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Kellen Hoose's spring2013 Opus

Programming and such


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cprog Journals

February 1st,2013

Today we covered the concept of varying variable sizes, used when storing values of varying size. For example small numbers need less memory/space then large numbers, this is used to save memory in the long run. These different variable sizes are as follows:

  - unsigned char
  - signed char
  - unsigned short int
  - signed short int
  - unsigned int
  - signed int
  - unsigned long int
  - signed long int
  - unsigned long long int
  - signed long long int

The final version of the program that displays data on these variable is shown below:

  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 int main()
  3 {
  4     unsigned char a=0;
  5     fprintf(stdout, "\n---------------\n Unsigned Char:\n---------------\n");
  6     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %hhu\n", a);
  7     a=a-1;
  8     fprintf(stdout, "High: %hhu\n" , a);
  9     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an unsigned char in %hhu bytes\n", sizeof (a));
 11     signed char b=(a/2);
 12     fprintf(stdout, "\n-------------\n Signed Char:\n-------------\n");
 13     b=b+1;
 14     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %hhd\n", b);
 15     b=b-1;
 16     fprintf(stdout, "High: %hhd\n" , b);
 17     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an signed char in %hhd bytes\n", sizeof (b));
 19     unsigned short int c=0;                                                                                                             
 20     fprintf(stdout, "\n--------------------\n Unsigned Short Int:\n--------------------\n");
 21     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %hu\n", c);
 22     c=c-1;
 23     fprintf(stdout, "High: %hu\n" , c);
 24     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an unsigned short int in %hu bytes\n", sizeof (c));
 26     signed short int d=(c/2);
 27     fprintf(stdout, "\n------------------\n Signed Short Int:\n------------------\n");
 28     d=d+1;                                                                                                                              
 29     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %hd\n", d);
 30     d=d-1;
 31     fprintf(stdout, "High: %hd\n" , d);
 32     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an signed short int in %hd bytes\n", sizeof (d));
 34     unsigned int e=0;
 35     fprintf(stdout, "\n--------------\n Unsigned Int:\n--------------\n");
 36     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %u\n", e);
 37     e=e-1;
 38     fprintf(stdout, "High: %u\n" , e);
 39     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an unsigned int in %u bytes\n", sizeof (e));
 41     signed int f=(e/2);
 42     fprintf(stdout, "\n------------\n Signed Int:\n------------\n");
 43     f=f+1;
 44     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %d\n", f);
 45     f=f-1;
 46     fprintf(stdout, "High: %d\n" , f);
 47     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an signed int in %d bytes\n", sizeof (f));
 49     unsigned long int g=0;
 50     fprintf(stdout, "\n-------------------\n Unsigned Long Int:\n-------------------\n");
 51     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %lu\n", g);
 52     g=g-1;
 53     fprintf(stdout, "High: %lu\n" , g);
 54     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an unsigned long int in %lu bytes\n", sizeof (g));
 56     signed long int h=(g/2);
 57     fprintf(stdout, "\n-----------------\n Signed Long Int:\n-----------------\n");
 58     h=h+1;
 59     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %ld\n", h);
 60     h=h-1;
 61     fprintf(stdout, "High: %ld\n" , h);
 62     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an signed long int in %ld bytes\n", sizeof (h));
 64     unsigned long long int i=0;
 65     fprintf(stdout, "\n------------------------\n Unsigned Long Long Int:\n------------------------\n");
 66     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %llu\n", i);
 67     i=i-1;
 68     fprintf(stdout, "High: %llu\n" , i);
 69     fprintf(stdout, "The size of an unsigned long long in %llu bytes\n", sizeof (i));
 71     signed long long int j=(i/2);
 72     fprintf(stdout, "\n----------------------\n Signed Long Long Int:\n----------------------\n");
 73     j=j+1;
 74     fprintf(stdout, "Low: %lld\n", j);
 75     j=j-1;
 76     fprintf(stdout, "High: %lld\n" , j);

Resulting in the following values:

 Unsigned Char:
Low: 0
High: 255
The size of an unsigned char in 1 bytes

 Signed Char:
Low: -128
High: 127
The size of an signed char in 1 bytes

 Unsigned Short Int:
Low: 0
High: 65535
The size of an unsigned short int in 2 bytes

 Signed Short Int:
Low: -32768
High: 32767
The size of an signed short int in 2 bytes

 Unsigned Int:
Low: 0
High: 4294967295
The size of an unsigned int in 4 bytes

 Signed Int:
Low: -2147483648
High: 2147483647
The size of an signed int in 4 bytes

 Unsigned Long Int:
Low: 0
High: 18446744073709551615
The size of an unsigned long int in 8 bytes

 Signed Long Int:
Low: -9223372036854775808
High: 9223372036854775807
The size of an signed long int in 8 bytes

 Unsigned Long Long Int:
Low: 0
High: 18446744073709551615
The size of an unsigned long long in 8 bytes

 Signed Long Long Int:
Low: -9223372036854775808
High: 9223372036854775807
The size of an signed long long int in 8 bytes

February 6th,2013

Today we made a program that looks at why chars might be called chars and not short short ints.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char a, b, c;
    a = 0x41;
    b = 97;
    c = '1';
    printf("a is %hhu but can be mapped to '%c' in ASCII\n", a, a);
    printf("b is %hhu but can be mapped to '%c' in ASCII\n", b, b);
    printf("c is %hhu but can be mapped to '%c' in ASCII\n", c, c);
    a = a + 1;
    b = b - ' ';
    c = c * 2;   // this is a *, we are multiplying

We also made a program that plays a bit more with memory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char a, *b;
    a = 'a'; // what numeric value is being stored in the variable a? Why?
    b = &a;
    printf("a contains     '%c'\n", a);
    printf("a's address is 0x%X\n", &a);
    printf("b dereferenced contains '%c'\n", *b);
    printf("b contains     0x%X\n", b);
    printf("b's address is 0x%X\n", &b);

Also a third and final program that digs a little deeper with memory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    char *a;
    a = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char));
    *a = 48;
    //fprintf(stdout, "*a is %c\n", *a);

February 15, 2013

Today we covered the use of arrays in our functions, we were given a somewhat complete program and were told to finish it. The goal was to make it capable of averaging an array of numbers, resulting in the following code.

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4  #define NUM_SCORES 5
  5  #define SCORE0 87
  6  #define SCORE1 92
  7  #define SCORE2 97
  8  #define SCORE3 83
  9  #define SCORE4 79
 11  int main()
 12  {
 13      unsigned char *scores;
 14      float average;
 16      scores = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned char) * NUM_SCORES);
 17      *(scores+0) = SCORE0;
 18      *(scores+1) = SCORE1;
 19      *(scores+2) = SCORE2;
 20      *(scores+3) = SCORE3;
 21      *(scores+4) = SCORE4;
 23      average=((float)(SCORE0+SCORE1+SCORE2+SCORE3+SCORE4)/NUM_SCORES);
 24      fprintf(stdout, "Your scores are: %hhu, %hhu, %hhu, %hhu, %hhu\n",SCORE    0, SCORE1, SCORE2, SCORE3, SCORE4);
 25      fprintf(stdout, "Your average is: %f\n",average);
 26      /* Please provide the equation to do average of the scores */
 27      //average = EQUATION TO DO AVERAGE
 29      /* Display the scores via array referencing and then the average.
 30       * %f can be used to display a floating point value. */
 31      //fprintf(stdout, "YOUR FORMATTED TEXT STRING", LIST OF VARIABLES);
 33      return(0);
 34 }
Resulting in:
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./pointerarray 
Your scores are: 87, 92, 97, 83, 79
Your average is: 87.599998

Next we covered scanf() and using it to assign input to given variables. Below is a program that was modified in order to work correctly. The 'char' scanf() will grab the new line from the entry before unless properly dealt with as so:

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     int a, *b;
  7     short int c;
  8     char d;
  9     float e;
 11     b = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * 1);
 13     fprintf(stdout, "Enter an integer: ");
 14     fscanf(stdin, "%u", &a);
 16     fprintf(stdout, "Enter another integer: ");
 17     fscanf(stdin, "%u", b);// why don't we need & in this case?
 19     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a short int: ");
 20     fscanf(stdin, "%hu", &c);
 23     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a char: ");
 24    // fscanf(stdin, "%c", &d);
 25 getchar();
 26 fscanf(stdin, "%hu", &d);
 28     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a float value: ");
 29     fscanf(stdin, "%f", &e);
 31     fprintf(stdout,  "Your ints are: %u and %u\n", a, *b);
 32     fprintf(stdout, "Your short int is: %hu\n", c);
 33     fprintf(stdout, "Your char is: '%hhu'\n", d);
 34     fprintf(stdout, "Your float (trimmed at 2 decimal places) is: %.2f\n", e    );
 36     return(0);
 37 }
Supplying the following output:
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./scanf
Enter an integer: 4
Enter another integer: 3
Enter a short int: 2
Enter a char: a
Enter a float value: Your ints are: 4 and 3
Your short int is: 2
Your char is: '0'
Your float (trimmed at 2 decimal places) is: 0.00

February 20, 2013

Today we worked on one program, and beginning a second. The first of these programs uses fgetc() to read a single character from a specified file pointer. This program converts character input into its ASCII equivalent:

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  3 int main()
  4 {
  5     char a, b, c, d;
  7     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a Char: ");
  8     a = fgetc(stdin);
 11     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a Char: ");
 12     getchar();
 13     b = fgetc(stdin);
 15     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a Char: ");
 16     getchar();
 17     c = fgetc(stdin);
 19     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a Char: ");
 20     getchar();
 21     d = fgetc(stdin);
 22 /* 
 23 if((a>=48)&&(a<=57));
 24 {
 25 a=a-48;
 26 }
 27 */
 28 fprintf(stdout, "You entered ASCII chars %hhu, %hhu, %hhu, and %hhu\n", a, b, c, d);
 30 return(0);
 31 }
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./fgetc 
Enter a Char: a
Enter a Char: b
Enter a Char: c
Enter a Char: d
You entered ASCII chars 49, 98, 99, and 100

The second we started working on is the program below, which needs tweaking.

 1: #include <stdio.h>
 2: #include <stdlib.h>
 4: int main()
 5: {
 6:     char *initials, i = 0;
 8:     name = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * 4);
10:     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a 3 character set of initials and hit ENTER: ");
11:     *(initials+i) = fgetc(stdin);
12:     i = i + 1;
13:     *(initials+i) = fgetc(stdin);
14:     i = i + 1;
15:     *(initials+i) = fgetc(stdin);
16:     i = i + 1;
17:     *(initials+i) = fgetc(stdin);
19:     fprintf(stdout, "You entered %s\n", initials);
21:     return(0);
22: }

February 22, 2013


Today we covered Loops in general, today we covered for loops, shown in the following code and output.

  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                                                                                       
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     int a;
  7         for(a=12;a>=0;a=a-1)
  8     {
  9         if (a==10)
 10         {
 11         fprintf(stdout,"Friggin ");
 12         fprintf(stdout,"%d\n", a);
 13         }
 14         else if (a==0)
 15         {
 16         fprintf(stdout,"BOOOOMMMM EXPLOSION GRAPHICS! (imagined)\n");
 17 }
 18         else if (a!=6)
 19 fprintf(stdout,"%d\n", a);
 20     }
 21     return 0;
 22 }


Displayed below is the output of the above program.

lab46:~/src/C+$ ./forloop 
Friggin 10

Next we covered conditionals, using, if, else if, and else. These are single conditions, usually used for specific values, different than while loops that cover a range of values.

  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     int a;
  7     fprintf(stdout, "Please input a number:");
  8     fscanf(stdin, "%u", &a);
 10         if (a<50)
 11         {
 12          fprintf(stdout,"too low\n");
 13         }
 15         else if (a==50)
 16         {
 17         fprintf(stdout,"equal to\n");
 18         }
 20         else if (a>50)
 21         {
 22         fprintf(stdout,"too high\n");
 23         }
 24     return(0);
 25 }  


Here is an example of my code in action.

lab46:~/src/C+$ ./ifelse 
Please input a number:4
too low
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./ifelse 
Please input a number:50
equal to
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./ifelse 
Please input a number:54
too high

February 27, 2013

Today we worked on a random number generator, based off of time. There is no such thing as 'random' with computers since they can only talk in equation so to fix that the following program uses time, seconds, to determine the variable to sets the equation in motion that way there is a new 'random' number generated every second.

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                                                                                      
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     int x;
  8     srand(time(NULL));
 10     // Pick a pseudorandom number between 1 and 10
 11     //
 12     x = rand()%99+1;
 14     fprintf(stdout, "The number chosen was: %u\n", x);
 16     return(0);
 18 }

Here is the output of the above program:

lab46:~/src/C+$ ./randomnum 
The number chosen was: 69
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./randomnum 
The number chosen was: 45
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./randomnum 
The number chosen was: 79
lab46:~/src/C+$ ./randomnum 
The number chosen was: 11

March 1, 2013

gcc filesource -g -o filedestination:  compile code as normal, plus the  -g to allow debugging.
gdb ./fieldestination: opens debugging for the indicated file.
(gdb) list:display code of program
(gdb)break main: sets break as the 'main'
(gdb)run: runs program until break
(gdb)step: single step past break, next line, into functions
(gdb)next: jump to next break, next line, past functions on next line
(gdb)continue: continue execution, till break (if program is loop)
(gdb)print'i':prints the value of the variable at that current spot in the program.
(gdb)display 'i': displays the indicated variable everytime it hits the break
(gdb)healp break: gives information on the break function
(gdb)bt: lists functions that have been used.
lab46:~/src/C+$ gcc expo.c -g -o expo
lab46:~/src/C+$ gdb ./expo
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.0.1-debian
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /home/khoose2/src/C+/expo...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) list
1	#include<stdio.h>
3		int main()
4	{
5		int i,j, sum=0;
7		for(i=0;i<6;i++)
8		{
9			for(j=0;j<5;j++)
10			{
(gdb) list
11			sum=sum+j;
12			}
13		}
15		fprintf(stdout,"sum is %u\n",sum);
16		return 0;	
18	}
(gdb) display j
1: j = 2
(gdb) display i
2: i = 0
(gdb) display sum
3: sum = 3
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, main () at class.c:11
11			sum=sum+j;
3: sum = 10
2: i = 1
1: j = 0
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 2, main () at class.c:11
11			sum=sum+j;
3: sum = 10
2: i = 1
1: j = 1
(gdb) c

March 6, 2013

Today we spent creating a multi-file program, utilizing functions and object-file compilation.

Multiple Files

First I created the individual C files to be compiled into my object files; Exponentiator,Increment, Adding, Multiply, Exponent, and Main.

#ifndef _EXPONENTIATOR_H   //symbol:unique; delcares existence
#define _EXPONENTIATOR_H   //if it doesnt exist, make it

#include <stdio.h>         //declares existence of printf
#include <stdlib.h>

int increment(int);
int addition(int, int);
int multiply(int, int);
int exponent(int, int);

#include "exponentiator.h"
int increment(int num)
#include "exponentiator.h"

int addition(int num1, int num2)
	int i;
#include "exponentiator.h"
int multiply(int num1, int num2)
	int i, num;
		num1=addition(num1, num);
#include "exponentiator.h"
int exponent(int num1, int num2)
    int i, num;
        num1=multiply(num1, num);                                        
#include "exponentiator.h"

int main()
	printf("incrementing(9) : %u\n", increment(9));
	printf("addition (105+13): %u\n", addition(105, 13));
	printf("multiply (9*10)  : %u\n", multiply(9, 10));
	printf("exponent (2^5)  : %u\n", exponent(2, 5));



After I created all the neccessary C files, I then compiled them into object files so I could use them further. To do this I input the following commands:

lab46:~/src/C+/cprog$ gcc -c main.c       
lab46:~/src/C+/cprog$ gcc -o exponentiator *.o

The first line converts the files indicated to object files, this is required for each file. The second line connects all object files, the * indicates anything that ends in “.o”, to the indicated primary file which in this case is the “exponentiator.h”.


When The compiled executable is run, it uses the values present in the main.c, source file.

Here is the main.c file's content.

#include "exponentiator.h"

int main()
	printf("incrementing(9) : %u\n", increment(9));
	printf("addition (105+13): %u\n", addition(105, 13));
	printf("multiply (9*10)  : %u\n", multiply(9, 10));
	printf("exponent (2^5)  : %u\n", exponent(2, 5));


This is the resulting output.

lab46:~/src/C+/cprog/exponentiator$ ./exponentiator
incrementing(9) : 10
addition (105+13): 118
multiply (9*10)  : 90
exponent (2^5)  : 32
lab46:~/src/C+/cprog/exponentiator$ lab46:~/src/C+/cprog/exponentiator$

March 13, 2013

If you open a file for writting, past contents are erased. If you open a file appent, your cursor is moved to the end and inputs from there.

ldd 'executable file': shows the libraries linked to the file. This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

Today we began working on a multifile program called 'scores' which was composed of four files; main.c, iscores.c, fscores.c, display.c and project.h.

  1 #include "project.h"                                                        
  3 int main(int argc, char **argv)
  4 {
  5     FILE *fPtr = NULL;
  6     size = 0;
  8     if (argc == 1)
  9     {
 10         score = &iscore;
 11         do {
 12             fprintf(stdout, "How many scores do you wish to enter?");
 13             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &size);
 14         } while (size < 1);
 16         fprintf(stdout, "Input score (0/%d): ", (size-1));
 17     }
 18     else
 19     {
 20         score = &fscore;
 21         fPtr = fopen(*(argv+1), "r");
 22         if (fPtr == NULL)
 23         {
 24             fprintf(stderr, "Error opening '%s'\n", *(argv+1));
 25             exit(1);
 26         }
 28         fscanf(fPtr, "%d", &size); //first element in datafile is set to siz    e
 29     }
 31     data = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * size);
 33     score(fPtr);
 35     display();
 36        if (fPtr != NULL)
 38     fclose(fPtr);
 39     return(0);
 40 }
  1 #include "project.h"                                                        
  3 int iscore(FILE *fPtr)
  4 {
  5     int i = 0, status = -1;
  7     while(i < size)
  8     {
  9         fscanf(stdin, "%d", (data+i));
 10         fprintf(stdout, "Read in a %d ...\n", *(data+i));
 11         i++;
 12         fprintf(stdout, "Input score (%d/%d): ", i, (size-1));
 13     }
 15     if (i > 0)
 16         status = 0;
 18     return(status);
 19 }
  1 #include "project.h"                                                        
  3 int fscore(FILE *fPtr)
  4 {
  5     int i = 0, status = -1;
  7     while(fscanf(fPtr, "%d", (data+i)) != EOF)
  8     {
  9         fprintf(stdout, "Read in a %d ...\n", *(data+i));
 10         i++;
 11     }
 13     if (i > 0)
 14         status = 0;
 16     return(status);
 17 }
  1 #include "project.h"                                                        
  3 void display()
  4 {
  5     int i = 0;
  7     while (i < size)
  8     {
  9         fprintf(stdout, "%d\t", *(data+i));
 10         i++;
 11     }
 12     fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 13 }
  1 #ifndef _PROJECT_H                                                          
  2 #define _PROJECT_H
  4 #include <stdio.h>
  5 #include <stdlib.h>
  7 int  fscore(FILE *);
  8 int  iscore(FILE *);
  9 int (*score)(FILE *);
 10 void display();
 12 int *data;
 13 int  size;
 15 #endif

March 15, 2013


array name
array name 
array name
struct person{
char name[80];
int age;
float height;

struct person people[8]
    people[3].age=37; //sets fourth entry in 'people's array age to 37

typedef struct person P;  //P=struct person
P people[8]; == struct person people[8]

We began writing the prestuct program today in preparation for the struct program. The prestruct program is displayed below:

  1 /*
  2  * prestructs1.c
  3  *
  4  *  An example leading into using structs in C, along with arrays.
  5  *
  6  * To compile: gcc -o prestructs1 prestructs1.c
  7  *
  8  */
  9 #include<stdio.h>
 10 int main()
 11 {
 12        int age1, age2;
 13        float height1, height2;
 14         char name1[80], name2[80], junk;
 15         printf("Person 1 of 2:\n");
 16         printf("==============\n");
 17         // prompt for name (string)
 18         printf("Please enter the person's first name: ");
 19         scanf("%s", name1);
 20         // prompt for age (integer)
 21         printf("Please enter %s's age: ", name1);
 22         scanf("%d", &age1);
 23         // prompt for height (float)
 24         printf("Please enter %s's height: ", name1);
 25         scanf("%f", &height1);
 26         // Get newline out of the input stream
 27         junk = fgetc(stdin);
 28         printf("Person 2 of 2:\n");
 29         printf("==============\n");
 30         // prompt for name (string)
 31         printf("Please enter the person's first name: ");
 32         scanf("%s", name2);
 33         // prompt for age (integer)
 34         printf("Please enter %s's age: ", name2);
 35         scanf("%d", &age2);
 36         // prompt for height (float)
 37         printf("Please enter %s's height: ", name2);
 38         scanf("%f", &height2);
 39         // Get newline out of the input stream
 40         junk = fgetc(stdin);
 41         printf("\n\nThe names of the people are:\n");
 42         printf("#1: %s\t", name1);
 43         printf("#2: %s\t", name2);
 44         printf("\n\n");
 45         printf("The full bios of the people are:\n");
 46         printf("#1: %s, age: %d, height: %f\n", name1, age1, height1);
 47         printf("#2: %s, age: %d, height: %f\n", name2, age2, height2);
 48         return(0);
 49 }  

March 20, 2013

gcc -o filename filesource -lm : compile while linking to math library (lm)

Today we assembled the proper pieces neccessary to run a program that can create visul displays for us, using the colors we choose; mathlib.c,

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include <math.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     double a=25, b=0;
  7     b=sqrt(a);
  8     printf("The square root of %f is %f\n", a, b);
  9     return(0);
 10 }

March 22, 2013

Today we formatted the program that will draw an image, send it to a address where we can view it. Using the following figure as the scale for our image coordinates.

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include <gd.h>
  3 #include <math.h>
  5 #define PI 3.1415926535897
  7 int main ()
  8 {
  9     FILE *out;
 10     char outfile[] = "image.png";
 11     gdImagePtr       img;
 12     unsigned int current;
 13     unsigned short int wide, high;
 14     int degree, x, y, r=0, red=0, green=0, blue=0;
 15     float radian;
 17     wide=800;
 18     high=800;
 20     img=gdImageCreateTrueColor(wide, high);
 22     current=gdImageColorAllocate(img, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
 23     gdImageFilledRectangle(img, 0, 0, wide, high, current);
 25     r=10;
 26     green=0xFF;
 27     for(degree=0; degree < 1080; degree+=8)
 28 {
 29     radian=degree*(PI/180);
 30     x=(wide/2)+r*sin(radian);
 31     y=(high/2)+r*cos(radian);
 32     current=gdImageColorAllocate(img, red, 0, blue);
 33     gdImageFilledRectangle(img, x, y, x+30, y+30, current);
 34     r=r+2;
 35     blue=blue+2;
 36     red=red+2;
 37 }
 40     //output the data
 41     //
 42     out=fopen(outfile, "wb");
 43     gdImagePngEx(img, out, -1);
 45     //close things up
 46     //
 47     fclose(out);
 48     gdImageDestroy(img);
 50     return(0);
 51 } 

0,0 800, 0

|                     |
|                     |
|                     |
|                     |

0, 600 800, 600

March 27, 2013

We worked on some more GD projects today, this time for drawing a triangle, as displayed below:

  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  3 #include <string.h>
  4 #include <gd.h>                                                             
  6 // color values
  7 //
  8 #define BLACK       0
  9 #define GRAY        1
 10 #define VIOLET      2
 11 #define INDIGO      3
 12 #define BLUE        4
 13 #define GREEN       5
 14 #define YELLOW      6
 15 #define ORANGE      7
 16 #define RED         8
 17 #define WHITE       9
 18 #define DARKGREEN   10
 20 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 21 {
 22     FILE                *out;       // output file pointer
 23     char                *outfile;   // output file name
 24     gdImagePtr          img;        // GD Image Construct
 25     gdPoint             points[3], points1[3], points2[3];  // Points for a     Polygon
 26     unsigned int        color[11];  // color array
 27     unsigned short int  wide, high, // useful image and
 28                         x, y;       // coordinate variables
 30     if (argc == 2)
 31     {
 32         outfile = *(argv+1);
 33     }
 34     else
 35     {
 36         outfile = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char) * 10);
 37         strcpy(outfile, "image.png");
 38     }
 40     fprintf(stdout, "Using '%s' as output filename\n", outfile);
 42     wide = 800;
 43     high = 600;
 45     img = gdImageCreateTrueColor(wide, high);
 47     // My GD color definitions
 48     //
 49     color[BLACK]             = gdImageColorAllocate(img,   0,   0,   0);
 50     color[BLUE]              = gdImageColorAllocate(img,   0,   0, 255);
 51     color[GREEN]             = gdImageColorAllocate(img,   0, 255,   0);
 52     color[DARKGREEN]         = gdImageColorAllocate(img,  51, 107,   0);
 53     color[RED]               = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 255,   0,   0);
 54     color[GRAY]              = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 204, 204, 204);
 55     color[WHITE]             = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 255, 255, 255);
 56     color[VIOLET]            = gdImageColorAllocate(img, 255, 0, 255);
 57     /* Draw a triangle. */
 58     points[0x00].x = (wide / 2);
 59     points[0x00].y = 0;
 60     points[0x01].x = wide;
 61     points[0x01].y = high;
 62     points[0x02].x = 0;
 63     points[0x02].y = high;
 65     points1[0x00].x = (wide/2);
 66     points1[0x00].y = high;
 67     points1[0x01].x = (wide/2)-200;
 68     points1[0x01].y = (high/2);
 69     points1[0x02].x = (wide/2)+200;
 70     points1[0x02].y = (high/2); 
 72     points2[0x00].x = (wide/2);
 73     points2[0x00].y = high-75;
 74     points2[0x01].x = (wide/2)-150;
 75     points2[0x01].y = (high/2);
 76     points2[0x02].x = (wide/2)+150;
 77     points2[0x02].y = (high/2);
 78     /* Paint it in white */
 79     gdImageFilledPolygon(img, points, 3, color[VIOLET]);                    
 80     gdImageFilledPolygon(img, points1, 3, color[BLACK]);
 81     gdImageFilledPolygon(img, points2, 3, color[VIOLET
 82 ]);
 83     /* Outline it in red; must be done second */
 84     gdImagePolygon(img, points, 3, color[BLUE]);
 86 // Output the data
 87     //
 88     out = fopen(outfile, "wb");
 89     gdImagePngEx(img, out, -1);
 91     // Close things up
 92     //
 93     fclose(out);
 94     gdImageDestroy(img);
 96     return(0);
 97 }

outputting a pink triangle with a black 'V' in its front

March 29,2013

  1 class Rectangle {                                                           
  2     public:
  3         Rectangle();         // Constructor (parameterless)
  4         Rectangle(int, int); // Overloaded  (parametered)
  5         void setWidth(int);  // Accessor Method
  6         void setHeight(int); // Accessor Method
  7         int  getWidth();     // Accessor Method
  8         int  getHeight();    // Accessor Method
  9         int  area();         // Calculate the area of the Rectangle
 10         int  perimeter();    // Calculate the perimeter of the Rectangle
 12     private:
 13         int width;
 14         int height;
 15 };
  1 #include <stdio.h>                                                          
  2 #include "rectangle.h"
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     Rectangle r1, r2, *r3;
  8     r3 = new Rectangle(14, 15);
 10     r1.setWidth(24);
 11     r1.setHeight(16);
 13     //r2.height = 17;
 14     //r2.width  = 13;
 16     printf("r1 has a width of %d and a height of %d.\n", r1.getWidth(), r1.g    etHeight());
 17     printf("r1's perimeter is %d and area is %d.\n", r1.perimeter(), r1.area    ());
 19     //printf("r1 has a width of %d and a height of %d.\n", r1.getWidth(), r1    .getHeight);
 20     //printf("r1's perimeter is %d and area is %d.\n", r1.perimeter(),    ea);
 22     // Do the same- display these values for r3
 24     return(0);
 25 }
  1 #include"rectangle.h"                                                       
  3 Rectangle :: Rectangle()
  4 {
  5     width  = 200;
  6     height = 400;
  7 }
  9 Rectangle :: Rectangle(int width, int height)
 10 {
 11     this->width  = width;
 12     this->height = height;
 13 }
 15 void Rectangle :: setWidth(int width)
 16 {
 17     this->width  = width;
 18 }
 20 void Rectangle :: setHeight(int height)
 21 {
 22     // Left as an exercise to the implementer
 23 }
 25 int Rectangle :: getWidth()
 26 {
 27     // Left as an exercise to the implementer
 28 }
 30 int Rectangle :: getHeight()
 31 {
 32     return(height);
 33 }
 35 int Rectangle :: area()
 36 {
 37     // Left as an exercise to the implementer
 38 }
 40 int Rectangle :: perimeter()
 41 {
 42     // Left as an exercise to the implementer
 43 }

April 10, 2013

At this point in time we finished playing/modifying the circle of squares and triangle drawing programs, and have moved on to polymorphism, displayed below, it outputs your bank account based upon hardwritten values.

  1#include <cstdio>
  3 class Account
  4 {
  5     public:
  6         Account()
  7         {
  8             balance = 32.00;
  9         }
 11         Account(double blc)
 12         {
 13             balance = blc;
 14         }
 16         virtual void withdraw(double amt)
 17         {
 18             balance = balance - amt;
 19             printf("Account balance is %f\n", balanc    e);
 20         }
 21     protected:
 22         double balance;
 23 };
 25 class BankAccount : public Account
 26 {
 27     public:
 28         BankAccount(double blc)
 29         {
 30             balance = blc;
 31         }
 33         virtual void withdraw(double amt)
 34         {
 35             if (balance - amt >= 0.0)
 36             {
 37                 balance = balance - amt;
 38             }
 39             printf("Bank Account balance is %f\n", b    alance);
 40         }
 41 };
 43 int main()
 44 {
 45     Account account1(25.00);
 46     BankAccount account2(50.00);
 48     account1.withdraw(5.00);
 49     account2.withdraw(17.00);
 51     return(0);
 52 }

April 12, 2013

This Friday was spent asking questions in class, as not many were present, I worked on a program that ended up being used for the final projects:

 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  3 #include <string.h>
  5 int main(int argc, char **argv)
  6 {
  7         int i;
  8         char value = 0;
 10         if(argc==1)
 11         {
 12                 fprintf(stderr, "Error! Please provide word to encode ");
 13                 fprintf(stderr, "on command-line.\n\n");
 14                 fprintf(stderr, "Syntax is:\n");
 15                 fprintf(stderr, "===================================\n");
 16                 fprintf(stderr, "a,e,i,o,u,w,h,y .......... no value\n");
 17                 fprintf(stderr, "s,c,z .................... 0\n");
 18                 fprintf(stderr, "t,d,th ................... 1\n");
 19                 fprintf(stderr, "n ........................ 2\n");
 20                 fprintf(stderr, "m ........................ 3\n");
 21                 fprintf(stderr, "r ........................ 4\n");
 22                 fprintf(stderr, "l ........................ 5\n");
 23                 fprintf(stderr, "ch,sh,g,j,dg,tch ......... 6\n");
 24                 fprintf(stderr, "k,q,x,C,G,-ng,-nk ........ 7\n");
 25                 fprintf(stderr, "f,v,ph ................... 8\n");
 26                 fprintf(stderr, "p,b ...................... 9\n");
 27                 fprintf(stderr, "===================================\n\n");
 28                 exit(1);
 29         }
 31         else if(argc==2)
 32         {
 33         }
 35         else
 36         {
 37                 fprintf(stderr, "Additional arguments will be ignored.\n");
 38         }
 40         for(i=0; i<strlen(*(argv+1)); i++)
 41         {
 42                 value=*(*(argv+1)+i);
 44                 if(value=='a')
 45                 {
 46                 }
 47                 else if(value=='e')
 48                 {
 49                 }
 50                 else if(value=='i')
 51                 {
 52                 }
 53                 else if(value=='o')
 54                 {
 55                 }
 56                 else if(value=='u')
 57                 {
 58                 }
 59                 else if(value=='w')
 60                 {
 61                 }
 62                 else if(value=='h')
 63                 {
 64                 }
 65                 else if(value=='y')
 66                 {
 67                 }
 69                 else if(value=='s')
 70                 {
 71                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'h')
 72                         {
 73                                 fprintf(stdout, "6");
 74                         }
 75                         else
 76                         {
 77                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
 78                         }
 79                 }
 80                 else if(value=='c')
 81                 {
 82                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'h')
 83                         {
 84                                 fprintf(stdout, "6");
 85                         }
 86                         else
 87                         {
 88                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
 89                         }
 90                 }
 92                 else if(value=='z')
 93                 {
 94                         fprintf(stdout, "0");
 95                 }
 97                 else if(value=='d')
 98                 {
 99                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'g')
100                         {
101                                 fprintf(stdout, "6");
102                                 i++;
103                         }
104                         else
105                                 if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'c')
106                                 {
107                                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+2))) == 'h')
108                                         {
109                                                 fprintf(stdout, "6");
110                                                 i = i + 2;
111                                         }
112                                 }
113                                 else
114                                 {
115                                         fprintf(stdout, "1");
116                                 }
117                 }
119                 else if(value=='t')
120                 {
121                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'c')
122                         {
123                                 if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+2))) == 'h')
124                                 {
125                                         fprintf(stdout, "6");
126                                         i = i + 2;
127                                 }
128                         }
129                         else
130                         {
131                                 fprintf(stdout, "1");
132                         }
133                 }
135                 else if(value=='n')
136                 {
137                         if (((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'g') || ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'k'))
138                         {
139                                 fprintf(stdout, "7");
140                                 i++;
141                         }
142                         else
143                         {
144                                 fprintf(stdout, "2");
145                         }
146                 }
148                 else if(value=='m')
149                 {
150                         fprintf(stdout, "3");
151                 }
153                 else if(value=='r')
154                 {
155                         fprintf(stdout, "4");
156                 }
158                 else if(value=='l')
159                 {
160                         fprintf(stdout, "5");
161                 }
163                 else if(value=='j')
164                 {
165                         fprintf(stdout, "6");
166                 }
167                 else if(value=='g')
168                 {
169                         fprintf(stdout, "6");
170                 }
172                 else if(value=='k')
173                 {
174                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'k')
175                         {
176                                 i++;
177                                 fprintf(stdout, "7");
178                         }
179                         if(value == 'x')
180                         {
181                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
182                         }
183                 }
184                 else if(value=='q')
185                 {
186                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'k')
187                         {
188                                 i++;
189                                 fprintf(stdout, "7");
190                         }
191                         if(value == 'x')
192                         {
193                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
194                         }
195                 }
196                 else if(value=='x')
197                 {
198                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'k')
199                         {
200                                 i++;
201                                 fprintf(stdout, "7");
202                         }
203                         if(value == 'x')
204                         {
205                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
206                         }
207                 }
208                 else if(value=='C')
209                 {
210                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'k')
211                         {
212                                 i++;
213                         }
214                         else
215                                 fprintf(stdout, "7");
216                         if(value == 'x')
217                         {
218                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
219                         }
220                 }
222                 else if(value=='G')
223                 {
224                         fprintf(stdout, "7");
225                         if(value == 'x')
226                         {
227                                 fprintf(stdout, "0");
228                         }
229                 }
231                 else if(value=='f')
232                 {
233                         fprintf(stdout, "8");
234                 }
236                 else if(value=='v')
237                 {
238                         fprintf(stdout, "8");
239                 }
241                 else if(value=='p')
242                 {
243                         if ((*(*(argv+1)+(i+1))) == 'h')
244                         {
245                                 fprintf(stdout, "8");
246                                 i++;
247                         }
248                         else
249                                 fprintf(stdout, "9");
250                 }
252                 else if(value=='b')
253                 {
254                         fprintf(stdout, "9");
255                 }
257                 else
258                 {
259                         fprintf(stdout, " ");
260                 }
261         }
263         fprintf(stdout, "\n");
265         return(0);
266 }

April 17, 2013

Today we were shown templates, the last new section of the course to be taught, after this it will all be review classes.


// - an example average program using templates
using namespace std;

template <class T>
void myaverage (T val1, T val2, T val3)
    T result;
    result = val1 + val2 + val3;

    cout << "First value is: " << val1 << endl;
    cout << "Second value is: " << val2 << endl;
    cout << "Third value is: " << val3 << endl;

    cout << "The sum of all three are: " << result << endl;

    cout << "The average of all three are: " << (T)(result/3) << endl;

int main()
    myaverage(3.1, 7.3, 1.7);
    myaverage(2, 4, 6);
    myaverage('~', '|', 'z');
    return 0;

April 19, 2013

Today was review class, he went around answering questions that anyone might have about anything.

April 19-end,2013

Review, work, review, work, sleep, eat, work, review, repeat…



  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 typedef struct node Node;
  6 struct node{
  7     int value;
  8     int place;
  9     struct node *next;
 10     struct node * *tmp3;
 11 };
 13 Node *build(Node *start);
 14 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 15 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 16 //Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 17 Node *display(Node *start);
 19 int main()
 20 {
 21     Node *start=NULL;
 22     int option;
 24         while(option!=-1)
 25         {
 26             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 27             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 28             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 29             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 30             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 35             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 37             if(option==1)
 38             {
 39                 start=build(start);
 40                 start=display(start);
 41             }
 42             else if(option==2)
 43             {
 44                 start=display(start);
 45                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 46                 int input=5;
 47                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 48                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 49                 int seeker;
 50                 tmp=start;
 51                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 52                 {
 53                     tmp=tmp->next;
 54                 }
 55                 if(input==0)
 56                 {
 57                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 58                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 59                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60                     tmp2->value=input;
 61                     tmp->place=0;
 62                 }
 63                 else
 64                 {
 65                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 66                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 67                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 68                     tmp2->value=input;
 69                     tmp->place=1;
 70                 }
 71                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 72                 start=display(start);
 73             }
 74             else if(option==3)
 75             {
 76                 start=display(start);
 77                 //assinging of values must occur before function execution
 78                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 79                 int input, choice;
 80                 int behind;
 81                 tmp=start;
 82                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 83                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 84                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 85                 {
 86                     tmp=tmp->next;
 87                 }
 88                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 89                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 90                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 91                 tmp4->place=choice;
 92                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 93                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 94                 tmp4->value=input;
 96                 start=display(start);
 97                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
 98                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
 99             }
100             else if(option==4)
101             {
102                 //assinging before functions required
103         /*
104                 start=display(start);
105                 Node *tmp;
106                 tmp=start;
107                 Node **tmp3;
108                 tmp3=&tmp;
109                 int begone, input;
110                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
111                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
112                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
113                 {
114                     tmp=tmp->next;
115                 }
116                 if(input==0)
117                 {
118                     start->place=0;
119                 }
120                 else
121                 {
122                     start->place=1;
123                 }
125                 start=getNode(start, &tmp);
126                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
127 */          }
128             else if(option==5)
129             {
130                 start=display(start);
131             }
132             else if (option=-1)
133             {
134                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
139             }
140         }
141         return(0);
142 }
146 Node *build(Node *start)
147 {
148     int input=0;
149     Node *tmp;
150     start=tmp=NULL;
152     while(input!=-1)
153     {
154         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
155         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
157         if(input!=-1)
158         {
159             if(start==NULL)
160             {
161                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
162                 tmp->next=NULL;
163                 start->value=input;
164             }
165             else
166             {
167                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
168                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
169                 tmp->next->value=input;
170                 tmp=tmp->next;
171             }
172         }
173     }
174     tmp=start;
176     return(start);
177 }
179 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
180 {
181     int placing;
182     placing=tmp->place;
184     if(placing==0)
185     {
186         tmp2->next=NULL;
187         tmp2->next=tmp;
188         start=tmp2;
189     }
190     else
191     {
192         tmp2->next=NULL;
193         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
194         tmp->next=tmp2;
195     }
197     tmp=start;
198     return(start);
199 }
201 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
202 {
203     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
204     tmp->next=tmp4;
205     tmp=start;
207     return(start);
208 }
210 /*
211 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3)
212 {
213     Node *tmp2=NULL;
214     Node *tmp;
215     int placing;
216     placing=start->place;
217     tmp=start;
219     if(start->place==0)
220     {
221         tmp2=**tmp3;
222         tmp->next=NULL;
223         start=tmp2;
224     }
226     else
227     {
228         tmp2=**tmp3;
229         tmp->next=tmp2->next;
230         tmp2->next=NULL;
231     }
233     tmp=start;
234     return(start);
235 }
236 */
238 Node *display(Node *start)
239 {
240     int input=0;
241     Node *tmp;
242     tmp=start;
244     while(tmp!=NULL)
245     {
246         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
247         tmp=tmp->next;
248         input=input++;
249     }
250     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
252     return(start);
253 }

Above is my SLL project code, now perfect as the getNode function still has so double pointer recognition issues, will look online for material to reference.

March 12, 2014

After some outside help, I have fixed my SLL program to become SLL2, the getNode isn't perfect yet but I have gotten it to compile so after some pointer analyzing, everything should be working nicely.


  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 typedef struct node Node;
  6 struct node{
  7     int value;
  8     int place;
  9     struct node *next;
 10      11 };
 13 Node *build(Node *start);
 14 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 15 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 16 //Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 17 Node *display(Node *start);
 19 int main()
 20 {
 21     Node *start=NULL;
 22     int option;
 24         while(option!=-1)
 25         {
 26             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 27             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 28             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 29             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 30             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 35             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 37             if(option==1)
 38             {
 39                 start=build(start);
 40                 start=display(start);
 41             }
 42             else if(option==2)
 43             {
 44                 start=display(start);
 45                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 46                 int input=5;
 47                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 48                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 49                 int seeker;
 50                 tmp=start;
 51                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 52                 {
 53                     tmp=tmp->next;
 54                 }
 55                 if(input==0)
 56                 {
 57                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 58                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 59                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60                     tmp2->value=input;
 61                     tmp->place=0;
 62                 }
 63                 else
 64                 {
 65                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 66                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 67                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 68                     tmp2->value=input;
 69                     tmp->place=1;
 70                 }
 71                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 72                 start=display(start);
 73             }
 74             else if(option==3)
 75             {
 76                 start=display(start);
 77                 //Assinging of values must occur before function execution
 78                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 79                 int input, choice;
 80                 int behind;
 81                 tmp=start;
 82                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 83                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 84                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 85                 {
 86                     tmp=tmp->next;
 87                 }
 88                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 89                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 90                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 91                 tmp4->place=choice;
 92                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 93                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 94                 tmp4->value=input;
 96                 start=display(start);
 97                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
 98                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
 99             }
100             else if(option==4)
101             {
102                 //assinging before functions required
104                 start=display(start);
105                 Node *tmp;
106                 tmp=start;
107                 Node **tmp3;
108                 tmp3=&tmp;
109                 int begone, input;
110                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
111                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
112                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
113                 {
114                     tmp=tmp->next;
115                 }
116                 if(input==0)
117                 {
118                     start->place=0;
119                 }
120                 else
121                 {
122                     start->place=1;
123                 }
125                 start=getNode(start, (*tmp3));
126                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
127         }
128             else if(option==5)
129             {
130                 start=display(start);
131             }
132             else if (option=-1)
133             {
134                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
139             }
140         }
141         return(0);
142 }
146 Node *build(Node *start)
147 {
148     int input=0;
149     Node *tmp;
150     start=tmp=NULL;
152     while(input!=-1)
153     {
154         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
155         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
157         if(input!=-1)
158         {
159             if(start==NULL)
160             {
161                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
162                 tmp->next=NULL;
163                 start->value=input;
164             }
165             else
166             {
167                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
168                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
169                 tmp->next->value=input;
170                 tmp=tmp->next;
171             }
172         }
173     }
174     tmp=start;
176     return(start);
177 }
179 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
180 {
181     int placing;
182     placing=tmp->place;
184     if(placing==0)
185     {
186         tmp2->next=NULL;
187         tmp2->next=tmp;
188         start=tmp2;
189     }
190     else
191     {
192         tmp2->next=NULL;
193         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
194         tmp->next=tmp2;
195     }
197     tmp=start;
198     return(start);
199 }
201 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
202 {
203     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
204     tmp->next=tmp4;
205     tmp=start;
207     return(start);
208 }
210 /*
211 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node (*tmp3))
212 {
213     Node *tmp2=NULL;
214     Node *tmp;
215     int placing;
216     placing=start->place;
217     tmp=start;
219     if(start==tmp3)
220     {
221         tmp2=tmp3;
222         tmp->next=NULL;
223         start=tmp2;
224     }
226     else
227     {
228         tmp2=tmp3;
229         tmp->next=tmp2->next;
230         tmp2->next=NULL;
231     }
233     tmp=start;
234     return(start);
235 }
236 */
238 Node *display(Node *start)
239 {
240     int input=0;
241     Node *tmp;
242     tmp=start;
244     while(tmp!=NULL)
245     {
246         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
247         tmp=tmp->next;
248         input=input++;
249     }
250     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
252     return(start);
253 }

The output of which, focused on the malfunctioning getNode function called 'remove' in menu listing:

lab46:~/src/DATA/spring2014$ ./SLL2
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 2
Enter a value(-1 to end): 3
Enter a value(-1 to end): 4
Enter a value(-1 to end): 5
Enter a value(-1 to end): 6
Enter a value(-1 to end): 7
Enter a value(-1 to end): 8
Enter a value(-1 to end): 9
Enter a value(-1 to end): -1
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 5 -> [2] 6 -> [3] 7 -> [4] 8 -> [5] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 5 -> [2] 6 -> [3] 7 -> [4] 8 -> [5] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 5
[0] 1 -> [1] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: -1

It seems that the input node to be removed becomes the start→next due to an error in my code, I will be looking on how to fix it.

March 14, 2013

I Finally got the damn thing working, so far behind schedule it's extremely upsetting but working all the same, the double pointers had me confused until the always benevolent teacher aided me with some advice.

  1 /*
  2 Author:Kellen Hoose
  3 Created:February 2014
  4 Purpose:For the SLL_moar project for class, menu driven program with seperate functions call    ings and definitions, build, insert, append, remove, display, and quit as options.
  5 */
  6 #include <stdio.h>
  7 #include <stdlib.h>
  9 typedef struct node Node;
 11 struct node{
 12     int value;
 13     int place;
 14     struct node *next;
 15 };
 17 Node *build(Node *start);
 18 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 19 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 20 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 21 Node *display(Node *start);
 23 int main()
 24 {
 25     Node *start=NULL;
 26     int option;
 28         while(option!=-1)
 29         {
 30             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 35             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 36             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 37             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 38             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 39             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 41             if(option==1)
 42             {
 43                 start=build(start);
 44                 start=display(start);
 45             }
 46             else if(option==2)
 47             {
 48                 start=display(start);
 49                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 50                 int input=5;
 51                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 52                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 53                 int seeker;
 54                 tmp=start;
 55                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 56                 {
 57                     tmp=tmp->next;
 58                 }
 59                 if(input==0)
 60                 {
 61                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 62                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 63                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 64                     tmp2->value=input;
 65                     tmp->place=0;
 66                 }
 67                 else
 68                 {
 69                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 70                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 71                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 72                     tmp2->value=input;
 73                     tmp->place=1;
 74                 }
 75                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 76                 start=display(start);
 77             }
 78             else if(option==3)
 79             {
 80                 start=display(start);
 81                 //assinging of values must occur before function execution
 82                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 83                 int input, choice;
 84                 int behind;
 85                 tmp=start;
 86                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 87                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 88                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 89                 {
 90                     tmp=tmp->next;
 91                 }
 92                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 93                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 94                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 95                 tmp4->place=choice;
 96                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 97                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 98                 tmp4->value=input;
100                 start=display(start);
101                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
102                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
103             }
104             else if(option==4)
105             {
106                 //assinging before functions required
108                 start=display(start);
109                 Node *tmp;
110                 tmp=start;
111                 Node **tmp3;
112                 tmp3=&tmp;
113                 int begone, input;
114                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
115                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
116                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
117                 {
118                     tmp=tmp->next;
119                 }
121             //  start=display(tmp); //maybe tmp isn't being assigned right?, sets tmp to one     before node to be removed.
122                 start=getNode(start, &tmp);
123                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
124             }
125             else if(option==5)
126             {
127                 start=display(start);
128             }
129             else if (option=-1)
130             {
131                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
132             }
133             else
134             {
135                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
136             }
137         }
138         return(0);
139 }
143 Node *build(Node *start)
144 {
145     int input=0;
146     Node *tmp;
147     start=tmp=NULL;
149     while(input!=-1)
150     {
151         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
152         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
154         if(input!=-1)
155         {
156             if(start==NULL)
157             {
158                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //creates node, allocate memory to si    ze of Node struct, thus saving space.
159                 tmp->next=NULL;
160                 start->value=input;
161             }
162             else
163             {
164                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
165                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
166                 tmp->next->value=input;
167                 tmp=tmp->next;
168             }
169         }
170     }
171     tmp=start;
173     return(start);
174 }
176 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
177 {
178     int placing;
179     placing=tmp->place;
181     if(placing==0)
182     {
183         tmp2->next=NULL;
184         tmp2->next=tmp;
185         start=tmp2;
186     }
187     else
188     {
189         tmp2->next=NULL;
190         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
191         tmp->next=tmp2;
192     }
194     tmp=start;
195     return(start);
196 }
198 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
199 {
200     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
201     tmp->next=tmp4;
202     tmp=start;
204     return(start);
205 }
208 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3)
209 {
210     Node *tmp2=NULL;
211     Node *tmp4;
212     tmp4=*tmp3;//*tmp3=&tmp (address of tmp, which is 1 before node to be removed
213     tmp2=*tmp3;
215     if(start==*tmp3)
216     {
217         tmp4=tmp2->next; //if removing start, set start as 2nd from start, cut that thang of    f
218         tmp2->next=NULL;
219         start=tmp4;
220     }
222     else
223     {
224         tmp4=tmp2->next;
225         tmp2->next=tmp4->next;  // removing other than start, skip around node, cut it off
226         tmp4->next=NULL;
227     }
229     tmp4=start;
230     return(start);
231 }
234 Node *display(Node *start)
235 {
236     int input=0;
237     Node *tmp;
238     tmp=start;
240     while(tmp!=NULL)
241     {
242         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
243         tmp=tmp->next;
244         input=input++;
245     }
246     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
248     return(start);
249 }

This program results in the following operation/output:

lab46:~/src/DATA/spring2014$ ./SLL3
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 2
Enter a value(-1 to end): 3
Enter a value(-1 to end): 4
Enter a value(-1 to end): 5
Enter a value(-1 to end): 6
Enter a value(-1 to end): 7
Enter a value(-1 to end): 8
Enter a value(-1 to end): 9
Enter a value(-1 to end): -1
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 2
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to insert before?: 4
Enter a value to insert: 12
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 3
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
Enter what node would you like to append after: 9
Enter value for node to be appended: 10
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> [10] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> [10] 10 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> [9] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 5
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> [9] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: -1
