i am not used to doing work without going to a lecture class first.


I began working on my resume. The process was somewhat tough at first because i never dealt with a dokuwiki before. The wiki syntax was useless at first glance its really only helpful when you get confused more of a reference tool. It might help to read the first small paragraph just so you can do the basics like bold and ect. The only other confusing thing to me currently is what exactly are we doing in this class. Its confusing because most of the work seems to be done on the wiki and not using UNIX. Hopefully as the course progress the point of this class will be more clear and we can learn cool things about UNIX and how limitless it can be.


Finished the archives project. Was pretty easy hoping i did it write because it felt a lot easier then it should have been. Was interesting on how easy it is to zip and unzip a file without having a GUI interface. Wish windows could operate lie Unix at times instead of having to learn a ton of programs to do simple tasks. Going to start the puzzle box project today hopefully it goes as smoothly as the archives project did.


Did the urev “game” and only missed a couple mostly because of misclicks. Need to work on the webpage project still. Hopefully it will go smoothly and quickly like the previous projects. Have a few ideas of how im going to make it.


have started on the irssi bot. iv gotten it to make it to the irc channel and iv enabled its modules. Now i just got to write some files to run and kill it. shouldnt be to difficult, at least i hope it isnt. Hopefully have time to finish this project this weekend and prepare for the next one.


have not been able to get to the unix projects yet since my teachers have been giving more work then normal. Have plans on doing this weeks project on time and over spring break do the other to so i can be caught up. hopefully i can keep caught up till the end of the semester.


Gotten a good start on the dataprocs project. Am on task 6, messed up and did some of task 6 in task 5. This project was much easier then the last 2 overall. more work but less complex work. Should have the project done today or tomorrow.


Have started working on the EoCE. Started at the bottom because opinion questions are fast and easy. They also can not be wrong so get past those so i can spend my time on the real parts of the EoCE.


Have begun working on the the EoCE palindrome problems. Am working on a C program that checks to see if characters are the same. next i will be working on a bash script that takes a word saves it to a file. then flip the word and save it to another file and see if they match.


have gotten a decent way through the eoce. The projects are very difficult overall. Especially the puzzle boxes have me stuck.the palindrome project is one of the easier ones and i have gotten a far way through the project. Stuck on both codes for that project though. getting results that is unexpected in both.


finished most of the opus. parts 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, and 0x4 are all partly finished. got stuck on each part and just didnt have enough time to finish them all. appears as though i should have allocated more time for the eoce then i did. was not expecting the puzzle boxes to be as tricky as they were.

