Table of Contents

Sudesh Tiwari Fall 2014 Opus



I have worked in the Information Technology Support for many years for various companies. I am interested in learning how to write programs for mobile devices.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

August 26, 2014

Professor discussed the course syllabus and login credentials. Learned how to login to a terminal and Lab 46. It is important for the class.

  • Use of terminal and login are necessary for writing and compiling programs in UNIX environment.
  • Learning how to use the new language.

August 28, 2014

Connect to IRC - a chat program to communicate. Learned how to join, to attach and to detach. The names, 'wezlbot' and 'pufferfish' were introduced.

Commands - who, ls, ls -l Filetypes - regular, directory and special Ownership - user, group and other(world) File permissions - none, read, write, read and write, execute Each has a value and when combined provides an octo permission value.

September 4, 2014

File and directory structure from user level. Paths -relative -absolute More commands: PWD - print working directory. cat - shows contents of a file. tail - uses the end of file. Input and output and redirection: - stdin - keyboard, file - stdout - another file, screen, printer - stderr <, >, ยป Useful commands to use to get info about a file and where to display the info.

September 9, 2014

More commands: status unix - shows about attendance, opus entries, projects submitted. cal - shows the date learned how to use the 'man' to get help for a specific topic. File permission and location of UNIX system files. - /bin - /etc - /lib - /proc - /usr

Learning how to navigate thru the path and where needed files are located make it simpler to use.

September 11, 2014

