Table of Contents

asm Keywords

asm Keyword 17: Data Instructions(Data Movement, Address Movement, Data Conversion, Bit Manipulation)

asm Keyword 18: Control and Data Flow

asm Keyword 19: Subroutines(Calling, Return Address)

asm Keyword 20: Storage

asm Keyword 21: Stack Operations

asm Keyword 22: Data Representation (Big Endian, Little Endian, Size, Integer, Floating Point, ASCII)

AddressBig-Endian representation of 1025 Little-Endian representation of 1025
1 00000000 00000001
2 00000000 00000100
3 00000100 00000000
4 00000001 00000000

asm Keyword 23: Data Representation(Sign Representation, One's Complement, Two's Complement)

asm Keyword 24: Linker, Object and Machine code

asm Objective

asm Objective: Understanding the concepts of Assembly