Table of Contents

Part 2


Entry 1: October 17, 2012

On this day we learned about the ps command.  This lets you see all of the processes running on your terminal.  To access this just type in ps in the command prompt 

there arent really any concept that I am having a hard time with. The main challenge so far is just absorbing and retaining all of the information given.

Entry 2: October 17, 2012

On this day we learned about the kill command and the many ways to use it. This is signifigant because it allows you to end any unneccessary processes running that could either slow down or stop the function of your terminal. Still having trouble remembering some of the processes and implementing them into script of programs.

Entry 3: October 26, 2012

On this day I learned about regular expressions. this is signifigant because they allow you to search for different things in a text document. I actually find this concept challenging because there are so many different ways to search and manipulate the data

Entry 4: October 19, 2012

On this day we learned about the sed command. this was sigifigant bc you can take an entire block of characters and change them to whatever you would like. I am kinda struggling with this command as well as the cut command but I am slowly getting the hang of them!


Experiment 2


By using wild cards, how does it change the search by just adding or taking out 1 character out of the string?


I am using skills and techniques used in class to demonstrate this experiment


I am going to demonstrate different was to use wildcards and my hypothesis is that by just changing one character from the original string typed will make quite a difference in the results


I am going to use different command such as ???? to search for directories and then change one or 2 things about it to see what the results are


I am manipulating files in usr/sbin

using the command: ls -d ???? Result: arpd cpgr cppw cron nscd ntpd pwck rdev sshd tcpd vigr vipw I had bash search and display all files with four characters I then changed the code to ????* the result: pam-auth-update vigr pam_getenv vipw paperconfig visudo pwck vpddecode pwconv

this gave me every wordthat was at least 4 letters

using the command: ls -d *[aeiou] result: biosdecode libgvc5-config-update register-common-lisp-source update-mime cytune logrotate rtcwake validlocale I only displayed a few: this result gave me all the words that ended with a vowel I then changesd the code to [aeiou]* the result that was givn was :accessdb ispellconfig update-inetd add-shell ownership update-info-dir I only displayed a few: this result gave me all the words that began with a vowel


Based on the data collected:

yes my hypothesis correct. There were no short comings in this experiment.


While doing this experiment, I realized that by just changing one character in a command string it will greatly change the results from the previous string