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Michael's fall 2014 Opus

The Unknown Awaits

(>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')>Intro (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-'<)

Hello and welcome to my little slice of lab 46. After serving a four years U.S. Army within the communication field. The experience allowed me to learn and become more interested in technology. I've always wanted to learn how to make programs work harder and more specific to what I desire of them. So I'm hoping that C/C++ will allow to get a grasp and change the programs to what I want them to do.

C/C++ Programming Journal


Nothing to much at add at this time. Even knowing it's only the second day that I been in the C/C++ i feel like alot of the information is above my head, but, I have to stick with it and learn and overcome these issues that i'm having.


Kinda feeling lost in the class with two different instructors that both have different teaching styles is a little hard to understand their teaching styles. The hello world program was fun to see work even know I find my self unsure why or how it worked to begin with? more to come

#### 9-Sep_2014##### The class is getting better and I'm starting to understand it a little more I don't think i understand it fully yet but simple things like <stdio.h> = a library that contains more coding from other people.

Int=4 bits {} needed to create proper text block with coding


working with new coding with void and other fun little things. But i finally understand the difference between int/char Int=65k options char=256 and new coding and working on the project of the sqr of numbers.

## 23-Sep 2014##

missed class today due to appointment but have to make up the work and get tutored for the day that I've missed. submitted project yesterday after stressing over it for a bit. %\

## 29-Sep 2014**

Missed the one class and missed the steps on how to make the year day thing work. Have to stay over and ask for help. It shouldn't be a issue but having the ability to make the data as big as i need is going to be helpful. I think that this should be a easy use and project due Oct 1 2014

## 7 Oct 2014## Notes posted for last Thursday and nothing much else going on. Have the following things that .. i can understand but some of it are outside my understanding just yet. Have 3 projects due Wednesday by midnight yay

##24 Oct 2014##

This week has been stressful but the coding it self has been hard just for the joining of both vbs and C/C++ this is going to cause me a little bit of headache in till i can get it going and fully understood.

## 4th Oct 2014##

Well failed the knowledge assessment. i understood the conspectus behind it. To grab the string and store it as a dec then beable to retive it with atoi and beable to use it and display it correctly. But i was unable to code it as i needed it so FAIL.

Notes for 11-4-2014 Object oriented programming (management for coding) same coding with more added onto to hide the coding used in large scale programs with over 30k lines of code

polymorphism- inheritance- encapsulation- parameter constructor- instantiate- auto run or auto start destructor(~) ~rectangle();

C++ likes the following ending .cc .C .cpp .C++

classes objects

struct rectangle {

int length;
int width;

}; struct rectangle rect1; rect1.length=10; rect1.width=5;

name of program class rectangle {

	int area(); //member functions
	int perimeter();
	rectangle(int,int); //<--- parameter constructor ( function overload possible)
		int rectangle::area()
		int rectangle::perimeter()
		rectangle::rectangle(int length,int width)


	int length; //member variables
	int width;


Access Control = ability to control access to the class

3 levels of access control -public( -protected( cant use in-till inheritance) -private(

11-13-2014 Using the inheritance but need a better understanding of what needs to be done but. i think it will be ok i found a few sites to help with it :D.

## 11-17-2014 ##

I finally been able to understand a part of the c programming first time go regarding the object and ability to link items together with the proper string.

code from class

