Table of Contents

Matt Bauer's fall 2013 Opus

work in progress


I am 31 years old and have been a CNC Machinist at The Hilliard Corp for over 10 years. While i do still enjoy most of it, i found that i am far more interested in the computer and programming aspect of that position and have noticed that i have become increasingly less interested in the mechanical side of machining. This fact is what has led me to pursue a degree in Computer Science - HPC. I have always enjoyed working and playing around with computers dating all the way back to my first PC (Acer desktop @25Mhz - yes MHz, with 4 MB of ram). So far i am really enjoying the programming classes i have taken so far and cant wait to get into more complex languages.

C/C++ Programming Journal

Week 1

In week 1 we started learning the basics.

  • how to log into lab46
  • how to log into the class chat
  • how to clone our repositories
  • learned the “hg” commands to commit, and push to our repositories

Week 2

In week 2 we discussed data types. This is also the week I decided to take on the small project of getting Linux to dual boot with windows 8 on my surface tablet….

  • we discussed the benefits of C's source code portability
  • learned how to declare and assign variables with a value
  • we wrote a program to show the size of signed and unsigned data.
int main()
	signed char sc;
	unsigned char uc;
	sc = 0;
	uc = 0;
	printf("an unsigned char is %hhu bytes\n", sizeof(uc));
	printf("lower bound is %hhu \n",uc);
	printf("upper bound is %hhu \n",(uc-1));

	printf("a signed char is %hhd bytes\n", sizeof(sc));
	printf("lower bound is %hhd \n",((unsigned char)(uc-1)/2)+1);
	//printf("upper bound is %hhd \n",((unsigned char)(uc-1)/2));
	printf("upper bound is %hhd \n", 0xFF & 0x7F); 

	signed short int ssi;
	unsigned short int usi;
	ssi = 0;
	usi = 0;
	printf("an unsigned short int is %hu bytes\n", sizeof(usi));
	printf("lower bound is %hu \n",usi);
	printf("upper bound is %hu \n",(usi-1));

	printf("a signed short int is %hd bytes\n", sizeof(ssi));
	printf("lower bound is %hd \n", ((unsigned short int)(usi-1)/2)+1);
	printf("upper bound is %hd \n", ((unsigned short int)(usi-1)/2));

	signed int si;
	unsigned int ui;
	si = 0;
	ui = 0;
	printf("an unsigned int is %u bytes\n", sizeof(ui));
	printf("lower bound is %u \n",ui);
	printf("upper bound is %u \n",(ui-1));

	printf("a signed int is %d bytes\n", sizeof(si));
	printf("lower bound is %d \n",((unsigned int)(si-1)/2)+1);
	printf("upper bound is %d \n",((unsigned int)(si-1)/2));

	signed long int sli;
	unsigned long int uli;
	sli = 0;
	uli = 0;
	printf("an unsigned long int is %lu bytes \n", sizeof(uli));
	printf("lower bound is %lu \n",uli);
	printf("upper bound is %lu \n",(uli-1));

	printf("a signed long int is %ld bytes \n", sizeof(sli));
	printf("lower bound is %ld \n",((unsigned long int)(uli-1)/2)+1);
	printf("upper bound is %ld \n",((unsigned long int)(uli-1)/2));

	signed long long int slli;
	unsigned long long int ulli;
	slli = 0;
	ulli = 0;
	printf("an unsigned long long int is %llu bytes \n", sizeof(ulli));
	printf("lower bound is %llu \n",ulli);
	printf("upper bound is %llu \n",(ulli-1));

	printf("a signed long long int is %lld bytes \n", sizeof(slli));
	printf("lower bound is %lld \n",((unsigned long long int)(ulli-1)/2)+1);
	printf("upper bound is %lld \n",((unsigned long long int)(ulli-1)/2));

  • Also discused the Limits.h file

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

