Table of Contents

Mark Huff's Fall2013 Opus


I like to play video games and procrastinate a lot.

======C/C++ Programming Journal======

Wed Aug 28, 2013

Got to class late because of overlapping classes, also could not find parking right away. When i walked in we were in the middle of reviewing the syllabus. After finishing that we all connected to lab46 via ssh lab46 command in the terminal. We then connected to the class chat via irssi

screen//(first time only)//
/server irc
/join unix

then pressing ctrl a then ctrl d to disconnect

To reconnect use

screen -r

Thur Aug 29, 2013

Had first lab with Joe. We worked on writeing our first program

int main(int a, char** b) {
printf("Hello World\n");
return a;

We than went over the process of compiling the c program we just wrote. we satrted with just tryign to run the program than we started using gcc to compile. at the end of class we were using

lab46:~/src$ gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c -O2

-O2(captal oh, not a zero) is a speed compile. -E is used to stop the compling at the pre processing

Fri Aug 30, 2013

Missed the part of class where we talked about updating the opus. Then set up our repository. I had already had my repo set up so I double checked all my setting to make sure they were set up correctly. After checking them I added and commited all my files to my repo.

The commands used were

lab46:~/src$ hg status

which will tell us the status of all new files that have yet to be commited. A means it has been added to the list for the next commit. and ? means the status is unknown.

lab46:~/src$ hg add

This will add all files that have an unknown status to them.

lab46:~/src$ hg commit -m "_______________________________________________"

This will commit all the files we have just set to add with the previous command.

lab46:~/src$ hg push

This command with then push all of the changes that we have made to are repo.

September 4th 5th and 6th, 2013

Forgot to update on Wed and Thurs.

Wednesday the 4th of September, 2013

On the 4th we learned about different variable types. the to different types we learned about were Char(meant to hold a character such as A or a or ?) and Int( meant to hold a numerical value such as 1 or 389). There is only one size a Char can be, yet Ints can be prefixed with short, long, or long long, to increase the size of the int. We also learned that there are 2 different ways these variables can be set up. one of them is unsigned and the other is signed. We were tasked to write a code for Friday that could spit out the size in bytes, and the min and max bounds that the unsigned versions of each type of variable are.

Thursday the 5th of September

Got to class early and worked on my program to spit out the data from the different data types and sizes. Joe then came in and had us go to the computer room upstairs. Think he just wants to just use Windows and not Linux. during class I honestly did not pay to much attention cause it was all stuff we had learned before. Near the end of class Joe was talking about what we should do between then and the start of the next class. He asked us to make a list of command line functions of windows and their counterparts in Linux and what they do. He also asked us to to summarize sec 5,6,and 7 of 9989 from the manual, and write up a list of what all the different .exe files did in the gcc/bin folder do.


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

======UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal======

Wed Aug 28, 2013

Went over the syllabus in the begining of class. After reviewing that we connected to lab46 via ssh lab46 command in the terminal. We then connected to the class chat via irssi; using the follwing commands, screen(first time only), irssi, then /server irc, /join unix, then ctrl a then ctrl d to disconnect, to reconnect use screen -r. We then went over editting our opus and where to find a guide on the syntax of the page.

Week of September 1st thru the 7th, 2013

I honestly forgot what we did1). I remember going through the different directories by using the cd command. The next day we worked on looking at other commands we can use, we also worked on combining different commands using the |2). We messed around with redirecting the output of files and/or commands.

Fri Sept 6, 2013

Today we talked about even more commands3). We first looked at other types of Unix shells, we then moved on to the difference between using ' and “ in commands. We then cded into the bin folder in the home directory and searched for different files using wild cards.

Wed Sept 11, 2013

worked on vi.

End of the year

sorry for the lack of stuff in my opus. i have had a problem taking notes/doing home work for a while. I tend to push stuff off to the last minute . pwd shows path/current path stuff = “things” blue = directory files cyan = symbolic link red = broken link or compressed file magenta = media file green = executable yellow = special file

3 types of files regular directory/link special

permissions 4 read 2 write 1 execute 0 nothing

wild cards *- 0 or more of anything ?- 1 of any character []-matches one of any of the enclosed [^]- excludes any of the enclosed ls C?? link thats name is three long and starts with c

regular expressions . match any one symbol * none or more of the previous \< match start of word \> match end of word

$ match end of line [ ] match one of any of the enclose symbol [^ ] do not match any of the enclosed ( ) grouping


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?



doing this on Wednesday the 11th
pipe, Shift+\
big surprise