
Hi, my name is Brian Robbins. I am enrolled in the Information Technology program at Corning Community College and my major is “Technicial Support Specialist”. I am in my senior year of college and due to graduate in May of 2012 with an associates in applied science. I love working on computers and electronics, its more of a passion of mine than a future job. To take an old device and resurect it or do something to it and make it better than it was is not only fun, but is a great learning experience. I have diverse taste in music as I listen too all kinds from rock to techno. In my free time I like to go 4 wheeling, work my car and quad, and travel to new places (when time and money permits, lol). Programming is all new too me as I have mostly concentrated on the hardware aspect of computers up untill this point so taking a programming class will definately be a new, challenging experience for me. I hope to walk away from my last college semester with some new found knowledge that will broaden my horizons and allow me to look for work in other fields.