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data Keyword 3

Recursive tree traversal


A tree traversal is the process of examining each node exactly once in a systematic way. Different traversals are classified and named by the process in which they examine the tree. A recursive tree traversal examines the tree recursively which is the process of calling a function within itself. One example of recursion is two mirrors faced towards each other creating an infinite recursion.


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data Keyword 3 Phase 2

Recursive tree transversal


A form of going through a Tree via recursion. Recusion is calling the function while still inside the function before finishing the original function.


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Demonstration of the indicated keyword.

This is an example of a basic tree setup. A recursive type tree traversal would have various “if's” or checks within the function before it calls itself again these check would ensure that the “tmp” or temporary variable or “position” would be sent to the right place.upon sending the tmp to that position the function might have the user enter a variable to a node that has just been created. or it might print the value that is has moved too. A recursive traversal is very AWESOME and versatile. The main processes in the recursive functions basically stay the same so only a few changes have to be made in order to create a printing function from a building function.