Ok so lets boot up blender
for this we can just use the default cube to make the base of our ring.. at least thats how i did it im sure their are other ways be creative.
so i started by changing my veiw a little bit so i could see more faces of the cube
hit the s key (Size Key) and then hit Z. this will only change the size of the object on the z axis that way we can make the cube smaller only on the z axis so it looks more like the base of a boxing ring..
the next thing i usually do after that is change to the camera view you can do this by selecting zero on the numpad or the other method just change tabs in bottom left of the window
now that were in camera view we can see that our ring is probley a bit smaller than we wish it to be so we need to size it up a bit. to do this u can again hit s (Size Key) and then x or y to move it on just one axis. fiddle around with it untill you get somthing that looks somewhat like what i got here.

So now we have our base.. lets add some color and a texture to it now.. (This Step Is Optional Just Showing How To Change Color And Add Texture To Mesh)
first things first we need to get into the Shading Options.. and the Materials options.

so lets click the shading button and then click on the materials button now we are able to edit a few things about our mesh so lets just change the color.
now that were in the materials tab a few new options pop up the one were looking for to change color looks like this.

notice that when you change the color the object all the way to the left in the preview window changes color! this is what your object will look like after your changes
ok so now that we have a solid color lets add a texture to our mesh.
so were going to have to click on the texture button and then where it says “Texture Type” underneath that their is a pull down box that has diffrent types of preloaded textures we can use..

well lets pick our texture! (i added an image to mine but ill show you a basic texture really fast)
so for this tutorial lets choose distorted noise the option all the way at the top..
notice now you have another preview screen this shows you the patter of your texture this can be changed around to your preference.
ok so now we have our texture up lets click back to the materials button.. (button to the left of textures button see above picture)
ok so now look at the preview of the object you can see that our texture has been applied but wtf.. why is the other color pink?
to answer that i would think its the default color loaded to a texture as it seems to be pink all the textures i have checked out
but dont sweat it because we can change that nasty pink color!!
here we go in the materials tab your going to see options like the ones below..

as the picture says click the map to option.. and Alas their is that nasty pink color so lets go ahead and change that to something we wish to see!
you can click on the R (red) G (green) B (blue) sliders or just plainly click on the bar that shows the color either way will change your secondary color to your texture
now that we have our texture and the colors we wish to see on it lets move on with the boxing ring!
so get to a good view that's suitable for you i usually start off with “Top View” (7 on the numberpad)
next were going to have to add a cylinder to the mix to create our first corner pole again your going to have to size this to resemble a corner pole ive already gone over sizing objects and how to manipulate them on just one axis at a time so you should be able to figure this part out for yourself!
now that you have your corner pole at the right size now we have to place it on our base..
this is pretty easy from top view i just place it where i want it above the object and then change to front view and grab it and hit z to just move it on the z axis and drag it down to where its touching the base of our ring

so instead of making more cylinders and scaling them its easier just to hit “Shift + d” this creates a duplicate of the object.
before moving the object lets hit the x button this will move your duplicate object along the x axis now place it in the corner
so now we have two corner poles we need two more
a little trick i learned to make this easy is right now you have one corner pole selected lets hold down shift and then right click on the other corner pole we have now both poles are selected
now that both are selected lets again hit “Shift + d” and this time were going to hit y to move them on the y axis this will create a duplicate of both poles and we can drag them to the empty corrners.

NOTE you can edit the colors and textures of the poles the same way you did the original plane just select it and go!
so now we get to the fun part adding the curve!
ok so make sure your in object mode then click “Space > ADD > Curve > Bezier Curve”
after the curve pops up click over to edit mode the curve will change shape
in edit mode select the curve and hit the “v” key this will straigten the curve up and leave you with 6 verticies on your curve
so lets select the verticie that is one in from the outmost on the right side of our curve

now that we have the right verticie selected we need to hit the “g” key and drag it to our top right pole

ok next we need to grab the corisponding verticie on the opposite side so it would be the 2nd one in from the left!

now we want to grab this verticie with the “g” key and drag it up to our top left pole

so now that we have that in place we need to hit the “e” key to extrude the curve this will give you another line drag it down to the bottom pole

do the last step again Hit “e” to extrude your curve and then drag it over to the bottom right pole

so now we have to complete the square or complete the curve
hit the “c” key this will auto complete your curve!!
the last thing we need to do is go into the editing tab and select the 3d option
ok so now we need to switch back to object mode for a second and move our curve to where a rope would go around the ring. again use the g key
when you have it where you want it you then switch back to edit mode
ok so here is another somthing you dont have to do but if you plan to animate this ring its a good idea to do it
to start you need to select both the two middle verticies of one section of the curve

to select both verticies of one line click on one of them and the hold shit and left click on another now you have them both selected
next you need to hit the w key in exit mode and hit subdivide
do this for each of the four lines!
the point of this is to just get more play out of your line when your animating it gives you more verticies to be able to edit and get more of a rope feel!
go back to Object mode
in object mode hit “space > add > curve > bezier cirlce” this sould pop up a circle looking object on your screen!
where going to use this object to get the size of our rope because if you just render the curve nothing will appear
so scale down the circle to the size you think the rope should be around your ring.
once scaled down hit the “n” key this will bring up a menue what we want to do here is change the name of the object to somthing we can remember in my case i changed its name to rope so we will go with that for this document

ok so now that we have that named lets click back on our bezier curve (the lines we put in between our poles)
ok so now we need to switch to the editing button “not edit mode see picture below”

now we need to find the section that says “BevOb” and put in the name of our bezier circle (rope)
