Table of Contents

Questions I would like to ask

If- then statements loops

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

September 3, 2013

The first week of class was interesting. On my own at home i used what i learned in class to tell my family members what day of the week they were born on using the “cal” command. I have also learned the importance of using the hostname, not your IP address, when trying to connect to putty, it wont work at all wit your IP address.

September 11, 2013

the second week of class was even better, go figure we learned the wild cards which are: * which is 0 or more of anything, ? 1 or any character, [] character class 1 or any enclosed, [^] inverted class do not match enclosed. i learned that wc is the spell for word count and we learned how to combine spells to get better more magical spells.

September 20,2013

=Regular exspressions=

. match any single symbol

* 0 or more of the previous

\< match the start of a word

\> match the end of a word

$ match end of line

[] match one of enclosed

[^] do not match any of enclosed

() grouping

September 25, 2013

so today we used the xte command to write scripts to move the mouse cursor to draw squares on xpaint

October 2, 2013

yay we learned arrays.