Table of Contents

Nicholas Sano spring2013 Opus

Late to arrive but not least in dedication


Some where in the mind of a late starter will be a significant documentation and study of interface for IM and how to make an IM mechine will be working with Matt Wasenchenzen (that is not the spelling will fix later) despite not being a class mate is a friend and is farmiular with C, C++ and java.

HPC2 Journals

ongoing will be dated

February 11, 2013

  • pipes
  • sockets
  • C and C++ interfaceing
  • classes in C++
  • structs in C++
  • instant message transmissions
  • argV argC use in C++
  • socket reuse
  • printf and scanf or cout and cin

February 26, 2013

  1. Web Resources
    1. : using interface systems to control C++ application like messages back and forth
    2. : This is so useful it was a crutch last semester as I connected from home windows computer to a Linux based asterisk pbx telephony system
    3. : errors I might have when trying to compile and run on a windows
    4. : pipes are the most common way to send data from one end to another and if you use 2 in same program you could send a back and forth system between two people on two computers now multiple those 2 by a multiple of 2 and you can have multiple connect types.
    5. : never know if there would be a problem sending one message from one OS type to another always good to look into
    6. : using node Structs is a way to store chars strings or other data that can be transferred
    7. : using arg_v, arg_c is one way to enter strings to be transferred from one computer to another
    8. : use of scanf and nodes to take in and store messages
  2. Book Resources
    1. C pocket reference O'Reilly
    2. C++ pocket reference O'Reilly
    3. C programing lanague Denis Ritchie
    4. C++ for dummies
  3. Personal Resources
    1. Matt Haas - Instructor at CCC
    2. Joe Openhiem - Instructor at CCC
    3. Kyle Erlich - Student of engineering at CCC
    4. Matt Wasenchezin - Student of engineering at CCC
    5. Thomas Hakes - tutor/student of IT and CS at CCC
    6. Andrew Sowers - tutor/student of IT and CS at CCC
    7. Jacob Petti - tutor/student of IT and CS at CCC

Hello I am Nicholas A Sano this is my project page that i have completed for HPC, Data Structures, System programing Linux/Unix, HPC Networking and Computer Organization I am currently trying to get one degree in HPC which stands for High Performance Computing and it focuses on the utilization of Linux and Unix driven Systems everything from using Arduino systems to run multiple hobby motors at the same time to make a Phone Directory system to logically program a CPU.





Computer Orgnization

Data Communications

Data Structures