BTT0 documentation
What is Vircon32?
It is a 32-bit virtual console created with the goal of being as simple as possible, but still having enough features to support full, elaborate games.
Vircon Specifications
Simplified 32-bit architecture
MHz CPU with floating point support
MHz CPU with floating point support
MHz CPU with floating point support
Screen of 640 x 360 pixels (16 : 9), with true color
Support for rotation, scaling and transparencies
CD-quality stereo sound with 16 channels
Up to 4 gamepads with 6 buttons + Start
Supports 1
MB memory cards to save games
Each ROM is a single file
Has a C compiler: no need to write assembly
Dowloading and Installing Vircon32
environment configuration
Obtain source of latest stable release of Vircon32 emulator
environment configuration
Hello World
Bootstrap a fairly simple “Hello, World” example, modified sufficiently from any provided tutorial or demo code.
This is a link to the provided tutorials on the Vircon Github page:
Indicate some potential changes/functions used here.
Some potential changes/functions could be:
Changing the position of the text( making it appear in the bottom right of the screen )
Changing the color of the text
Changing what the text says ( and / or make it a different language )
Changing the background color to one of the provided colors( make it green )
Implementing your own background( make it Jesse from Breaking Bad )
Making your own font( Turn a tree into the alphabet )
Adding sounds( like it saying “Mr.Worldwide” ) when booting up the demo
Cartridge Build Scripts
In the tutorials and demos there are corresponding build scripts that will take all the code and related resources, and run the appropriate development tools to create a Vircon32 cartridge file.
Part of your task is to author your own custom build script. Do not just use an existing script, and do not just lightly modify the provided scripts: craft your own, with descriptive comments, that suit your individual effort.