Table of Contents

hpc0 Keywords

hpc0 Keyword 1: Partition

A Partition is storage space on a hard drive. A hard disk can have multiple partitions thus dividing the hard drive into multiple “virtual” hard drives. It can also have only one partition using the entire disk or a part thus having unused portion of the hard drive.

hpc0 Keyword 2: File system

For keyword 1 I discussed what a partition is, however a partition by itself is useless. It needs a File System. A file system is what we use to organize data on the partitioned hard drive. The file system retains the data on the hard drive and allows the data to be retrieved and updated. The file system also allows for managing the physical space on the hard drive.

There are many types of file systems, Unix based systems typically use ext4 and windows uses NTFS. From the user point of view they do the same t hing they just have different means of managing the partition and all its data.

hpc0 Keyword 3: Operating System

An *Operating System is a program or a series of programs and applications that runs your computer. It is the most important type of software on a system. It gives users the ability to interact with the system by running applications and accessing system devices. Windows is an example of an operating system, a graphical one to more specific. This gives the user the ability to access the systems resources to “do” various things. Examples being accessing the internet, playing games, sending data to a printer.

hpc0 Keyword 4:Bootstrap loader

When a computer system is first turned on there is no operating system in the ROM or RAM(read only memory, and random access memory). The bootstrap loader is a small program that is stored in rom or on the first sector of the harddrive. The bootloader has the instructions needed to load any operating system stored on the hard drive.

hpc0 Keyword 5: Network Services

hpc0 Keyword 6: System administration

hpc0 Keyword 7 Backups

hpc0 Keyword 8: Virtualization

hpc0 Objective

hpc0 Objective: Impact of high performance computing