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unix Keyword 2

PATH environment variable


The $PATH variable specifies a list of one or more directory names separated by colons.

The /bin, /usr, and /local directories are typically included in most users' $PATH settings. The current directory is sometimes included, allowing programs in the current directory to be executed. Superuser (root) accounts as a rule are not include in $PATH, however, in order to prevent the accidental execution of scripts in the current directory.

When a command name is specified by the user or an exec call is made from a program, the system searches through $PATH, examining each directory from left to right in the list, looking for a filename that matches the command name. Once found, the program is executed as a child process of the command shell or program that issued the command.


unix Keyword 2 Phase 2



A helpful tool that allows you to print characters just as you input them


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lab46:~$ dir -l | grep "d" | wc -l