Table of Contents

Part 2


Entry 5: March 15, 2012

Entry 6: March 30, 2012

Entry 7: April 2, 2012

Entry 8: April 2(later), 2012


asm Keywords

asm Keyword 9: Registers (General Purpose/Integer, Floating Points, Accumulator, Data)

  • Registers are a small amount of memory accessed directly by the processor. They store necessary data by the cpu and allow for faster access than if stored in ram. There are many type of registers:
  • General purpose registers*: Can store both data and addresses.
  • Data registers: Can store numeric values such as Integer's and Floating point values.
  • Accumulator registers are special types of a data registers than are used specifically to perform operations on the stored values.

asm Keyword 10: Registers(Special purpose, Program Counter, Flag/Status)

  • Special purpose registers Hold a program state, they include a Program Counter and a Flag/Status register.
  • A Program Counter also known as the instruction pointer is a register that points to the next instruction in the instruction sequence.
  • Flag/Status registers Store data than can be used to determine what the next instruction should do.

asm Keyword 11: Registers(Address registers, Index/Pointer registers, Stack registers)

  • Address registers hold addresses of memory.
  • Index registers Is like an address register but the address stored can be manipulated by a user.
  • Stack pointer is how the run time stack is managed, it always points to the top of the stack.

asm Keyword 12: Instruction sets(CISC, RISC)

  • An Instruction set is the instructions stored in circuitry that make up the processor.
  • CISC stands for complex instruction set computer has many specialized instructions which may only be rarely used by common programs.
  • RISC stands for reduced instruction set computer simplifies the processor by only implementing instructions that are frequently used in common programs.

asm Keyword 13: Boolean algebra

  • Boolean algebra is the algebra of truth values 0 and 1.
  • Unlike traditional algebra there is no subtraction or division in boolean algebra.
  • Because there are only 2 values, 0 and 1, addition in boolean algebra can be confusing. 1+1=1 is awfully confusing to some.
  • It is best to think of Boolean addition as the OR logic function and Multiplication as the NOT.

asm Keyword 14: Machine Word

  • A Word is a natural unit of data used by a processor. It is a fixed size of bits handled by the processor. The size of the word is determined at the design phase. There are some designs that allow for variable length words where instead there was a terminator so the processor knew it was at the end of the word.

asm Keyword 15: Interrupt

  • An Interrupt is definded as an asynchronous(meaning not driven by the clock) signal indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution. Basically the interrupt will stop one task and start another. Once the new task is finished it will continue the interrupted task from where it left off. This increases the efficiency of the processor and allows for multitasking.

asm Keyword 16: I/O

  • I/O aka input/output is when an operation or device transfers data to or from a computer and to or from a peripheral device. Our processors will take input from registers then output information to registers. The registers will take input from memory and output it to the processor.

asm Objective

asm Objective: How assembly impacts programming

  • Assembly language is the machine code needed for any given processor, knowing the assembly language of the processor you are writing code for will actually help you optimize your code.

hpc0 Keywords

hpc0 Keyword 9: Virtual Machine Server

  • A virtual machine (VM) server is a system that will host multiple virtual machines running their own instance of an operating system. This can be done in one of two modes; fully virtual, and paravirtual.

hpc0 Keyword 10: Virtual Machine

  • A Virtual Machine is a self-contained operating environment that behaves as if it is a separate system. Basically it is a software implementation of a system that executes programs like a physical machine. What makes Virtual Machines's so nice is that you can have one physical computer with a Virtual Machine Server and host multiple Virtual Machines that each have their own purpose. Web server and DNS are a couple examples

hpc0 Keyword 11: Xen

  • Xen is the virtual machine manager (VMM) that we use in lab46 to have a virtual machine server. It is what allows us to run multiple computer operating systems to execute on the same computer hardware concurrently.


hpc0 Keyword 12:Fully Virtual mode

  • A virtual machine running in Fully Virtual mode will completely emulate all hardware devices. In Xen this is known as a hardware virtual machine or hvm. An example of a fully virtual machine is an snes emulator, as the special hardware needed for the snes must be virtualized.

hpc0 Keyword 13: Parvirtual mode

  • A virtual machine that is running in Paravirtual mode does not need to completely emulate hardware devices. This is the mode our virtual machines in lab46 use. Xen will call a virtual machine running in this mode pvm.

hpc0 Keyword 14: Emulator

  • An emulator is hardware or software or both that duplicate the functions of hardware(guest) in another system with different hardware(host), so that the emulated behavior closely resembles the behavior of the guest. My laptop runs completely different hardware than a nintendo but through software I can emulate the nintendo and play games on my laptop.

hpc0 Keyword 15: Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements

  • Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements are a commonly used set of conditions to determine if a system can efficiently support virtualization.

hpc0 Keyword 16: Embedded System

  • An Embedded System is a computer system designed for specific function as is a part of a larger system. Cell phones(non smart) and microwaves are examples of embedded systems, they have a specific function and can't do much beyond that function.

hpc0 Objective

hpc0 Objective: Key concepts of a distributed system

  • a Distributed System consists of multiple computers connected through a network that work together in order to achieve a common task. Each primary task is broken up into smaller tasks and each subtask is completed by one ore multiple computers until everything is complete.

hpc2 Keywords

hpc2 Keyword 9:Internet Protocol(IP) address

  • A IP Address a number assigned to a network equiped piece of hardware by which other device identify it. IPv4 is the current standard in IP addressing. It uses 4 octets or 32 bits for an IP address. Each octet ranges from 0 to 255 in decimal ex:
  • With only 32 bits for addressing there has been a concern of running out of addresses so IPv6 has been implemented which has 128 bits, it will more than like become the standard in the future.

hpc2 Keyword 10: Domain Name

  • A Domain Name is name given to a device that is on a network. It is usually easy to remember and spell. This keeps users from having to remember IP addresses. So I can type instead of a 4 octet IP address.

hpc2 Keyword 11:Domain Name System(DNS)

  • A DNS is a system used to associate the Domain Name with an IP Address. It is basically a phone book for a network, it is what allows a user to type a Domain name in and connect to the device with the IP address that domain name is associated with. When you open up a web browser and type in a URL the DNS is what allows you to connect to the correct web page because it resolves the host name to an IP address.

hpc2 Keyword 12: BIND

  • BIND Is the most commonly used DNS software and is basically the standard unix based operating systems. This is typically what one would use for their DNS to resolve host names to IP addresses on a network.


hpc2 Keyword 13: Datagram

  • A Datagram is an independent, self-contained message sent over the network whose arrival, arrival time, and content are not guaranteed. Each datagram has a header and a payload.

hpc2 Keyword 14: Header

  • A Header is data placed at the beginning of a block of data that has all the information necessary to get the block of data from the source to its destination.

hpc2 Keyword 15: Payload

  • The Payload Is the actual data that follows the header. Without a header the payload would not know where to go, and without the payload there would be no need for a header. The nesting of the header and payload is done by encapsulation

hpc2 Keyword 16: Encapsulation

  • Encapsulation is a characteristic feature of most networking models. And is what allows things like headers and trailers to be added to the data, this allows for the data to know where to go and in some cases error checking.

hpc2 Objective

hpc2 Objective: demonstrate awareness of networking concepts

  • I feel like the keywords I did for part 2 and the fact I have an A average in networking fundamentals shows that I have a solid awareness of networking concepts. I have an understanding of how the osi and tcp/ip models work. I understand how to create multiple networks and connect them, I have even done this in lab.


Experiment 4: RAID: 2 drives are better than one

Experiment 5: RAID, mirror mirror... how the heck do I back up?

Retest 2:RAID, mirror parity huh?