This week in class, we spent some time discussing what Data Structures, Algorithms, class expectations, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), and Mecurial.
I learned that there are an infinite amount of data structures, but that we will only learn about a few because they have proven themselves useful over time. We will focus on link lists, list state, and queues. We discussed that data structure involves problem solving. Data structures are used as a way of organizing data in a computer so that the data can be used in the most efficient way possible. Algorithms are made using logic and math. They have step by step procedures for calculating math. They have a run time function of when they are complete.
We used the IRC, which is an ongoing chat room presence. We learned how to switch between different chats while keeping the other's open. I found Wezlbot to be very interesting.
We also spent a significant amount of time setting up our Lab46 Mercurial repository. We identified several different commands and set up a folder in a sub-directory. We also discussed how committing projects allows us to use Mercurial for version control.
I believe that understanding the concepts of adding, committing, and pushing was the most significant concept we discussed. This is significant because we use Mercurial to do these and for version control.
I understand what adding, committing is used for and what they are, but I don't understand how to use Mercurial for version control in the Unix environment yet. I also find that the “lair” is an entirely different learning environment than I am used to. I think with time I will become more comfortable and have a better understanding of different processes.
This week in class we started reviewing Pointers.
_|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7| 0|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 1|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 2|_|_|_|X|_|_|_|_| represents 32 byte memory address 3|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 4|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 5|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 6|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| 7|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
Pointers is a variable that contains memory address, all are the same size, and allocates type
4 Element Array
int g[4];
int *g=(int * )malloc(size of(int) *4);
g[2] =13;
In class we were given the code as an explanation to using pointers. I'm struggling while learning to navigate around lab46 and with using the terminal. I didn't get the experience using these in C/C++ and I find myself fumbling around. Writing programs while on the terminal is confusing because I don't know the short cuts and because I don't remember all the commands to load, compile, and write. In class, when we were given the code to write for pointers, I still had errors and was unable to compile. While trying to fix them and remember how to navigate within the terminal, I missed explanations that were given in class and didn't get to completely follow what we were learning. I couldn't even see what was returned to know what was being discussed. This is a challenge for me because there are more experienced “lair” students than I. I don't know if I should interrupt to get help or wait until a later time, as I learn with practice.
We wrote two programs in class using integer pointers, character pointers, and pointers to the memory address of each of these. Every integer or character has an address given at runtime.
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a; int *b; char c; char *d;
a = 17; b = &a; c = 'X'; d = &c;
printf("address of a is: %p\n", &a); printf("address of b is: %p\n", &b); printf("address of c is: %p\n", &c); printf("address of d is: %p\n", &d); printf("-----------------------------\n");
printf("a contains: %d\n", a); printf("b contains: %p\n", b); printf("c contains: '%c' (%hhd)\n", c, c); printf("d contains: %p\n", d); printf("-----------------------------\n");
printf("b dereferenced is: %d\n", *b); printf("d dereferenced is: '%c' (%hhd)\n", *d, *d); printf("-----------------------------\n");
printf("a is %d bytes\n", sizeof(a)); printf("b is %d bytes\n", sizeof(b)); printf("c is %d bytes\n", sizeof(c)); printf("d is %d bytes\n", sizeof(d)); printf("-----------------------------\n");
return(0); }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int 17; int *b; char c; char *d; a = 17; b = &a; c = 'X'; d = &c; printf("address of a is: %p\n", &a); printf("address of b is: %p\n", &b); printf("address of c is: %p\n", &c); printf("address of d is: %p\n", &d); printf("-----------------------------\n"); printf("a contains: %d\n", a); printf("b contains: %p\n", b); printf("c contains: '%c' (%hhd)\n", c, c); printf("d contains: %p\n", d); printf("-----------------------------\n"); printf("b dereferenced is: %d\n", *b); printf("d defeferenced is: '%c' (%hhd)\n", *d, *d); printf("-----------------------------\n"); printf("a is %d bytes\n", sizeof(a)); printf("b is %d bytes\n", sizeof(b)); printf("c is %d bytes\n", sizeof(c)); printf("d is %d bytes\n", sizeof(d)); printf("-----------------------------\n"); *b = 32; *d = 'J' - 6;
printf("a contains: %d\n", a); printf("b contains: %p\n", b); printf("c contains: '%c' (%hhd)\n", c, c); printf("d contains: %p\n", d); printf("-----------------------------\n"); printf("b dereferenced is: %d\n", *b); printf("d defeferenced is: '%c' (%hhd)\n", *d, *d); printf("-----------------------------\n"); return(0); }
During class this week we reviewed Structs. Structs are considered a scalable variables (heterogeneous) vs an Array which is a composite variable (homogeneous). Structs are like containers that we can use to put things of the same class in, including other structs.
int b[4];
The following code is an example of arrays and structs being used to do the same thing:
b[0]=2; *(b + 0)=2; b[1]=7; *(b + 1)=7; b[2]=32; *(b + 2)=32;
b is derefrenced and offset by 0, 1, and 2.
Some facts about structs:
nano struct1.c
#include,stdio.h> int main() { struct thing{
struct thing is used to declare an array
int a; char b; };
we use a ; after the } after the declaration of a struct. }; int a; and char b; are variables of the array struct thing.
struct thing stuff;
stuff.c=57; stuff.b=66;
printf("stuffs a member is: %d\n, stuff.a); printf("stuffs b member is: '%c'(%hhd)\n", stuff.b, stuff.b); }
nano struct2.c
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node{
char value; struct node *next; };
type struct node Node
int main() { char input; Node *tmp=Null,*tmp2=NULL; tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)*1);
tmp-> value = 12; tmp-> next = NULL;
tmp->next->value=3; tmp->next->next=NULL;
tmp->next->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node) *1); tmp->next->next->value=15; tmp->next->next-next=NULL;
This code wasn't finished yet We ended with adding a second Node (tmp2) when Node and tmp were first used.
Structs are a scalable variable (1 thing) and a composite variable (same elements put together linearly). With the use of structs we are making custom made “containers” aka Data Types. This is the same as a Class. We learned how to declare new data types and add values. This allows for better organization. We learned that we make structs Global outside of the main so they can be used throughout the code. A struct is like a Node. Linked lists allow nodes to point to other nodes that contain other values that point to other nodes or NULL. We used Type Code to merge or shorten the type definition (must be a non-reserved word) to make writing code faster. Structs have both pros and cons, but most importantly, when using structs we don't need to declare memory ahead of time.
For me, I'm still learning how to navigate lab46 and the Unix environment. I'm also still learning the commands for committing and pushing code. I don't understand how we are using version control with Lab46 and will need to ask about it and get some hands-on learning with it. I am eager to see what we are doing with struct2.c and how I can apply it in the future.
We learned about the built in automation of using the makefile. At the end, by typing make, this will invokes files in the makefile. This is a script will run, save, and submit our files for us. In the source directory we use “grabit” to get files.
Our Node0 project should have the following sub-directories
inc/ lib/ src/ node/ list/ stack/ queue/ tree/ hash testing/ node/ app/ write testing applications unit/ test every library function and make sure it works list/ app/ unit/ stack/ app/ unit/
There are multiple roles for Software Developing
The task for the Node0 Project is to produce an output of the values in each node and include NULL.
We also learned how to apply updates in the src
cd src/data/node0 ls fixit
Types of Lists
Three Main Functions of a Linked List
The linked list library will include the following functions
include() mklist() insert() append() obtain() rmlist() getpos() setpos() displayf() displayb() sortlist() cplist()
When making a node there are 3 steps:
When making a list there are 3 steps:
The makefile was a significant concept that was discussed. When used it can save, run and submit code all in one step. I also think that understanding the different roles of software development is important. I didn't know each of these and now I can use this as a guide to areas that I would like to learn more about or focus my education on.
I don't quite understand the use of the directories and sub-directories with the node project. I understand the concept but I'm not clear on how to apply them to the node0 project. I would like to have a better understanding of the library functions we will be using later in our node1 project.
In class we learned how to update our Node0 file to node1
make update
make help
make upgrade node1
cd ../node1
There are now new files in the following:
cpnode calls the mknode and passes tmp value
node *tmp3, *tmp4; tmp3 = mknode (8); tmp4 = cpnode (tmp3);
tmp3→ (8) → null ← (8) ← tmp4
tmp3=rmnode(tmp3); null <- (8) <- tmp4
tmp3 checks to see if node is null
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node{ char value; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node Node; int main(void) } Node *tmp, *tmp2, *start, *end; tmp = tmp2 = start = end = NULL; char input; int i; while (input != -1) { printf("Enter a value(-1 to finalize): "); scanf ("%hhd",&input); if(start == NULL) { start = end = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); start->value = input; start->next = NULL; } else { end->next = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); end = end->next; end->value = input; end->next = NULL; } } printf("Enter value of new node: "); scanf ("%hhd",&input); tmp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); tmp->value = input; tmp->next = NULL; printf("Enter node value to insert before: "); scanf ("%hhd",&input); tmp2 = start; while(tmp2->next->value != input) { tmp2 = tmp2->next; } tmp->next = tmp2->next; tmp2->next = tmp; //display the list return(0); }
header file is found in src/inc/ list.h
struct list{ Node *start;
defined starting and first item
Node *end;
ending list last item
int qty; }
maintaining running quantity of nodes in list
2 → 7 → 36 → 2 → 6 → NULL
[0]3 → [1]7 → [2]36 → [3]2 → [4]6 → NULL
AVOID using any input and output except display when needed
Step 1: compile with bug support
gcc -g -0 sll-debug sll-debug.c
Step 2: launch debugger (gdb)
gdb ./sll-debug
Step 3: Segfault??? Find out where.
Step 4: Set breakpoints and analyze
break 55 run
Step 5: Check variable status
print tmp2 -> next -> value print tmp -> value print tmp2 print tmp1 print tmp -> next
Step 6: Set up auto display of variable
display tmp2 -> next -> value display tmp -> value display tmp2 -> next display tmp2 display tmp
Step 7: Watch it loop
S will follow into function and get message (step by step) N wont go through the function (next it)
These programs use functions we wrote to determine if program works. Future Assignments will contain functions/assignments that contain aspects of the same code as
We will increasingly need to use the debugger to assist in finding errors and segfaults
searchlist() swapnode() obtain()
start -> 13 -> 57 -> 21 -> 33 -> 29 -> 12 -> NULL tmp -> 57 tmp2 -> 33 start -> 13 -> 33 -> 21 -> 57 -> 29 -> 12 -> NULL
List* obtain(List*, Node**); myList = obtain(mylist, & tmp); (*tmp) -> value int input; scanf ("%d, & input); in scanf(const char*, int*); myList = insert(myList, tmp1, tmp2);
int pos = getpos(myList, *tmp); node *tmp2; tmp2 - setpos(myList, pos -1); tmp2 -> next = tmp -> next; (*tmp) -> next = NULL; myList -> qty ; return (myList);
Can have a stack of queues
Is code management.
Example of Inheritence:
input the following to upgrade at lab46 prompt
grabit cd src/data/eoce0 cd/src cd data cd inc nano Node.h
a virtual function can be rewritten or override a function. A child can rewrite back end functionality
We were given the following code and asked to draw a diagram of it starting with this image:
List *myList, *myList2 int i = 7; Node * tmp, *tmp2; for (i =0, i <7, i++) { tmp = mknode (i*1); if((1 %3) == 0) myList = append(myList -> start, tmp); else if((1 %3)==1) myList = insert(myList, myList -> end, tmp); else myList = swap(myList, myList -> end, myList -> start); }
t ->next -> other = t -> other; t -> other -> prev = t -> next; t -> next = NULL; t -> other = NULL;
t -> prev = s -> prev; t -> next = s-> next; t -> other -> prev = NULL; t- > prev -> other = t; t -> next -> other = t;
t -> prev -> other = t; t -> next -> other = t return(s);
stack *myStack = mkstack(0); tmp = mk(node(-1)); tmp -> other = s; push(&myStack, &tmp);
s = s -> prev;
We will use the following classes
Discuss the universal implications of data structures
Will use the following classes:
We can use templates to reorganize inheritance model
Of all the concepts explores and work done over the semester, identify something meaningful to you. What is it? Why does it stick out in your mind? Explain.
How did you feel about this course? Was it useful/interesting to you? What was your least favorite aspect, and why? Any comments and suggestions?
What grade do you think you deserve in the course and why? Justify your answer based on your own perceived performance.