Several mailing lists are hosted at Lab46 for use with many of our classes.

Information on the various lists can be found in the following table:

List Name Description
COMPESSCSCS1200 Computer Essentials Class Discussion List
SOOPSCSCS1240 Structured and Object-Oriented Problem Solving (SOOPS) Class Discussion List
CPROGCSCS1320 C/C++ Programming Class Discussion List
UNIXCSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Class Discussion List
HPCHPC Classes Discussion List
DATACSCS2320 Data Structures Class Discussion List
DISCRETECSCS2330 Discrete Structures Class Discussion List
ASMCSCS2650 Computer Organization Class Discussion List
DATACOMMCSCS2700 Data Communications Class Discussion List
SYSCSCS2730 and CSIT2320 “Systems” Classes Discussion List
OOPCSST1600 Object-Oriented Programming for Non-Majors (OOP) Class Discussion List

To participate in a list, you must first subscribe. Then, posts to the list will be received to the e-mail address you subscribed with.

To send a message to a list, you'd compose a new e-mail using the account you subscribed with, and send it to:

Be sure to use an appropriate subject line and then attend to the body of the message.