UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

September 2, 2014

Today we did some work with the version control system mercurial. We cloned our repository and added our files to be tracked. We also used a configuration to edit our setting.

September 16, 2014 Today we finish taking a look at vi. We learned about the advanced command mode. It seams like you have to look at your work as a whole if you want to be able to use the command mode effectively.

September 23, 2014 took a look at text processing commands. The first being head and tail. using cat -n to get the line number we pipe it into the head and

   tail command to arange the lines into sepertate files.
Then using the both commands together they can be used to grab s
  the middle section and sort it into its own file.

~ October 23, 2014 e made a file named dat and filled it with 20 numbers we will make a script to add all the numebers using the command line calculator answer=`echo “2+2” |bc a script that prints out the count of even numeber and the total number of numb$


New project take status output -calculate project points -calculate open points -calculate attendence -calculate project % -calculate opus % -calculate current grade

October 28, 2014 notes from today. They are to be used as help towards the status project

1 making bc use decimals
2 echo "6/7" | bc -l The -l agrumenet makes bc use decimals
3 echo "6/7" | bc -l | cut -c1-5 will show only the first five characters
4 echo "$(echo "6/7" | bc -l | cut -c1-5)%"
5 command expansion to add a %

Notes from Tuesday November 11th variables that are automatically created ./myscript a b c $# count of arguments $* all your arguements 40- script now $1- “a” $2- “b” These variables that are automatically created can add extra levels of complexity to your code.

November 18, 2014 time online project accept on command line promt for the username to check valiadate that the indicated user exists for each month of the semseter , determine:

      number of logins for the month, in hysterinan form
      total time spent on the system that month in 
      total logins for the semeseter, total time spent  over the semsester