Table of Contents

Kellen D. Hoose's FALL 2013 Opus


This semester I'm going to do my best to improve upon my skills and knowledge, hopefully even make some progress in this pursuit.

Data Structures Journal

Data program list

To avoid future issues and clutter I will be listing all my files; names and descriptions. This will allow easier lookup and referencing in the future.

  1. Aug29th:ptr1.c(ptr1):demonstrates pointers, their addresses and how or what they point to.
  2. Aug30th:varsize.c(varsize): shows the data types and sizes in bytes, along with possible number ranges they could fit.(final:varsize2.c(varsize2))
  3. Sep4th:struct1.c(struct1):organizes entries of name, age and id#, then redistributes them as requested.
  4. Sep5th:link1.c(link1):creates a list of numbers until '-1' is entered, then outputs entered numbers in their entered order, singly linked list.
  5. September8th:truthtable1.c(truthtable1):displays a truth table of the Exclusive Disjunction/Non-equivalency Proposition, then asks for custom input and output the results.
  6. September9th:link2.c(link2):update to (link1) so it now requests numbers for insert and location of said insertion, singly linked lisy.(link3: final version)
  7. September20th:dubstep.c(dubstep):doubly linked list, insert, and remove listing program.
  8. September25th:dubstep1.c(dubstep1):the DLL code to be broken into the library sections.
  9. November-December:SLLMenu.c(SLLMenu): makes a singly linked list using menu navigation and options
    1. DLLMenu.c(DLLMenu): does the same but using a doubly linked list, also menu driven.
    2. binary.c(binarytree): creates a binary tree from input and helps navigate/control it using the menu.
    3. Due to scheduling issues the dates cannot be specific as to when programs were created, these last few were made after September 15th.

Aug 29th, 2013

Today we covered how to setup and use the IRC chat and join our class channel, then we were shown where the Opus was and how to edit it.

  1. I wrote a file, 'ptr1.c'. In /src/Data
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ./ptr1
[a] address is: 0x224BA9CC
[a] contains: 12
[b] address is: 0x224BA9C0
[b] contains: 0x224BA9CC
[b] dereferences to: 12
[a] address is: 0x224BA9CC
[a] contains: 137
[b] address is: 0x224BA9C0
[b] contains: 0x224BA9CC
[b] dereferences to: 137
[a] address is: 0x224BA9CC
[a] contains: 2600
[b] address is: 0x224BA9C0
[b] contains: 0x224BA9CC
[b] dereferences to: 2600
  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                                                                                       
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  7     int a, *b;
  8     a=12;
  9     b=&a;
 10     fprintf(stdout, "[a] address is: 0x%X\n", &a);
 11     fprintf(stdout, "[a] contains: %d\n", a);
 12 //  fprintf(stdout, "[a] dereferences to: %d\n", a);
 14     fprintf(stdout, "[b] address is: 0x%X\n", &b);
 15     fprintf(stdout, "[b] contains: 0x%X\n", b);
 16     fprintf(stdout, "[b] dereferences to: %d\n",*b);
 18     a=137;
 20     fprintf(stdout, "[a] address is: 0x%X\n", &a);
 21     fprintf(stdout, "[a] contains: %d\n", a);
 22 //  fprintf(stdout, "[a] dereferences to: %d\n", a);
 24     fprintf(stdout, "[b] address is: 0x%X\n", &b);
 25     fprintf(stdout, "[b] contains: 0x%X\n", b);
 26     fprintf(stdout, "[b] dereferences to: %d\n",*b);
 28     *b=2600;
 30     fprintf(stdout, "[a] address is: 0x%X\n", &a);
 31     fprintf(stdout, "[a] contains: %d\n", a);
 32 //  fprintf(stdout, "[a] dereferences to: %d\n", a);
 34     fprintf(stdout, "[b] address is: 0x%X\n", &b);
 35     fprintf(stdout, "[b] contains: 0x%X\n", b);
 36     fprintf(stdout, "[b] dereferences to: %d\n",*b);
 37 return(0);
 38 }

Aug 30th, 2013

Today we began to cover the variable size program required to reacquaint ourselves with variable usage. When we finished for the day we had the following finished:

  1. This program is named 'varsize.c' turned into 'varsize' as an executable
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ./varsize
a signed char is 1 bytes
lower bound is: -128
Upper bound is: 127
an unsigned char is 1 bytes 
lower bound is: 0
Upper bound is: 255
  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                           
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     signed char sc=0;
  7     unsigned char uc=0;
  9     printf("a signed char is %hhu bytes\n", sizeof(sc));
 10     printf("lower bound is: %hhd\n", ((unsigned char)(sc-1)/2)+1);
 11     printf("Upper bound is: %hhd\n", ((unsigned char)(sc-1)/2));
 12     printf("--------\n");
 13     printf("an unsigned char is %hhu bytes \n", sizeof(uc));
 14     printf("lower bound is: %hhu\n", uc);
 15     printf("Upper bound is: %hhu\n", uc-1);
 16     printf("--------\n");
 17     return(0);
 18 }

We are now given the challenge to expand this program to encompass all data types, or even to find bounds for some using a LOGICAL solution.

September 3rd, 2013

Today I finished the data size program for class and I have it listed below:

  1. This program is located in varsize2.c
  2. executable is varsize
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ls
link    ptr1    ptr2     struct1.c  varsize.c  varsize2.c
link.c  ptr1.c  struct1  varsize    varsize2
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ./varsize2
                   a signed char is 1 bytes
lower bound is: -128
Upper bound is: 127
an unsigned char is 1 bytes 
lower bound is: 0
Upper bound is: 255
a signed short int is 2 bytes
lower bound is: -32768
Upper bound is: 32767
an unsigned short int is 2 bytes 
lower bound is: 0
Upper bound is: 65535
a signed int is 4 bytes
lower bound is: -2147483648
Upper bound is: 2147483647
an unsigned int is 4 bytes 
lower bound is: 0
Upper bound is: 4294967295
a signed long int is 8 bytes
lower bound is: -9223372036854775808
Upper bound is: 9223372036854775807
an unsigned long int is 8 bytes 
lower bound is: 0
Upper bound is: 18446744073709551615
a signed float is 0.000000 bytes
lower bound is: 0.500000
Upper bound is: -0.500000
an unsigned float is 0.000000 bytes 
lower bound is: 0.000000
Upper bound is: -1.000000
  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     signed char sc=0;
  7     unsigned char uc=0;
  8     signed short ssi=0;
  9     unsigned short usi=0;
 10     signed int si=0;
 11     unsigned int ui=0;
 12     signed long sl=0;
 13     unsigned long ul=0;
 14     signed long long sll=0;
 15     unsigned long long ull=0;
 16     float f=0;
 19     printf("                   ");
 20     printf("a signed char is %hhd bytes\n", sizeof(sc));
 21     printf("lower bound is: %hhd\n", ((unsigned char)(sc-1)/2)+1);
 22     printf("Upper bound is: %hhd\n", ((unsigned char)(sc-1)/2));
 23     printf("--------\n");
 24     printf("an unsigned char is %hhu bytes \n", sizeof(uc));
 25     printf("lower bound is: %hhu\n", uc);
 26     printf("Upper bound is: %hhu\n", uc-1);
 27     printf("--------\n");
 28     printf("a signed short int is %hd bytes\n", sizeof(ssi));
 29     printf("lower bound is: %hd\n", ((unsigned short)(ssi-1)/2)+1);
 30     printf("Upper bound is: %hd\n", ((unsigned short)(ssi-1)/2));
 31     printf("--------\n");
 32     printf("an unsigned short int is %hu bytes \n", sizeof(usi));
 33     printf("lower bound is: %hu\n", usi);
 34     printf("Upper bound is: %hu\n", usi-1);
 35     printf("--------\n");
 36     printf("a signed int is %d bytes\n", sizeof(si));
 37     printf("lower bound is: %d\n", ((unsigned int)(si-1)/2)+1);
 38     printf("Upper bound is: %d\n", ((unsigned int)(si-1)/2));
 39     printf("--------\n");
 40     printf("an unsigned int is %u bytes \n", sizeof(ui));
 41     printf("lower bound is: %u\n", ui);
 42     printf("Upper bound is: %u\n", ui-1);
 43     printf("--------\n");
 44     printf("a signed long int is %ld bytes\n", sizeof(sl));
 45     printf("lower bound is: %ld\n", ((unsigned long int)(sl-1)/2)+1);
 46     printf("Upper bound is: %ld\n", ((unsigned long int)(sl-1)/2));
 47     printf("--------\n");
 48     printf("an unsigned long int is %lu bytes \n", sizeof(ul));
 49     printf("lower bound is: %lu\n", ul);
 50     printf("Upper bound is: %lu\n", ul-1);
 51     printf("--------\n");
 52     printf("a signed float is %f bytes\n", sizeof(f));
 53     printf("lower bound is: %f\n", (( float)(f-1)/2)+1);
 54     printf("Upper bound is: %f\n", ((float)(f-1)/2));
 55     printf("--------\n");
 56     printf("an unsigned float is %f bytes \n", sizeof(f));
 57     printf("lower bound is: %f\n", f);
 58     printf("Upper bound is: %f\n", f-1);
 59     printf("--------\n");
 61     return(0);
 62 }                                                                         

September 4th, 2013

Today we worked on structures and created a program that organized entries of names, ages, and ID#s, then spits them out as requested, it is listed below;

  1. The program below is titled 'struct1.c'
  2. Executable as 'struct1'
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ./struct1
Enter person #1's name: dan
Enter dan's age:18
Enter dan's id number:1
Enter person #2's name: kell
Enter kell's age:18
Enter kell's id number:2
Enter person #3's name: paul
Enter paul's age:19
Enter paul's id number:3
Enter person #4's name: jon
Enter jon's age:20
Enter jon's id number:4
Enter person #5's name: dick
Enter dick's age:50
Enter dick's id number:5
Enter person #6's name: matt
Enter matt's age:30
Enter matt's id number:6
Enter person #7's name: senator
Enter senator's age:40
Enter senator's id number:7
Enter person #8's name: zach
Enter zach's age:20
Enter zach's id number:8
Look up data for person #: 1
Name: kell
Age: 18
ID: 2
  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                                                                                       
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     struct person {
  7         char *name;
  8         int age;
  9         long int id;
 10         };
 12     typedef struct person Person;
 13 //  struct  person People[8];
 14     Person People[8];
 15     int i=0;
 17     for(i=0;i<8;i++)
 18     {
 19         printf("Enter person #%d's name: ",(i+1));
 20         People[i].name=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
 21         scanf("%s", People[i].name);
 22         printf("Enter %s's age:", People[i].name);
 23         scanf("%d", &People[i].age);
 24         printf("Enter %s's id number:", People[i].name);
 25         scanf("%ld", &People[i].id);
 26     }
 27         i=-1;
 28         while(i==-1)
 29         {
 30             printf("Look up data for person #: ");
 31             scanf("%d", &i);
 32             if(!((i>=0)&&(i<=7)))
 33             {
 34               printf("Invalid person #. Tme:%s\n. Try Again!\n");
 35               i=-1;
 36             }
 37 }
 38 printf("Name: %s\n", People[i].name);
 39 printf("Age: %d\n", People[i].age);
 40 printf("ID: %ld\n", People[i].id);
 41 return(0);
 42 }

September 5th,2013

Today we began doing linked lists, the program we began today would take input in the form of numbers. The program stops taking input once '-1' is entered, then outputs the previously input numbers in the order they were input. The program is shown below:

  1. This program is titled 'link.c'
  2. Executable as 'link'
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ls
link    ptr1    ptr2     struct1.c  varsize.c  varsize2.c
link.c  ptr1.c  struct1  varsize    varsize2
lab46:~/src/DATA$ ./link
Enter a value(-1 to end): 2
Enter a value(-1 to end): 3
Enter a value(-1 to end): 4
Enter a value(-1 to end): 5
Enter a value(-1 to end): 6
Enter a value(-1 to end): 7
Enter a value(-1 to end): 8
Enter a value(-1 to end): 9
Enter a value(-1 to end): 10
Enter a value(-1 to end): 11
Enter a value(-1 to end): -1
2 ->3 ->4 ->5 ->6 ->7 ->8 ->9 ->10 ->11 ->NULL
  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node
  5     {
  6         int value;
  7         struct node *next;
  8     };
 10     typedef struct node Node;
 12 int main()
 13 {
 14     int input;
 15     Node *list, *tmp;
 16     list=tmp=NULL;
 17     while(input!=-1)
 18     {
 19         printf("Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
 20         scanf("%d", &input);
 21         if(input!=-1)
 22         {
 23             if(list==NULL)
 24             {
 25                 list=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 26                 tmp->next=NULL;
 27                 list->value=input;
 28             }
 29             else
 30             {
 31                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 32                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
 33                 tmp->next->value=input;
 34                 tmp=tmp->next;
 35             }
 36         }
 37     }
 38 tmp=list;
 39 while(tmp!=NULL)
 40 {
 41 printf("%d ->", tmp->value);
 42 tmp=tmp->next;
 43 }
 44 printf("NULL\n");
 45 return(0);
 46 }

September 6th, 2013

This Friday we had our progress checked by matt and began work on our modified linked list program, a branch off of 'link.c'

  1. This modification add an insert option.
    1. by numbering the entries so that they can be easily navigated.
  2. Inserted values do not overwrite, they are put between existing nodes
    1. every node's placement value, after the inserted node, is increased by one.
  1 #include<stdio.h>
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node
  5     {
  6         int value;
  7         struct node *next;                                                  
  8     };
 10     typedef struct node Node;
 12 int main()
 13 {
 14     int input;
 15     Node *list, *tmp;
 16     list=tmp=NULL;
 17     while(input!=-1)
 18     {
 19         printf("Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
 20         scanf("%d", &input);
 21         if(input!=-1)
 22         {
 23             if(list==NULL)
 24             {
 25                 list=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 26                 tmp->next=NULL;
 27                 list->value=input;
 28             }
 29             else
 30             {
 31                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 32                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
 33                 tmp->next->value=input;
 34                 tmp=tmp->next;
 35             }
 36         }
 37     }
 38 tmp=list;
 39 input=0;
 40 while(tmp!=NULL)
 41 {
 42 printf("[%d] %d ->", input,tmp->value);
 43 tmp=tmp->next;
 44 input=input+1;
 45 }
 46 printf("NULL\n");
 47 //insert into list
 48 printf("Which node would you like to insert before?");
 49 scanf("%d",&input);
 50 int seeker;
 51 tmp=list;
 52 Node *tmp2=NULL;
 53 for(seeker=0;<=input;seeker++)
 54 {
 55 tmp=tmp->next;
 56 }
 57 printf("Enter a value to insert: ");
 58 scanf("%d", &input);
 59 tmp2=(node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60 tmp2->value=input;
 61 tmp2->next=tmp->next;
 62 tmp->next=tmp2; 
 63 return(0);
 64 }                                                                                                                                         

September 8th, 2013

As is my habit I said screw it and put this off till it was just about too late, it's a bit simple but it does as requested, here is my truth table program executing and its code.

  1. project0.c(project0)
lab46:~/src/Discreet$ ./project0
|Exclusive Disjunction/Non-equivalence:|
|     P     |     Q     |     PyQ      |
|     T     |     T     |       F      |
|     T     |     F     |       T      |
|     F     |     T     |       T      |
|     F     |     F     |       F      |

 For the following step; 1=True 0=False
 Please input value for P:1
Please input value for Q:1
The result is: False
lab46:~/src/Discreet$ ./project0
|Exclusive Disjunction/Non-equivalence:|
|     P     |     Q     |     PyQ      |
|     T     |     T     |       F      |
|     T     |     F     |       T      |
|     F     |     T     |       T      |
|     F     |     F     |       F      |

 For the following step; 1=True 0=False
 Please input value for P:1
Please input value for Q:0
The result is: True
lab46:~/src/Discreet$ ./project0
|Exclusive Disjunction/Non-equivalence:|
|     P     |     Q     |     PyQ      |
|     T     |     T     |       F      |
|     T     |     F     |       T      |
|     F     |     T     |       T      |
|     F     |     F     |       F      |

 For the following step; 1=True 0=False
 Please input value for P:0
Please input value for Q:0
The result is: False
  1 #include<stdlib.h>
  2 #include<stdio.h>
  4 int main()
  5 {
  6     int p;
  7     int q;
  8     int pyq;
 12     printf("|--------------------------------------|\n");
 13     printf("|Exclusive Disjunction/Non-equivalence:|\n");
 14     printf("|--------------------------------------|\n");
 15     printf("|     P     |     Q     |     PyQ      |\n");
 16     printf("|--------------------------------------|\n");
 17     printf("|     T     |     T     |       F      |\n");
 18     printf("|     T     |     F     |       T      |\n");
 19     printf("|     F     |     T     |       T      |\n");
 20     printf("|     F     |     F     |       F      |\n");
 21     printf("|--------------------------------------|\n");
 25     printf("\n For the following step; 1=True 0=False\n Please input value for :");
 26     scanf("%d", &p);
 27     printf("Please input value for Q:");
 28     scanf("%d",&q);
 29     pyq=p+q;
 34         if(pyq==2)
 35             {
 36                 printf("The result is: False\n");
 37             }
 38         else if(pyq==1)
 39             {
 40                 printf("The result is: True\n");
 41             }
 42         else if(pyq==0)
 43             {
 44                 printf("The result is: False\n");
 45             }
 47 return(0);
 48 }

September9th, 2013

  1. link2.c(link2)
    1. capable or filling a list, then inserting before an indicated node, not menu driven.
  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                           
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node
  5     {
  6         int value;
  7         struct node *next;
  8     };
 10     typedef struct node Node;
 12 int main()
 13 {
 14     int input;
 15     Node *list, *tmp;
 16     list=tmp=NULL;
 17     while(input!=-1)
 18     {
 19         printf("Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
 20         scanf("%d", &input);
 21         if(input!=-1)
 22         {
 23             if(list==NULL)
 24             {
 25                 list=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 26                 tmp->next=NULL;
 27                 list->value=input;
 28             }
 29             else
 30             {
 31                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 32                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
 33                 tmp->next->value=input;
 34                 tmp=tmp->next;
 35             }
 36         }
 37     }
 38 tmp=list;
 39 input=0;
 40 while(tmp!=NULL)
 41 {
 42 printf("[%d] %d ->", input,tmp->value);
 43 tmp=tmp->next;
 44 input=input+1;
 45 }
 46 printf("NULL\n");
 47 //insert into list
 48 printf("Which node would you like to insert before?");
 49 scanf("%d",&input);
 50 int seeker;
 51 tmp=list;
 52 Node *tmp2=NULL;
 53 for(seeker=0;seeker<(input-1);seeker++)
 54 {                                                                           
 55 tmp=tmp->next;
 56 }
 57 printf("Enter a value to insert: ");
 58 scanf("%d", &input);
 59 tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60 tmp2->value=input;
 61 tmp2->next=tmp->next;
 62 tmp->next=tmp2; 
 63 return(0);
 64 }

September 11th,2013


-this program asks you to fill a list, then to insert before a node including the first node if you would like, then it asks you to remove a node.

  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                           
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node {
  5     int value;
  6     struct node *next;
  7 };
  9 typedef struct node Node;
 11 int main()
 12 {
 13     int input;
 14     Node *list, *tmp;
 16     list = tmp = NULL;
 17     while (input != -1)
 18     {
 19         printf("Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
 20         scanf("%d", &input);
 21         if (input != -1)
 22         {
 23             if (list == NULL)
 24             {
 25                 list = tmp = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 26                 tmp->next = NULL;
 27                 list->value = input;
 28             }
 29             else
 30             {
 31                 tmp->next = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 32                 tmp->next->next = NULL;
 33                 tmp->next->value = input;
 34                 tmp = tmp->next;
 35             }
 36         }
 37     }
 38     tmp = list;
 39     input = 0;
 40     while (tmp != NULL)
 41     {
 42         printf("[%d] %d ->", input, tmp->value);
 43         tmp = tmp->next;
 44         input = input + 1;
 45     }
 46     printf("NULL\n");
 47 //insert into list
 48     printf("Which node would you like to insert before?");
 49     scanf("%d", &input);
 50     int seeker;
 52     tmp = list;
 53     Node *tmp2 = NULL;
 55     for (seeker = 0; seeker < (input - 1); seeker++)
 56     {
 57         tmp = tmp->next;
 58     }
 59     if (input == 0)
 60     {
 61         printf("Enter value for new node: ");
 62         scanf("%d", &input);
 63         tmp2 = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 64         tmp2->value = input;
 65         tmp2->next = NULL;
 66         tmp2->next = tmp;
 67         list = tmp2;
 68         input = 0;
 69         tmp = list;
 70         while (tmp != NULL)
 71         {                                                                   
 72             printf("[%d] %d ->", input, tmp->value);
 73             tmp = tmp->next;
 74             input = input + 1;
 75         }
 76         printf("NULL\n");
 77     }
 78     else
 79     {
 80         printf("Enter a value to insert: ");
 81         scanf("%d", &input);
 82         tmp2 = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 83         tmp2->value = input;
 84         tmp2->next = tmp->next;
 85         tmp->next = tmp2;
 86         input = 0;
 87         tmp = list;
 88         while (tmp != NULL)
 89         {
 90             printf("[%d] %d ->", input, tmp->value);
 91             tmp = tmp->next;
 92             input = input + 1;
 93         }
 94         printf("NULL\n");
 95     }
 96     printf("Which node would you like to remove?:  ");
 97     scanf("%d", &input);
 98     tmp = list;
 99     for (seeker = 0; seeker < (input - 1); seeker++)
100     {
101         tmp = tmp->next;
102     }
103     if (input == 0)
104     {
105         list = tmp->next;
106         tmp->next = NULL;
107     }
109     else
110     {
111         tmp2 = tmp->next;
112         tmp->next = tmp2->next;
113         tmp2->next = NULL;
114         input = 0;
115         tmp = list;
116     }
117     tmp = list;
118     input = 0;
119     while (tmp != NULL)
120     {
121         printf("[%d] %d ->", input, tmp->value);
122         tmp = tmp->next;
123         input = input + 1;
124     }
126     printf("NULL\n");
127     return (0);
128 }                   

September 20, 2013

  1. doubly linked list
    1. This is the beginning of our doubly linked list, a list similar to the singly but different in the fact that it is capable of going backwards through the list as well, where as the singly linked list is only capable of moving forward through a list of nodes.
  1 #include<stdio.h>                                                           
  2 #include<stdlib.h>
  4 struct node {
  5     int value;
  6     struct node *next;
  7     struct node *prev;
  8 };
  9 typedef struct node Node;
 11 struct list {
 12     struct node *start;
 13     struct node *end;
 14 };
 15 typedef struct list List;
 16 List *build();
 17 void displayf(List *);
 18 void displayb(List *);
 19 List *insert(List *, Node *,  Node *);
 20 List *getNode(List *, Node **);
 22 main()
 23 {
 24     List *myList;
 25     List *myList2;
 26     Node *tmp;
 28     myList = build();
 29     displayf(myList);
 30 //call insert here
 31     myList=getNode(myList, &tmp);
 32     myList2=insert(myList2, myList->end, tmp);
 33 //  displayb(myList);
 34     return (0);
 35 }
 37 List *build()
 38 {
 39     Node *tmp = NULL;
 40     List *myList = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
 42     myList->start = myList->end = NULL;
 43     int input = 0;
 45     printf("Enter a value(-1 to quit): ");
 46     scanf("%d", &input);
 47     while (input != -1)
 48     {
 49         if (myList->start == NULL)
 50 //went from start and end both =NULL to them both equalling a new node
 51         {
 52             myList->start = myList->end =
 53                 (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 54             myList->start->value = input;
 55             myList->end->prev = myList->start->next = NULL;
 56         }
 57         else
 58         {
 59             myList->end->next = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60             myList->end->next->value = input;
 61             myList->end->next->next = NULL;
 62             myList->end->next->prev = myList->end;
 63             myList->end = myList->end->next;
 64         }
 65         printf("Enter a value(-1 to quit): ");
 66         scanf("%d", &input);
 67     }
 68     return (myList);
 69 }
 71 //Insert Section
 72 List *insert(List *myList, Node *place, Node *newNode)
 73 {
 74     if (place == myList->start)
 75     {
 76         newNode->next = place;   
 77         place->prev = newNode;
 78         newNode->prev = NULL;
 79         myList->start = newNode;
 80     }
 81 //in case of before first node insertion
 82 //links as before newnode appears, aasigning to where they are after appears
 83     else
 84     {
 85         newNode->next = place;
 86         place->prev->next = newNode;
 87         newNode->prev = place->prev;
 88         place->prev = newNode;
 89     }
 90 }
 91 void displayf(List *myList)
 92 {
 93     Node *tmp;
 94     int input;
 95     tmp=myList->start;
 96     input=0;
 97 /*  printf("[%d] %d ->", input, myList->start->value);
 98     myList->start=myList->start->next;
 99     input=input+1; 
100 */
101 while (tmp != NULL)
102          {
103              printf("[%d] %d ->", input, tmp->value);
104              tmp = tmp->next;
105              input = input + 1;
106          }
107         printf("NULL\n");
108 }
110 //remove section
111 //passing by address, allows multiple value passing by single function    
112 List *getNode(List *myList, Node **place)
113 {
114 //removal, start of list conditional
115     if(*place==myList->start)
116     {
117         myList->start=myList->start->next;
118         myList->start->prev=NULL;
119         (*place)->next=NULL;
120     }
122 //removal, end of list conditional
123     else if(*place==myList->end)
124     {
125         myList->end=myList->end->prev;
126         myList->end->next=NULL;
127         (*place)->prev=NULL;
128     }
130 //removal, every condition in between
131     else 
132     {
133         (*place)->prev->next=(*place)->next;//skip over node one way
134         (*place)->next->prev=(*place)->prev;//skip over it the other
135         (*place)->prev=(*place)->next=NULL;//skipped over(cut off), NULL ends
136     }
137 return(myList);
138 }                                 

October 10th,2013

  1 #include "stack.h"                                                          
  3 Node *peek(Stack *myStack)
  4 {
  5     // exercise left to the implementer
  6 }
  1 #include "stack.h"                                                          
  3 Node *pop(Stack **myStack)
  4 {
  5     Node *tmp=NULL;
  6     if((myStack)!=NULL)
  7 {
  7     tmp = getNode(&(*myStack) -> data, (*myStack) -> data -> end);
  8     (*myStack) -> top = (*myStack) -> data -> end;
  9 }
 10     return (tmp);
 11 }
  1 #include "stack.h"                                                          
  3 Stack *push(Stack *myStack, Node *newNode)
  4 {
  5     if ((myStack -> size <= 0) || ((myStack -> data -> qty) < (myStack -> si    ze)))
  6     {
  7         myStack -> data = append(myStack -> data, myStack -> data -> end, ne    wNode);
  8         myStack -> top  = myStack -> data -> end;
  9     }
 11     return(myStack);
 12 }
  1 #ifndef _STACK_H                                                            
  2 #define _STACK_H
  4 #include "list.h"
  6 struct stack {
  7     List *data;
  8     Node *top;
  9     int size;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct stack Stack;
 13 Stack *mkstack(int);
 14 Stack *push   (Stack *, Node *);
 15 Node  *pop    (Stack **);
 16 Node  *peek   (Stack *);
 18 #endif
  1 #include "stack.h"                                                          
  3 Stack *mkstack(int size)
  4 {
  5     Stack *myStack;
  7     myStack = (Stack *) malloc (sizeof(Stack));
  9     myStack -> data = mklist();
 10     myStack -> size = size;
 11     myStack -> top  = myStack -> data -> end;
 13     return (myStack);
 14 }

October 30,2013

binary tree: - Three traversals;

  1. Preorder
  2. in order
  3. post order

It did take me quite a while, and asking for help but I have the makings of a binary tree program, yet it has some running errors, segmentation that occurs at the start, I'm unsure how to fix it.

executable as: binary.c


  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include "stack.h"
  5 List *displaytree(List *maple);
  6 List *addtree(List *pine, Node *pos1, Node *pos2);
  8 int main()
  9 {
 10         List *tree = ( List* )malloc( sizeof( List ) );
 11         tree->start = tree->end = NULL;
 12         Node *root;
 13         int value0;
 14         int choice;
 15         fprintf(stdout, "What would you like for your root value? ");
 16         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &value0);
 19         root->value = value0;
 20         tree = append( tree, tree->start, root);
 21         tree = displaytree(tree);
 23         while(choice!=-1)
 24         {
 25                 fprintf(stdout, "|========================|\n");
 26                 fprintf(stdout, "|   1 to insert to tree  |\n");
 27                 fprintf(stdout, "|========================|\n");
 28                 fprintf(stdout, "|  2 to remove from tree |\n");
 29                 fprintf(stdout, "|========================|\n");
 30                 fprintf(stdout, "|    3 to display tree   |\n");
 31                 fprintf(stdout, "|========================|\n");
 32                 fprintf(stdout, "|     -1 to quit      |\n");
 33                 fprintf(stdout, "|========================|\n");
 34                 fprintf(stdout, "Which would you like to do?\n");
 35                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 37                 if(choice == 1)
 38                 {
 39                         int a;
 40                         fprintf(stdout, "What value are you adding? ");
 41                         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &a);
 42                         Node * tmp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 43                         tmp->value = a;
 44                         tree = addtree(tree, root, tmp);
 45                 }
 46                 else if(choice == 3)
 47                 {
 48                         displaytree(tree);
 49                 }
 50                 else if(choice == -1)
51                 {
 52                         fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
 53                 }
 54                 else
 55                 {
 56                         fprintf(stdout, "Error, Invalid Input\n");
 57                 }
 58         }
 59     return(0);
 60 }
 62 List *displaytree( List * maple)           //this section output the content of the tree for the user to see.
 63 {
 64         Node *tmp1 = maple->start;
 65         Node *tmp2 = maple->start;
 66         fprintf(stdout, "\t%d\n", tmp1->value);
 68         if(tmp1->next != NULL || tmp1->prev != NULL)
 69         {
 70                 tmp1 = tmp1->next;
 71                 tmp2 = tmp2->next;
 72                 while(tmp1->next = NULL)
 73                 {
 74                         fprintf(stdout, "\t%d\n", tmp1->value);
 75                         fprintf(stdout, "\t%d\n", tmp2->value);
 76                 }
 77         }
 78     return(maple);
 79 }
 81 List *addtree( List *pine, Node *pos1, Node *pos2)      //this section allows for the addition of new leaves to the binary tree.
 82 {
 83         int count = 1;
 84         while(count != pine->qty)
 85         {
 86                 if(pos2->value < pos1->value)
 87                 {
 88                         if(pos1->prev != NULL)
 89                         {
 90                                 fprintf(stdout, "Down Left\n");
 91                                 pos1 = pos1->prev;
 92                         }
 93                 }
 94                 else if(pos2->value > pos1->value)
 95                 {
 96                         if(pos1->next != NULL)
 97                         {
 98                                 fprintf(stdout, "Down Right\n");
 99                                 pos1 = pos1->next;
100                         }
101                 }
102                 else if(pos2->value == pos1->value)
103                 {
105                 }
106                 count++;
107         }
108         if(pos2->value < pos1->value)
109         {
110                 fprintf(stdout, "Added a node to the left\n");
111                 pos1->prev = pos2;
112                 pine->qty = (pine->qty) + 1;
113         }
114         else if(pos2->value > pos1->value)
115         {
116                 fprintf(stdout, "Added a node to the right\n");
117                 pos1->next = pos2;
118                 pine->qty = (pine->qty) + 1;
119         }
120         else
121         {
123         }
124         pos1 = pine->start;
125         return(pine);
126 }
128 List *append(List *myList, Node *place, Node *newNode)      //allows for the appending of a leaf after the position of another leaf.
129 {
130         if(place==myList->end)
131         {
132                 newNode->prev=place;
133                 place->next=newNode;
134                 newNode->next=NULL;
135                 myList->end=newNode;
136         }
137         else
138         {
139                 newNode->prev=place;
140                 place->next->prev=newNode;
141                 newNode->next=place->next;
142                 place->next=newNode;
143         }
145         return(myList);
146 }
148 List *taketree( List *cherry, Node *pos )      //removal function for the binary tree
149 {
150         Node *tmp1 = cherry->start;
151         Node *tmp0;
152         int count = 0;
153         while(count != cherry->qty)
154         {
155                 if(tmp1->value > pos->value)
156                 {
157                         tmp0 = tmp1;
158                         if(tmp1->prev != NULL)
159                         {
160                                 fprintf(stdout, "Down Left\n");
161                                 tmp1 = tmp1->prev;
162                         }
163                 }
164                 else if(tmp1->value < pos->value)
165                 {
166                         tmp0 = tmp1;
167                         if(tmp1->next != NULL)
168                         {
169                                 fprintf(stdout, "Down Right\n");
170                                 tmp1 = tmp1->next;
171                         }
172                 }
173                 else if(tmp1->value == pos->value)
174                 {
176                 }
177                 count++;
178         }
179         fprintf(stdout, "tmp0 is %d\n", tmp0->value);
180         fprintf(stdout, "Removing node %d\n", tmp1->value);
181         if(tmp1->next != NULL && tmp1->prev != NULL)
182         {
183                 Node *tmp2;
184                 if(tmp1->prev != NULL)
185                 {
186                         tmp2 = tmp1->prev;
187                 }
188                 else
189                 {
190                         tmp2 = NULL;
191                 }
193                 Node *tmp3;
194                 if(tmp1->next != NULL)
195                 {
196                         tmp3 = tmp1->next;
197                 }
198                 else
199                 {
200                         tmp3 = NULL;
201                 }
202                 if(tmp2 != NULL)
203                 {
204                         while(tmp2->next != NULL && tmp2->prev != NULL)
205                         {
206                                 if(tmp2->next != NULL)
207                                 {
208                                         tmp2 = tmp2->next;
209                                 }
210                                 else
211                                 {
212                                 }
213                         }
214                         if(tmp1 == tmp0->prev)
215                         {
216                                 tmp0->prev = tmp2;
217                                 tmp2->next = tmp3;
218                         }
219                         else
220                         {
221                                 tmp0->next = tmp2;
222                                 tmp2->next = tmp3;
223                         }
224                 }
225                 else
226                 {
227                         while(tmp3->next != NULL && tmp3->prev != NULL)
228                         {
229                                 if(tmp3->next != NULL)
230                                 {
231                                         tmp3 = tmp3->next;
232                                 }
233                                 else
234                                 {
235                                 }
236                         }
237                         if(tmp1 == tmp0->prev)
238                         {
239                                 tmp0->prev = tmp3;
240                                 tmp2->next = tmp2;
241                         }
242                         else
243                         {
244                                 tmp0->next = tmp3;
245                                 tmp2->next = tmp2;
246                         }
247                 }
248         }
249         else
250         {
251                 if(tmp1 == tmp0->prev)
252                 {
253                         tmp0->prev = NULL;
254                 }
255                 else
256                 {
257                         tmp0->next = NULL;
258                 }
259         }
260         /*
261         tmp1->next = NULL;
262         tmp1->prev = NULL;
263         */
264         free(tmp1);
266         return(cherry);
267 }

November 7th

After a long wait, and tons of work I have completed my Singly Linked list, which uses a menu to run, making it much easier to navigate. The following is both the code for the menu, and then the individual functions at the bottom of the program. Menu includes the following functions:

  1. build
  2. insert
  3. append
  4. remove
  5. display
   1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 struct node{
  5         int value;
  6         struct node*next;
  7 };
  9 typedef struct node Node;
 11 Node *build(Node *);
 12 Node *insert(Node *);
 13 Node *append(Node *);
 14 Node *removenode(Node *);
 15 Node *display(Node *);
 17 int main()
 18 {
 19         Node *list = NULL;
 20         int option;
 22         while(option!=-1)
 24         {
 25                 fprintf(stdout, "|===========Menu===========|\n");
 26                 fprintf(stdout, "| 1.)Build list            |\n");
 27                 fprintf(stdout, "| 2.)Insert to list        |\n");
 28                 fprintf(stdout, "| 3.)Append to list        |\n");
 29                 fprintf(stdout, "| 4.)Remove from list      |\n");
 30                 fprintf(stdout, "| 5.)Display the list      |\n");
 31                 fprintf(stdout, "|-1.)Quit                  |\n");
 32                 fprintf(stdout, "|==========================|\n");
 33                 fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 34                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 36                 if(option==1)
 37                 {
 38                         list=build(list);
 39                 }
 40                 else if(option==2)
 41                 {
 42                         list=insert(list);
 43                 }
 44                 else if(option==4)
 45                 {
 46                         list=removenode(list);
 47                 }
 48                 else if(option==5)
 49                 {
 50                         list=display(list);
 51                 }
 52                 else if(option=-1)
 53                 {
 54                         fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
 55                 }
 56                 else
 57                 {
 58                         fprintf(stdout, "Error, invalid input\n");
 59                 }
 60         }
 62         return(0);
 63 }
 65 Node *build(Node*list)
 66 {
 67         int input=0;
 68         Node*tmp;
 69         list=tmp=NULL;
 70         while(input!=-1)
 71         {
 72                 fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value (-1 to end): ");
 73                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 75                 if(input!=-1)
 76                 {
 77                         if(list==NULL)
 78                         {
 79                                 list=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 80                                 tmp->next=NULL;
 81                                 list->value=input;
 82                         }
 83                         else
 84                         {
 85                                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 86                                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
 87                                 tmp->next->value=input;
 88                                 tmp=tmp->next;
 89                         }
 90                 }
 91         }
 92         tmp=list;
 94         return(list);
 95 }
 97 Node *insert(Node*list)
 98 {
 99         //insert into list
100         int input=0;
101         Node*tmp;
102         fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to insert before? ");
103         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
104         int seeker;
105         tmp=list;
106         Node*tmp2=NULL;
107         for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
108         {
109                 tmp=tmp->next;
110         }
111         if(input==0)
112         {
113                 fprintf(stdout, "Enter value for new node: ");
114                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
115                 tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
116                 tmp2->value=input;
117                 tmp2->next=NULL;
118                 tmp2->next=tmp;
119                 list=tmp2;
120         }
121         else
122         {
123                 fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
124                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
125                 tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
126                 tmp2->value=input;
127                 tmp2->next=tmp->next;
128                 tmp->next=tmp2;
129         }
130         tmp=list;
132         return(list);
133 }
134 Node *append(Node*list)
135 {
136         //Append to list
137         int input=0;
138         Node*tmp;
139         fprintf(stdout, "Enter what node you would like to append to: ");
140         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
141         int behind;
142         tmp=list;
143         Node*tmp3=NULL;
144         for(behind=0; behind<input; behind++)
145         {
146                 tmp=tmp->next;
147         }
149         fprintf(stdout, "What value would you like to append: ");
150         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
151         tmp3=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
152         tmp3->value=input;
153         tmp3->next=tmp->next;
154         tmp->next=tmp3;
156         tmp=list;
158         return(list);
159 }
161 Node *removenode(Node*list)
162 {
163         int input=0;
164         Node*tmp;
165         tmp=list;
166         Node*tmp2=NULL;
167         int begone;
168         fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
169         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
171         for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
172         {
173                 tmp=tmp->next;
174         }
175         if(input==0)
176         {
177                 tmp2=tmp->next;
178                 tmp->next=NULL;
179                 list=tmp2;
180         }
181         else
182         {
183                 tmp2=tmp->next;
184                 tmp->next=tmp2->next;
185                 tmp2->next=NULL;
186         }
187         tmp=list;
188         return(list);
189 }
191 Node *display(Node*list)
192 {
193         int input=0;
194         Node*tmp;
195         tmp=list;
196         while(tmp!=NULL)
197         {
198                 fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
199                 tmp=tmp->next;
200                 input=input++;
201         }
202         fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
204         return(list);
205 }

November 14th

Thanks to some assistance I have the majority of the stack header files and have listed them below, these will be vital in the operation of this program:

  1 #ifndef _LIST_H
  2 #define _LIST_H
  4 #include "node.h"
  6 struct list {
  7 Node *start;
  8 Node *end;
  9 int qty;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct list List;
 13 List *mklist();
 14 List *insert(List *, Node *, Node *);
 15 List *append(List *, Node *, Node *);
 16 List *removeNode(List *, Node **);
 17 void displayf(List *);
 18 void displayb(List *);
 19 List *clearlist(List *);
 20 List *sortlist(List *);
 22 #endif
  1 #ifndef _NODE_H
  2 #define _NODE_H
  4 #include <stdlib.h>
  6 struct node {
  7 struct node *next;
  8 struct node *prev;
  9 int value;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct node Node;
 13 Node *mknode(int);
 14 void  rmnode(Node **);
 15 Node *cpnode(Node *);
 17 #endif
  1 #ifndef _STACK_H
  2 #define _STACK_H
  3 #include "list.h"
  5 struct stack {
  6     List *data;
  7     Node *top;
  8     int size;
  9 };
 10 typedef struct stack Stack;
 12 Stack *mkstack(int);
 13 Stack *push   (Stack *, Node *);
 14 Node  *pop    (Stack **);
 15 Node  *peek   (Stack *);
 17 #endif

November 21

After a few days of confusion I managed to get my hands of the completed files, which have been listed below.

  1 #include "stack.h"
  3 Node *peek(Stack *myStack)
  4 {
  5     return(myStack->top);
  6 }
  1 #include "stack.h"
  3 Node *pop(Stack **myStack)
  4 {
  5         Node *tmp = NULL;
  7         if ((*myStack) != NULL)
  8         {
  9                 tmp = (*myStack) -> data -> end;
 10                 (*myStack) -> data = getNode((*myStack) -> data, (&tmp));
 11                 (*myStack) -> top  = (*myStack) -> data -> end;
 12         }
 14         return (tmp);
 15 }
  1 #include "stack.h"
  3 Stack *push(Stack *myStack, Node *newNode)
  4 {
  5         if ((myStack -> size <= 0) || ((myStack -> data -> qty) < (myStack -> size)))
  6         {
  7                 myStack -> data = append(myStack -> data, myStack -> data -> end, newNode);
  8                 myStack -> top  = myStack -> data -> end;
  9         }
 11         return(myStack);
 12 }
  1 #include "stack.h"
  3 Stack *mkstack(int size)
  4 {
  5         Stack *myStack;
  7         myStack = (Stack *) malloc (sizeof(Stack));
  9         myStack -> data = mklist();
 10         myStack -> size = size;
 11         myStack -> top  = myStack -> data -> end;
 13         return (myStack);
 14 }

November 28

I've been extremely busy with work and other personal matters along with having internet canceled due to parents not paying bills, but regardless I have acquired the queue files and assembled them here;

  1 #ifndef _STACK_H
  2 #define _STACK_H
  4 #include "list.h"
  6 struct stack {
  7 List *data;
  8 Node *top;
  9 int size;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct stack Stack;
 13 Stack *mkstack(int);
 14 Stack *push   (Stack *, Node *);
 15 Node  *pop    (Stack **);
 16 Node  *peek   (Stack *);
 18 #endif
  1 #ifndef _NODE_H
  2 #define _NODE_H
  4 #include <stdlib.h>
  6 struct node {
  7 struct node *next;
  8 struct node *prev;
  9 int value;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct node Node;
 13 Node *mknode(int);
 14 void  rmnode(Node **);
 15 Node *cpnode(Node *);
 17 #endif
  1 #ifndef _LIST_H
  2 #define _LIST_H
  4 #include "node.h"
  6 struct list {
  7 Node *start;
  8 Node *end;
  9 int qty;
 10 };
 11 typedef struct list List;
 13 List *mklist();
 14 List *insert(List *, Node *, Node *);
 15 List *append(List *, Node *, Node *);
 16 List *removeNode(List *, Node **);
 17 void displayf(List *);
 18 void displayb(List *);
 19 List *clearlist(List *);
 20 List *sortlist(List *);
 22 #endif
  1 #ifndef _QUEUE_H
  2 #define _QUEUE_H
  4 #include "stack.h"
  6 struct queue {
  7         List *data;
  8         Node *front;
  9         Node *back;
 10         int bufsize;
 11 };
 12 typedef struct queue Queue;
 14 Queue *mkqueue(int);
 15 Queue *enqueue   (Queue *, Node *);
 16 Node  *dequeue    (Queue **);
 18 #endif
  1 #include "queue.h"
  2 #include "stack.h"
  3 #include "list.h"
  4 Node *dequeue(Queue **myQueue)
  5 {
  6         Node *tmp = NULL;
  8         if ((*myQueue) != NULL)
  9         {
 10                 tmp = (*myQueue) -> data -> start;
 11                 (*myQueue) -> data = getNode((*myQueue) -> data, (&tmp));
 12                 (*myQueue) -> front  = (*myQueue) -> data -> start;
 13         }
 15         return (tmp);
 16 }
  1 #include "queue.h"
  2 #include "stack.h"
  3 #include "list.h"
  5 Queue *enqueue(Queue *myQueue, Node *newNode)
  6 {
  7         if ((myQueue -> bufsize <= 0) || ((myQueue -> data -> qty) < (myQueue -> bufsize)))
  8         {
  9                 myQueue -> data = append(myQueue -> data, myQueue -> data -> end, newNode);
 10                 myQueue -> back  = myQueue -> data -> end;
 11         }
 13         return(myQueue);
 14 }
  1 #include "queue.h"
  2 #include "stack.h"
  3 #include "list.h"
  6 Queue *mkqueue(int size)
  7 {
  8         Queue *myQueue= (Queue *)malloc(sizeof(Queue));
  9         myQueue->data = mklist(size);
 10         myQueue->front=myQueue->data->start;
 11         myQueue->back=myQueue->data->end;
 12         return(myQueue);
 13 }
  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include "queue.h"
  3 #include "stack.h"
  5 int main()
  6 {
  7         Node *tmp;
  8         Queue *myQueue;
  9         myQueue = mkqueue(0);
 10         tmp = create(1);
 11         tmp -> value = fgetc(stdin);
 12         fgetc(stdin);
 13         myQueue = enqueue(myQueue, tmp);
 14         myQueue->data->start = myQueue -> front = tmp;
 15         myQueue->data->start->prev = NULL;
 17         while(tmp->value != '\n')
 18         {
 19                 tmp->next = create(1);
 20                 tmp->next->value = fgetc(stdin);
 21                 tmp->next->prev = tmp;
 22                 fgetc(stdin);
 23                 tmp=tmp->next;
 24                 myQueue = enqueue(myQueue, tmp);
 25                 myQueue->data->end=myQueue->back = tmp;
 26         }
 28         fprintf(stdout, "String is: ");
 29         while(tmp != NULL)
 30         {
 31                 tmp = dequeue(&myQueue);
 32                 fprintf(stdout, "%c", tmp->value);
 33                 rmnode((&tmp));
 34                 if(myQueue->back ==  myQueue->front)
 35                 {
 36                 tmp = NULL;
 37                 }
 38         }
 39         fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 40         return(0);
 41 }






  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 typedef struct node Node;
  6 struct node{
  7     int value;
  8     int place;
  9     struct node *next;
 10     struct node * *tmp3;
 11 };
 13 Node *build(Node *start);
 14 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 15 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 16 //Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 17 Node *display(Node *start);
 19 int main()
 20 {
 21     Node *start=NULL;
 22     int option;
 24         while(option!=-1)
 25         {
 26             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 27             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 28             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 29             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 30             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 35             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 37             if(option==1)
 38             {
 39                 start=build(start);
 40                 start=display(start);
 41             }
 42             else if(option==2)
 43             {
 44                 start=display(start);
 45                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 46                 int input=5;
 47                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 48                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 49                 int seeker;
 50                 tmp=start;
 51                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 52                 {
 53                     tmp=tmp->next;
 54                 }
 55                 if(input==0)
 56                 {
 57                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 58                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 59                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60                     tmp2->value=input;
 61                     tmp->place=0;
 62                 }
 63                 else
 64                 {
 65                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 66                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 67                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 68                     tmp2->value=input;
 69                     tmp->place=1;
 70                 }
 71                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 72                 start=display(start);
 73             }
 74             else if(option==3)
 75             {
 76                 start=display(start);
 77                 //assinging of values must occur before function execution
 78                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 79                 int input, choice;
 80                 int behind;
 81                 tmp=start;
 82                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 83                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 84                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 85                 {
 86                     tmp=tmp->next;
 87                 }
 88                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 89                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 90                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 91                 tmp4->place=choice;
 92                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 93                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 94                 tmp4->value=input;
 96                 start=display(start);
 97                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
 98                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
 99             }
100             else if(option==4)
101             {
102                 //assinging before functions required
103         /*
104                 start=display(start);
105                 Node *tmp;
106                 tmp=start;
107                 Node **tmp3;
108                 tmp3=&tmp;
109                 int begone, input;
110                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
111                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
112                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
113                 {
114                     tmp=tmp->next;
115                 }
116                 if(input==0)
117                 {
118                     start->place=0;
119                 }
120                 else
121                 {
122                     start->place=1;
123                 }
125                 start=getNode(start, &tmp);
126                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
127 */          }
128             else if(option==5)
129             {
130                 start=display(start);
131             }
132             else if (option=-1)
133             {
134                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
139             }
140         }
141         return(0);
142 }
146 Node *build(Node *start)
147 {
148     int input=0;
149     Node *tmp;
150     start=tmp=NULL;
152     while(input!=-1)
153     {
154         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
155         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
157         if(input!=-1)
158         {
159             if(start==NULL)
160             {
161                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
162                 tmp->next=NULL;
163                 start->value=input;
164             }
165             else
166             {
167                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
168                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
169                 tmp->next->value=input;
170                 tmp=tmp->next;
171             }
172         }
173     }
174     tmp=start;
176     return(start);
177 }
179 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
180 {
181     int placing;
182     placing=tmp->place;
184     if(placing==0)
185     {
186         tmp2->next=NULL;
187         tmp2->next=tmp;
188         start=tmp2;
189     }
190     else
191     {
192         tmp2->next=NULL;
193         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
194         tmp->next=tmp2;
195     }
197     tmp=start;
198     return(start);
199 }
201 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
202 {
203     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
204     tmp->next=tmp4;
205     tmp=start;
207     return(start);
208 }
210 /*
211 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3)
212 {
213     Node *tmp2=NULL;
214     Node *tmp;
215     int placing;
216     placing=start->place;
217     tmp=start;
219     if(start->place==0)
220     {
221         tmp2=**tmp3;
222         tmp->next=NULL;
223         start=tmp2;
224     }
226     else
227     {
228         tmp2=**tmp3;
229         tmp->next=tmp2->next;
230         tmp2->next=NULL;
231     }
233     tmp=start;
234     return(start);
235 }
236 */
238 Node *display(Node *start)
239 {
240     int input=0;
241     Node *tmp;
242     tmp=start;
244     while(tmp!=NULL)
245     {
246         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
247         tmp=tmp->next;
248         input=input++;
249     }
250     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
252     return(start);
253 }

Above is my SLL project code, now perfect as the getNode function still has so double pointer recognition issues, will look online for material to reference.

March 12, 2014

After some outside help, I have fixed my SLL program to become SLL2, the getNode isn't perfect yet but I have gotten it to compile so after some pointer analyzing, everything should be working nicely.


  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  4 typedef struct node Node;
  6 struct node{
  7     int value;
  8     int place;
  9     struct node *next;
 10      11 };
 13 Node *build(Node *start);
 14 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 15 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 16 //Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 17 Node *display(Node *start);
 19 int main()
 20 {
 21     Node *start=NULL;
 22     int option;
 24         while(option!=-1)
 25         {
 26             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 27             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 28             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 29             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 30             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 35             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 37             if(option==1)
 38             {
 39                 start=build(start);
 40                 start=display(start);
 41             }
 42             else if(option==2)
 43             {
 44                 start=display(start);
 45                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 46                 int input=5;
 47                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 48                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 49                 int seeker;
 50                 tmp=start;
 51                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 52                 {
 53                     tmp=tmp->next;
 54                 }
 55                 if(input==0)
 56                 {
 57                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 58                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 59                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 60                     tmp2->value=input;
 61                     tmp->place=0;
 62                 }
 63                 else
 64                 {
 65                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 66                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 67                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 68                     tmp2->value=input;
 69                     tmp->place=1;
 70                 }
 71                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 72                 start=display(start);
 73             }
 74             else if(option==3)
 75             {
 76                 start=display(start);
 77                 //Assinging of values must occur before function execution
 78                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 79                 int input, choice;
 80                 int behind;
 81                 tmp=start;
 82                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 83                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 84                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 85                 {
 86                     tmp=tmp->next;
 87                 }
 88                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 89                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 90                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 91                 tmp4->place=choice;
 92                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 93                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 94                 tmp4->value=input;
 96                 start=display(start);
 97                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
 98                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
 99             }
100             else if(option==4)
101             {
102                 //assinging before functions required
104                 start=display(start);
105                 Node *tmp;
106                 tmp=start;
107                 Node **tmp3;
108                 tmp3=&tmp;
109                 int begone, input;
110                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
111                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
112                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
113                 {
114                     tmp=tmp->next;
115                 }
116                 if(input==0)
117                 {
118                     start->place=0;
119                 }
120                 else
121                 {
122                     start->place=1;
123                 }
125                 start=getNode(start, (*tmp3));
126                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
127         }
128             else if(option==5)
129             {
130                 start=display(start);
131             }
132             else if (option=-1)
133             {
134                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
135             }
136             else
137             {
138                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
139             }
140         }
141         return(0);
142 }
146 Node *build(Node *start)
147 {
148     int input=0;
149     Node *tmp;
150     start=tmp=NULL;
152     while(input!=-1)
153     {
154         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
155         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
157         if(input!=-1)
158         {
159             if(start==NULL)
160             {
161                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
162                 tmp->next=NULL;
163                 start->value=input;
164             }
165             else
166             {
167                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
168                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
169                 tmp->next->value=input;
170                 tmp=tmp->next;
171             }
172         }
173     }
174     tmp=start;
176     return(start);
177 }
179 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
180 {
181     int placing;
182     placing=tmp->place;
184     if(placing==0)
185     {
186         tmp2->next=NULL;
187         tmp2->next=tmp;
188         start=tmp2;
189     }
190     else
191     {
192         tmp2->next=NULL;
193         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
194         tmp->next=tmp2;
195     }
197     tmp=start;
198     return(start);
199 }
201 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
202 {
203     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
204     tmp->next=tmp4;
205     tmp=start;
207     return(start);
208 }
210 /*
211 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node (*tmp3))
212 {
213     Node *tmp2=NULL;
214     Node *tmp;
215     int placing;
216     placing=start->place;
217     tmp=start;
219     if(start==tmp3)
220     {
221         tmp2=tmp3;
222         tmp->next=NULL;
223         start=tmp2;
224     }
226     else
227     {
228         tmp2=tmp3;
229         tmp->next=tmp2->next;
230         tmp2->next=NULL;
231     }
233     tmp=start;
234     return(start);
235 }
236 */
238 Node *display(Node *start)
239 {
240     int input=0;
241     Node *tmp;
242     tmp=start;
244     while(tmp!=NULL)
245     {
246         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
247         tmp=tmp->next;
248         input=input++;
249     }
250     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
252     return(start);
253 }

The output of which, focused on the malfunctioning getNode function called 'remove' in menu listing:

lab46:~/src/DATA/spring2014$ ./SLL2
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 2
Enter a value(-1 to end): 3
Enter a value(-1 to end): 4
Enter a value(-1 to end): 5
Enter a value(-1 to end): 6
Enter a value(-1 to end): 7
Enter a value(-1 to end): 8
Enter a value(-1 to end): 9
Enter a value(-1 to end): -1
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 5 -> [2] 6 -> [3] 7 -> [4] 8 -> [5] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 5 -> [2] 6 -> [3] 7 -> [4] 8 -> [5] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 5
[0] 1 -> [1] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: -1

It seems that the input node to be removed becomes the start→next due to an error in my code, I will be looking on how to fix it.

March 14, 2013

I Finally got the damn thing working, so far behind schedule it's extremely upsetting but working all the same, the double pointers had me confused until the always benevolent teacher aided me with some advice.

  1 /*
  2 Author:Kellen Hoose
  3 Created:February 2014
  4 Purpose:For the SLL_moar project for class, menu driven program with seperate functions call    ings and definitions, build, insert, append, remove, display, and quit as options.
  5 */
  6 #include <stdio.h>
  7 #include <stdlib.h>
  9 typedef struct node Node;
 11 struct node{
 12     int value;
 13     int place;
 14     struct node *next;
 15 };
 17 Node *build(Node *start);
 18 Node *insert(Node*start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 19 Node *append(Node *start, Node *given, Node *newNode);
 20 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3);
 21 Node *display(Node *start);
 23 int main()
 24 {
 25     Node *start=NULL;
 26     int option;
 28         while(option!=-1)
 29         {
 30             fprintf(stdout,"|===========Menu==========|\n");
 31             fprintf(stdout,"| 1.)Build List           |\n");
 32             fprintf(stdout,"| 2.)Insert to List       |\n");
 33             fprintf(stdout,"| 3.)Append to List       |\n");
 34             fprintf(stdout,"| 4.)Remove from List     |\n");
 35             fprintf(stdout,"| 5.)Display the List     |\n");
 36             fprintf(stdout,"| -1.)Quit                |\n");
 37             fprintf(stdout,"|=========================|\n");
 38             fprintf(stdout, "Please select an option: ");
 39             fscanf(stdin, "%d", &option);
 41             if(option==1)
 42             {
 43                 start=build(start);
 44                 start=display(start);
 45             }
 46             else if(option==2)
 47             {
 48                 start=display(start);
 49                 Node *tmp, *tmp2=NULL;
 50                 int input=5;
 51                 fprintf(stdout,"Which node would you like to insert before?: ");
 52                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 53                 int seeker;
 54                 tmp=start;
 55                 for(seeker=0; seeker<(input-1); seeker++)
 56                 {
 57                     tmp=tmp->next;
 58                 }
 59                 if(input==0)
 60                 {
 61                     fprintf(stdout,"Enter the value of the new node: ");
 62                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 63                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 64                     tmp2->value=input;
 65                     tmp->place=0;
 66                 }
 67                 else
 68                 {
 69                     fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value to insert: ");
 70                     fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 71                     tmp2=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 72                     tmp2->value=input;
 73                     tmp->place=1;
 74                 }
 75                 start=insert(start, tmp, tmp2);
 76                 start=display(start);
 77             }
 78             else if(option==3)
 79             {
 80                 start=display(start);
 81                 //assinging of values must occur before function execution
 82                 Node *tmp, *tmp4=NULL;
 83                 int input, choice;
 84                 int behind;
 85                 tmp=start;
 86                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter what node would you like to append after: ");
 87                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &choice);
 88                 for(behind=0; behind<choice; behind++)
 89                 {
 90                     tmp=tmp->next;
 91                 }
 92                 //fprintf(stdout,"%d", behind); output tests
 93                 //start=display(tmp);           output tests
 94                 tmp4=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
 95                 tmp4->place=choice;
 96                 fprintf(stdout,"Enter value for node to be appended: ");
 97                 fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
 98                 tmp4->value=input;
100                 start=display(start);
101                 start=append(start, tmp, tmp4);
102                 start=display(start); //display acts as test to prove it worked
103             }
104             else if(option==4)
105             {
106                 //assinging before functions required
108                 start=display(start);
109                 Node *tmp;
110                 tmp=start;
111                 Node **tmp3;
112                 tmp3=&tmp;
113                 int begone, input;
114                 fprintf(stdout, "Which node would you like to remove?: ");
115                 fscanf(stdin, "%d" , &input);
116                 for(begone=0; begone<(input-1);begone++)
117                 {
118                     tmp=tmp->next;
119                 }
121             //  start=display(tmp); //maybe tmp isn't being assigned right?, sets tmp to one     before node to be removed.
122                 start=getNode(start, &tmp);
123                 start=display(start); //display aids in proving succes of function
124             }
125             else if(option==5)
126             {
127                 start=display(start);
128             }
129             else if (option=-1)
130             {
131                 fprintf(stdout, "Goodbye\n");
132             }
133             else
134             {
135                 fprintf(stdout, "ERROR, INVALID SELECTION\n");
136             }
137         }
138         return(0);
139 }
143 Node *build(Node *start)
144 {
145     int input=0;
146     Node *tmp;
147     start=tmp=NULL;
149     while(input!=-1)
150     {
151         fprintf(stdout, "Enter a value(-1 to end): ");
152         fscanf(stdin, "%d", &input);
154         if(input!=-1)
155         {
156             if(start==NULL)
157             {
158                 start=tmp=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); //creates node, allocate memory to si    ze of Node struct, thus saving space.
159                 tmp->next=NULL;
160                 start->value=input;
161             }
162             else
163             {
164                 tmp->next=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
165                 tmp->next->next=NULL;
166                 tmp->next->value=input;
167                 tmp=tmp->next;
168             }
169         }
170     }
171     tmp=start;
173     return(start);
174 }
176 Node *insert(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp2)
177 {
178     int placing;
179     placing=tmp->place;
181     if(placing==0)
182     {
183         tmp2->next=NULL;
184         tmp2->next=tmp;
185         start=tmp2;
186     }
187     else
188     {
189         tmp2->next=NULL;
190         tmp2->next=tmp->next;
191         tmp->next=tmp2;
192     }
194     tmp=start;
195     return(start);
196 }
198 Node *append(Node *start, Node *tmp, Node *tmp4)
199 {
200     tmp4->next=tmp->next;
201     tmp->next=tmp4;
202     tmp=start;
204     return(start);
205 }
208 Node *getNode(Node *start, Node **tmp3)
209 {
210     Node *tmp2=NULL;
211     Node *tmp4;
212     tmp4=*tmp3;//*tmp3=&tmp (address of tmp, which is 1 before node to be removed
213     tmp2=*tmp3;
215     if(start==*tmp3)
216     {
217         tmp4=tmp2->next; //if removing start, set start as 2nd from start, cut that thang of    f
218         tmp2->next=NULL;
219         start=tmp4;
220     }
222     else
223     {
224         tmp4=tmp2->next;
225         tmp2->next=tmp4->next;  // removing other than start, skip around node, cut it off
226         tmp4->next=NULL;
227     }
229     tmp4=start;
230     return(start);
231 }
234 Node *display(Node *start)
235 {
236     int input=0;
237     Node *tmp;
238     tmp=start;
240     while(tmp!=NULL)
241     {
242         fprintf(stdout, "[%d] %d -> ", input, tmp->value);
243         tmp=tmp->next;
244         input=input++;
245     }
246     fprintf(stdout, "NULL\n");
248     return(start);
249 }

This program results in the following operation/output:

lab46:~/src/DATA/spring2014$ ./SLL3
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 1
Enter a value(-1 to end): 2
Enter a value(-1 to end): 3
Enter a value(-1 to end): 4
Enter a value(-1 to end): 5
Enter a value(-1 to end): 6
Enter a value(-1 to end): 7
Enter a value(-1 to end): 8
Enter a value(-1 to end): 9
Enter a value(-1 to end): -1
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 2
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> NULL
Which node would you like to insert before?: 4
Enter a value to insert: 12
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 3
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
Enter what node would you like to append after: 9
Enter value for node to be appended: 10
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> NULL
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> [10] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 12 -> [5] 5 -> [6] 6 -> [7] 7 -> [8] 8 -> [9] 9 -> [10] 10 -> NULL
Which node would you like to remove?: 4
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> [9] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: 5
[0] 1 -> [1] 2 -> [2] 3 -> [3] 4 -> [4] 5 -> [5] 6 -> [6] 7 -> [7] 8 -> [8] 9 -> [9] 10 -> NULL
| 1.)Build List           |
| 2.)Insert to List       |
| 3.)Append to List       |
| 4.)Remove from List     |
| 5.)Display the List     |
| -1.)Quit                |
Please select an option: -1
