After doing the pointer arithmetic one might want to make their sprite a reality. The first step is to
array = ( Sprite * )malloc(sizeof(Sprite) * size );
more generally malloc arrays will follow the pattern of
A pointer identifies and refers to a specific memory location. By de-referencing the pointer, we can access the value stored at that location. In this project, pointers will primarily be used to refer to and access each enemy struct (or any other struct) for which you’ve allocated memory for using “malloc”.
Forming arrays using pointers:
Sprite *array = NULL;
Where 'Sprite' is the name of the struct, '*' declares a pointer to the struct, 'array' is the name of the pointer variable that is being declared, and 'NULL' indicates that the pointer does not currently point to any memory location (to avoid using an uninitialized pointer).
The best method for navigating an array with pointer arithmetic is to utilize a for loop as an array has a fixed size in which you decided.
for( int index = 0; index < sizeOfArray; index++ ) { //do stuff with array (*(basicAray+index)).x = someValue; //alternatively you can use -> notation which could help your code look a bit cleaner (basicArray+index)->y = someValue; //example if( ((basicArray+index)->y + spriteHeight ) > someValue ) { ... } }
Keep in mind that all an array is, is contiguous memory where same type elements are stored. Hence the malloc(sizeof(thing))
So to navigate you have your array name which is the address in which the array starts and you simply add the size of the type of the array to access the next element
One should also know that while we are using the notation *(basicArray+index) if you wanted to in the future you can shorthand that to basicArray[index] as the [ ] are operators themselves.
Your sprite needs to be a struct and a struct is a way to group several different variables into one place. Here is a basic example of how a struct should look:
struct Sprite { bool Active; int X, Y; };
You can then use this struct to make your player and enemies. For a player it could look something like:
Sprite Player; Player.Active = true; Player.X = 320; Player.Y = 300;
But for an enemy that there are multiple of you will have to use a loop:
for( index=0; index<Size; index++ ) { (Enemy+index) -> Active = true; (Enemy+index) -> X = 200; (Enemy+index) -> Y = 100; }
This loop when combined with whatever Sprite attribute that has been defined is how you initialize your enemies.
The original Space Invaders was a game where the player character was positioned at the bottom of the screen and moved solely along the x-axis. You would fight enemies who would be organized in rows and columns at the top, they would also move along the a-axis and move towards the player by one row when an alien made contact with the left and right “walls” respectively.
The enemies could also shoot at the player at random. The player, in their own defense, had shields to protect them from the enemies' advance. The shield had its own health value, and as the enemies would shoot at the player, the shields would eat up the damage to spare the player but deteriorate as time went on. Eventually, they would disappear entirely. The player could move and shoot back at the enemies. This is Space Invaders in a nutshell.
The objective is to create your own personal twist on Space Invaders. This could be introducing a new theme, or mechanics, while remaining true to the original. Enemy array formation / random attacks, player shooting, hit detection, and custom structs are a MUST.
It also would not hurt to consider having custom sprites, sounds, music, and / or a score for the player.
You can get a feel for how they game is meant to be played
Vircon uses .wav files for sounds!
If you want to have music being played on a loop it is important to set it up and not come back to it. By that I mean say you have
select_sound( MusicBackground ); set_sound_loop( MusicBackground ); play_sound_in_channel( MusicBackground, 15 );
You only want to play that once as not doing so will cause the audio to play over it's self and cause issue. The best way to do this would to put a check for an audioflag value == 1 and have an audioflag variable = 1 after the audio has been activated.
You can use Audacity to make your own .wav files and its quite fun
Here's a link for a tutorial