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James's fall 2014 Opus

Welcome to the Jungle


My name is James Hauck, I am interested in gaming computers and am an avid lighting and sound technician. I am currently a student in CIS and am working on my third semester here at CCC. I am still a windows boy, although I would use Linux, if it was supported by more programs and every one of my customers didn't use it :p I have found i use it a lot through lab46 and I enjoy that. I'm warning Matt here that the day of borderlands Pre sequel release i will not be at school as well as civilization beyond earth release

Data Structures Journal

August 26,2014

I experienced the wonder that is a Matt introduction, this being my second favorite course/ behind Unix, I am excited to start and am preparing myself for the work. (My previous expirence with Unix/Linux was not as well planned).

I feel that this semester i have a new view on how to approach this class and school in general and i hope that this time i get it right and manage to keep the work under my belt. I know i have the ability to do well. I just need to apply myself.

To Be Honest (TBH) I'm listening to you talk about four leaf clovers and English classes “ your free to spread your wings and fly into the ether” you literally just said that. In other news i remember a good bit of how to use Unix Linux I actually felt comfortable and familiar doing IRC stuff.

I'm going onto code academy to review C so that I'm ready for the disaster coming.

August 27,2014

So a note code academy does not have C so I update my plans to reviewing my old code from C which however does not include a lot of structs and pointers so woo this isn't going to work well.

August 28,2014

Good class in which we reviewed how to do all the irssi and chat stuff as well as set up or repo for the class. This took up most of the class. I finished early and reviewed more c code from a website and decided to type this .

September 2,2014

The notes project was just sprung on us and I am terrified. My notes suck… I don't really take notes either…. I absorb. I listen and learn. Of course you wrote it to write the script. When matt says I have a brilliant idea, people run in fear. A segmentation fault is like being zapped by zues's lighting bolt. Most of today was a review for c pointer and arrays we cover the real world what is happening in the ram in order to fully understand what every click and thing we type means.

September 18,2014

Back in class finally and I'm not going to lie I am slightly confused. Missing class drives me nuts being late doesn't help my sanity either. On that not we are learning about nodes and I'm totally following the idea of nodes but I don't see the point and I'm slightly confused about the implementation.

September 23,2014

So after this class and some work outside of class im caught up and feel more familar and understand nodes enough that it was really easy to finish the node0 project took less than 30 minutes.

September 30,2014

After a nightmare of a night I am a little disoriented and lost in class and have been following the discussion but making no meaningful progress on my projects.

October 2,2014

Learning today that I'm not crazy and my insanity was from believing that mknode needed a dereferencing operator. So I am going to finish up node 1 asap and hopefully get ahead of the game to avoid a unix/linux disaster again. I ended up doing another bonus point set and learned of the status data command which gives me a great how are you doing in the class now kinda info.

october 17,2014

Sadly, i got behind but am now caught up and am barrelling ahead in order to prevent this from happening again. Finally finished sll0 realized my errors were due the the myList → qty variable not being used in the setpos and get pos tests so i applied the correct number so that it worked correctly. begining the sll1 project right now hopefully done by tommorrow or sunday and then i can start the next project before class tuesday.

october 21,2014

once again I'm close to being behind and i need to be more proactive…. life hit me in the face again the last few days and I'm ready to kick someone's head in I'm so tired of being handed the short end of the stick. So here I am late to class because I haven't sleep due to a couple really long nights with my now EX-girlfriend…. talks and talks and talks and I'm not eating well ….. so if their is one thing I'm going to do right it is going to be to own the crap out of school. so bring it on matt!!!!!!!!!! so those are my challenges that life is being a pain and im stressed and we havent even hit the eoye yet… i refuse to quit

november 16,2014

Getting ready for next week working on the eoce0 so that i can use it for alicias project due monday…

December, 04

Having Finally finished the queue project working on trees now. Having My extra curricular time freed up after my long month gives me an opurunity here to prove that my grade should be the A ive been wanting ….. There is no such thing as Late only too late and i dont believe im too late i will finish all my coursework as soon as i can i will prove that i deserve it i worked hard to understand it all now the application is the simplest part.

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?


